use std::collections::HashSet; use log::info; use crate::{ cards::Rank, game::{DealState, GameState, Hand, TurnState}, }; use mental_poker::{ game::CardGame, PlayerId::{self, *}, }; use crate::{ cards::UnknownCard, cards::{AttestedGoFishCard, GoFishDeckCard}, game::GoFishState, message::GoFishAction, }; use super::{PlayerImpl, PlayerAction, PlayerActionError}; pub(crate) struct AutoPlayer { hand: Hand, on_request: Box, &Rank) -> Vec>, } impl PlayerImpl for AutoPlayer { fn action(&mut self, state: &mut GoFishState) -> Option { use DealState::*; use GameState::*; use TurnState::*; assert_eq!(state.player_hand(&PlayerId::This).len(), self.hand.len()); match state.state() { Dealing(PlayerId::This, Starting) => { assert!(self.hand.len() <= state.deal_size()); if self.hand.len() < state.deal_size() { info!("self dealing"); Some(GoFishAction::Draw.into()) } else { Some( GoFishAction::Reveal( self.hand.take_pairs().into_iter().flatten().collect(), ) .into(), ) } } Dealing(PlayerId::This, Drawing) => { if self.hand.len() == state.deal_size() { Some( GoFishAction::Reveal( self.hand.take_pairs().into_iter().flatten().collect(), ) .into(), ) } else { None } } Dealing(Other(o), Drawing) => { Some(PlayerAction::RevealCard(*o, *state.top_of_deck().unwrap())) } Dealing(Other(_), Starting) => None, Running(_, Playing) if state.top_of_deck() == None && { state.players().all(|(_, p)| p.hand().len() == 0) } => { Some(PlayerAction::EndGame) } Running(PlayerId::This, Playing) => { let pairs = self.hand.take_pairs(); if !pairs.is_empty() { Some(GoFishAction::Reveal(pairs.into_iter().flatten().collect()).into()) } else if self.hand.len() != 0 { let mut with_cards = state.players().filter_map(|(id, p)| match id { Other(o) => { if p.hand().len() > 0 { Some(*o) } else { None } } PlayerId::This => None, }); let to =|| { state .players() .filter_map(|(id, _)| match id { Other(o) => Some(*o), PlayerId::This => None, }) .next() .unwrap() }); let rank = self .hand .iter() .map(|c| GoFishDeckCard::rank(c)) .collect::>() .into_iter() .next() .unwrap(); Some(GoFishAction::Request { to, rank }.into()) } else if state.top_of_deck().is_some() { info!("self playing, deck not empty"); Some(GoFishAction::Draw.into()) } else if state.players().all(|(_, p)| p.hand().len() == 0) { Some(PlayerAction::EndGame) } else { Some(GoFishAction::Reveal(vec![]).into()) } } Running(PlayerId::This, Fishing(_)) => None, Running(PlayerId::This, Awaiting(_, _)) => None, Running(PlayerId::This, ReceivedResponse(_, rank, num_cards)) => { if num_cards > &0 { let mut cards = self.hand.take_matching(*rank); if cards.len() % 2 == 1 { self.hand.extend(vec![cards.pop().unwrap()]); } Some(GoFishAction::Reveal(cards).into()) } else if state.top_of_deck() == None { Some(GoFishAction::Reveal(vec![]).into()) } else { Some(GoFishAction::Draw.into()) } } Running(PlayerId::This, AfterFishing(rank)) => { let mut matching = self.hand.take_matching(*rank); if matching.len() % 2 != 0 { self.hand.extend(matching.pop().into_iter().collect()); } Some(GoFishAction::Reveal(matching).into()) } Running(Other(o), Awaiting(PlayerId::This, rank)) => { let cards = (self.on_request)(&mut self.hand, rank); Some(GoFishAction::Transfer((*o, cards)).into()) } Running(Other(o), Fishing(_)) => { Some(PlayerAction::RevealCard(*o, *state.top_of_deck().unwrap())) } Running(Other(_), _) => None, } } fn receive(&mut self, cards: Vec) { self.hand.extend(cards) } fn drew(&mut self, card: AttestedGoFishCard) { self.hand.extend(vec![card]); info!("hand len is now {:?}", self.hand.len()); } fn hand(&self) -> &Hand { &self.hand } fn on_action_error(&mut self, _error: PlayerActionError) -> Box { unreachable!("AutoPlayer does not make mistakes") } } impl AutoPlayer { pub(super) fn new() -> Self { Self { hand: Default::default(), on_request: Box::new(|hand: &mut Hand, rank: &Rank| { hand.take_matching(*rank) }), } } #[cfg(test)] pub(super) fn new_cheater(mut num_cheats: usize) -> Self { Self { hand: Default::default(), on_request: Box::new(move |hand: &mut Hand, rank: &Rank| { info!("have {} cheats left", num_cheats); let num_cards = hand.matching_rank(*rank).count(); if num_cheats > 0 && num_cards > 0 { num_cheats -= 1; info!( "cheating; have {} cards of rank {} but saying none", num_cards, rank ); return vec![]; } hand.take_matching(*rank) }), } } }