# mendia ## About Mendia is a server application that keeps track of the movie collection of its users. Users can notify `mendia` about new movies in their collection and `mendia` can inform about new movies and their owner in a seperate telegram group. > Note: For now mendia is constrained to telegram, this can change in the future. The interface is websocket based and accepts json-formatted messages. Users can: - Log in - Get a list of all movies - Post a list of new movies The [npm package mendia](https://www.npmjs.com/package/mendia) aims to implement this interface and provides a web based user interface for it. ## Usage This package comes with two binaries: - `mendia` - the main service running as a daemon - `mendia-admin` - a cli tool for administrative tasks > Note: Data is stored in a `mysql` compatible database which must be provided externally. ### Configuration Both `mendia` and `mendia-admin` must be configured with a `*.yml` file that contains the database connection and settings for the telegram functionality. > Note: `mendia-admin` only requires the database settings from the config file, `mendia` needs everything. ```yml database: host: port: 3306 database: mendia credentials: user: user password: example websocket: host: '' port: 8081 telegram: token: 'YOURBOTTOKEN' chatid: 'TARGETCHATID' tmdb: api_key: 'YOURTHEMOVIEDBAPIKEY' language: 'en' ``` ### Command Line Interface `mendia-admin` is a cli-tool for administrative tasks. #### Create a user or update an existing one ```console mendia-admin --config config.yml --create-user martin ``` This will prompt for a password and stores it safely in the user table. > Note: The password is hashed and salted with the argon2 algorithm. ### Daemon The main binary `mendia` is a daemon-application that, once started, waits for new websocket connections and handles multiple users along each other. Start the daemon ```console mendia --config config.yml ``` ### API TODO this section must yet be written