syntax = "proto3"; package memdatabase.v1; import "memdatabase/v1/del.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/dget.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/dhas.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/dset.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/get.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/pop.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/push.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/qlen.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/range.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/sadd.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/sdel.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/set.proto"; import "memdatabase/v1/slen.proto"; service MemoryDatabaseService { // Set the value for the specified key. rpc Set(SetRequest) returns (SetResponse); // Get the value for the specified key. rpc Get(GetRequest) returns (GetResponse); // Push the value to the list specified by the key. rpc Push(PushRequest) returns (PushResponse); // Pop the value from the list specified by the key. rpc Pop(PopRequest) returns (PopResponse); // Count the number of items in the queue specified by the key. rpc QLen(QLenRequest) returns (QLenResponse); // Set the key/value pair for the specified key. rpc DSet(DSetRequest) returns (DSetResponse); // Get the value for the specified key. rpc DGet(DGetRequest) returns (DGetResponse); // Checks the key exists or not in the map specified by the key. rpc DHas(DHasRequest) returns (DHasResponse); // Set the value to the set specified by the key. rpc SAdd(SAddRequest) returns (SAddResponse); // Delete the value from the set specified by the key. rpc SDel(SDelRequest) returns (SDelResponse); // Gets the number of items in the set specified by the key. rpc SLen(SLenRequest) returns (SLenResponse); // Deletes the item specified by the key. rpc Del(DelRequest) returns (DelResponse); // Get the keys in the specified range. rpc Range(RangeRequest) returns (stream RangeResponse); }