use crossterm::style::{Color, Stylize}; use home::home_dir; use serde::Deserialize; use std::{borrow::Cow, fs, io::Write}; #[derive(Deserialize, Default)] pub struct Config { pub disable_mouse_interaction: Option, pub tab_width: Option, pub theme: Option, pub relative_line_numbers: Option, pub keybinds: Option, } #[derive(Deserialize, Default)] pub struct Keybinds { pub quit: Option, pub save: Option, pub discard_changes: Option, pub undo: Option, pub redo: Option, pub copy: Option, pub paste: Option, pub cut: Option, pub system_copy: Option, pub system_paste: Option, pub system_cut: Option, pub move_up: Option, pub move_down: Option, pub move_left: Option, pub move_right: Option, pub move_word_left: Option, pub move_word_right: Option, pub move_to_start_of_line: Option, pub move_to_end_of_line: Option, pub page_up: Option, pub page_down: Option, pub half_page_up: Option, pub half_page_down: Option, } impl Keybinds { const KEYBIND_DEFAULTS: [(&'static str, &'static str); 23] = [ ("quit", "Ctrl+Q"), ("save", "Ctrl+S"), ("discard_changes", "Ctrl+A"), ("undo", "Ctrl+Z"), ("redo", "Ctrl+Y"), ("copy", "Ctrl+C"), ("paste", "Ctrl+V"), ("cut", "Ctrl+X"), ("system_copy", "Alt+C"), ("system_paste", "Alt+V"), ("system_cut", "Alt+X"), ("move_up", "Up"), ("move_down", "Down"), ("move_left", "Left"), ("move_right", "Right"), ("move_word_left", "Ctrl+Left"), ("move_word_right", "Ctrl+Right"), ("move_to_start_of_line", "Home"), ("move_to_end_of_line", "End"), ("page_up", "PageUp"), ("page_down", "PageDown"), ("half_page_up", "Ctrl+U"), ("half_page_down", "Ctrl+D"), ]; pub fn get_keybind(&self, key: &str) -> Cow<'_, str> { match key { "quit" => self.quit.as_deref(), "save" =>, "discard_changes" => self.discard_changes.as_deref(), "undo" => self.undo.as_deref(), "redo" => self.redo.as_deref(), "copy" => self.copy.as_deref(), "paste" => self.paste.as_deref(), "cut" => self.cut.as_deref(), "system_copy" => self.system_copy.as_deref(), "system_paste" => self.system_paste.as_deref(), "system_cut" => self.system_cut.as_deref(), "move_up" => self.move_up.as_deref(), "move_down" => self.move_down.as_deref(), "move_left" => self.move_left.as_deref(), "move_right" => self.move_right.as_deref(), "move_word_left" => self.move_word_left.as_deref(), "move_word_right" => self.move_word_right.as_deref(), "move_to_start_of_line" => self.move_to_start_of_line.as_deref(), "move_to_end_of_line" => self.move_to_end_of_line.as_deref(), "page_up" => self.page_up.as_deref(), "page_down" => self.page_down.as_deref(), "half_page_up" => self.half_page_up.as_deref(), "half_page_down" => self.half_page_down.as_deref(), _ => None, } .map(Cow::Borrowed) .unwrap_or_else(|| Cow::Borrowed(Self::default_for(key))) } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator + '_ { Self::KEYBIND_DEFAULTS.iter().map(|&(action, _)| (action, self.get_keybind(action).into_owned())) } fn default_for(key: &str) -> &'static str { Self::KEYBIND_DEFAULTS.iter().find(|&&(action, _)| action == key).map(|&(_, default)| default).unwrap_or("") } } #[cfg(feature = "debugger")] impl std::fmt::Debug for Keybinds { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.debug_struct("Keybinds") .field("quit", &self.get_keybind("quit")) .field("save", &self.get_keybind("save")) .field("discard_changes", &self.get_keybind("discard_changes")) .field("undo", &self.get_keybind("undo")) .field("redo", &self.get_keybind("redo")) .field("copy", &self.get_keybind("copy")) .field("paste", &self.get_keybind("paste")) .field("cut", &self.get_keybind("cut")) .field("system_copy", &self.get_keybind("system_copy")) .field("system_paste", &self.get_keybind("system_paste")) .field("system_cut", &self.get_keybind("system_cut")) .field("move_up", &self.get_keybind("move_up")) .field("move_down", &self.get_keybind("move_down")) .field("move_left", &self.get_keybind("move_left")) .field("move_right", &self.get_keybind("move_right")) .field("move_word_left", &self.get_keybind("move_word_left")) .field("move_word_right", &self.get_keybind("move_word_right")) .field("move_to_start_of_line", &self.get_keybind("move_to_start_of_line")) .field("move_to_end_of_line", &self.get_keybind("move_to_end_of_line")) .field("page_up", &self.get_keybind("page_up")) .field("page_down", &self.get_keybind("page_down")) .field("half_page_up", &self.get_keybind("half_page_up")) .field("half_page_down", &self.get_keybind("half_page_down")) .finish() } } const CONFIG_TEMPLATE: &str = r#"# This is an example configuration file for meow editor. # Uncomment and modify the values as needed. # Disable mouse interaction (default: false) # disable_mouse_interaction = false # Set tab width (default: 4) # tab_width = 4 # Set theme (default: none) # theme = "monokai" # Use relative line numbers (default: false) # relative_line_numbers = false # Keybinds configuration # Format: "Modifier+Key" (e.g., "Ctrl+S", "Alt+X") # Available modifiers: Ctrl, Alt, Shift # For special keys, use their names (e.g., "Enter", "Backspace", "Tab") # [keybinds] # quit = "Ctrl+Q" # save = "Ctrl+S" # discard_changes = "Ctrl+A" # undo = "Ctrl+Z" # redo = "Ctrl+Y" # copy = "Ctrl+C" # paste = "Ctrl+V" # cut = "Ctrl+X" # system_copy = "Alt+C" # system_paste = "Alt+V" # system_cut = "Alt+X" # move_up = "Up" # move_down = "Down" # move_left = "Left" # move_right = "Right" # move_word_left = "Ctrl+Left" # move_word_right = "Ctrl+Right" # move_to_start_of_line = "Home" # move_to_end_of_line = "End" # page_up = "PageUp" # page_down = "PageDown" # half_page_up = "Ctrl+U" # half_page_down = "Ctrl+D" "#; pub fn load() -> Config { let home = home_dir().expect("Home directory exists"); let config_dir = home.join(".config").join("meow"); let config_path = config_dir.join("config.toml"); if !config_dir.exists() { if let Err(e) = fs::create_dir_all(&config_dir) { eprintln!("{}", format!("Failed to create .config/meow directory: {e}").with(Color::Red)); return Config::default(); } } if !config_path.exists() { if let Ok(mut file) = fs::File::create(&config_path) { if let Err(e) = file.write_all(CONFIG_TEMPLATE.as_bytes()) { eprintln!("{}", format!("Failed to write config template: {e}").with(Color::Red)); return Config::default(); } println!("{}", format!("Created example configuration file at: {config_path:?}").with(crate::PINK)); println!("{}\n", "You can edit this file to customize your meow editor settings.".with(crate::PINK)); } else { eprintln!("{}", format!("Failed to create configuration file at: {config_path:?}").with(Color::Red)); return Config::default(); } Config::default() } else { fs::read_to_string(&config_path).ok().and_then(|config_str| toml::from_str(&config_str).ok()).unwrap_or_default() } }