# meme-cli A command line utility to easily make dank memes. Yes, really. ## Installation ```sh cargo install meme-cli ``` Alternatively, install from source using ```sh git clone https://github.com/TheRawMeatball/meme-cli cd meme-cli cargo install --path meme-cli ``` An AUR package is also planned ## Usage Example ```sh # make sure to update your sources after installation, and then again regularly meme-cli update-sources meme-cli generate gru-plan "make memecli" "get it working enough to release it" "you need to write a readme" "you need to write a readme" ``` will generate the following meme, and put it on your clipboard to easily share it: ![(the meme you generated)](resources/example.png) Note: if you don't get the meme on your clipboard, you might need to install a clipboard manager or enable image support on your clipboard manager. ## Tips and tricks You can run `meme-cli generate-proto-completions` to generate some rough completion scripts for your preferred shell. You can install them directly using the instructions for your shell, but I'd recommend extending them to support template completions for `meme-cli generate`. As an example, if you're using fish, it means adding this line to your completion file: ```fish complete -c meme-cli -n "__fish_seen_subcommand_from generate" -a "(meme-cli list-templates)" ``` ## What's all the other crates then??? Glad you asked! `meme-cli` is but a frontend for the true meme generation powerhouse, `memeinator`. `meme-bevy` is a different frontend, but it's used for quickly making the meme templates used by `meme-cli` instead. You can use it by configuring a local meme repository in `~/.config/memecli.conf.json`. The templates you add will go there. If you think others would like them, feel free to make a PR to [the official meme repository](https://github.com/TheRawMeatball/memeinator-memesrc). ```json { "sources": [ { "GitUrl": { "url": "https://github.com/TheRawMeatball/memeinator-memesrc.git", "alias": "default" } }, { "LocalPath": "/home/your-username/memes" } ] } ``` ## License I don't know why you'd be interested in the license of such a joke, but if you must, it's dual licensed under MIT and Apache 2.0.