mod clipboard; mod config; mod constants; mod editor; mod languages; mod macros; mod terminal; mod theme; mod ui; mod unicode; mod utils; mod widgets; mod widgets_impl; use clap::Parser; use clipboard::Clipboard; use editor::*; use terminal::*; use theme::Theme; use ui::*; use widgets::*; use widgets_impl::*; #[cfg(feature = "debugger")] mod debugger { use tracing_live::Log; use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt}; pub fn init() { tracing_subscriber::registry().with(Log::builder().with_host("").build()).init(); } } #[macro_export] macro_rules! debug { ($($arg:tt)*) => { #[cfg(feature = "debugger")] tracing::debug!($($arg)*); } } use crossterm::{ event::{poll, read, Event, KeyCode, KeyEvent, KeyModifiers, MouseButton, MouseEvent, MouseEventKind}, style::{Color, Stylize}, terminal::size, }; use std::{ fs, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::RwLock, }; const PINK: Color = Color::Rgb { r: 225, g: 120, b: 216 }; const BRIGHT_PINK: Color = Color::Rgb { r: 237, g: 171, b: 232 }; fn setup_panic() { ::panic::setup_panic! { name: "Meow Editor", short_name: "meow", version: env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"), repository: "", messages: { colors: (Color::Magenta, Color::BrightMagenta, Color::BrightMagenta), head: "Well, this is embarrassing. %(name) v%(version) had a problem and crashed. \nTo help us diagnose the problem you can send us a crash report\n", body: "We have generated a report file at \"%(file_path)\". \nSubmit an issue or email with the subject of \"%(name) v%(version) crash report\" and include the report as an attachment at %(repository).\n", footer: "We take privacy seriously, and do not perform any automated error collection. \nIn order to improve the software, we rely on people to submit reports. Thank you!" } }; } pub fn update_and_render_to_buffer(editor: &mut TextEditor, width: usize, height: usize, filepath: &Path, relative_line_numbers: bool, event: UiEvent) -> TerminalBuffer { let lines = LineNumbers::new(editor.get_first_visible_line(), editor.len_lines(), editor.get_current_line() + 1, relative_line_numbers); let total_lines = editor.len_lines(); let first_visible_line = editor.get_first_visible_line(); let buffer_size = editor.text.len_bytes(); let file_size = match std::fs::metadata(filepath) { Ok(metadata) => metadata.len() as usize, Err(_) => 0, }; let status_bar = StatusBar::new() .filepath(filepath) .save_status(editor.has_changed_since_save()) .file_size(file_size, buffer_size) .file_type(utils::file_type(filepath)) .line_ending_type(editor.get_line_ending_type().to_string()) .file_encoding(editor.get_file_encoding()) .position(editor.get_row_and_column()) .scroll_percentage(first_visible_line, total_lines, height) .build(); let events = Layout::new(width as u32, height as u32) .add_item(&CommandLine::get(), Align::Bottom, Restriction::Shrink) .add_item(&status_bar, Align::Bottom, Restriction::Shrink) .add_item(&lines, Align::Left, Restriction::Shrink) .add_item(editor, Align::Left, Restriction::Grow) .interact(&event); for event in events.into_iter().rev() { match event { UiReaction::ScrollBy(amount) => editor.scroll_vertically(amount), UiReaction::EmitScroll(x, y) => editor.set_scroll(x, y, 6, 6), UiReaction::SetRelativeCursorPos(x, y, select) => editor.set_relative_cursor_pos(x, y, select), } } let lines = LineNumbers::new(editor.get_first_visible_line(), editor.len_lines(), editor.get_current_line() + 1, relative_line_numbers); let buffer = Layout::new(width as u32, height as u32) .add_item(&CommandLine::get(), Align::Bottom, Restriction::Shrink) .add_item(&status_bar, Align::Bottom, Restriction::Shrink) .add_item(&lines, Align::Left, Restriction::Shrink) .add_item(editor, Align::Left, Restriction::Grow) .draw(); buffer } fn parse_keybind(keybind: &str) -> Option<(KeyModifiers, KeyCode)> { let parts: Vec<&str> = keybind.split('+').map(str::trim).collect(); let mut modifiers = KeyModifiers::empty(); let key_code = parts.last()?; for part in &parts[ - 1] { match part.to_lowercase().as_str() { "ctrl" => modifiers.insert(KeyModifiers::CONTROL), "alt" => modifiers.insert(KeyModifiers::ALT), "shift" => modifiers.insert(KeyModifiers::SHIFT), _ => return None, } } let key_code = match key_code.to_lowercase().as_str() { "up" => KeyCode::Up, "down" => KeyCode::Down, "left" => KeyCode::Left, "right" => KeyCode::Right, "home" => KeyCode::Home, "end" => KeyCode::End, "pageup" => KeyCode::PageUp, "pagedown" => KeyCode::PageDown, "tab" => KeyCode::Tab, "backtab" => KeyCode::BackTab, "backspace" => KeyCode::Backspace, "enter" => KeyCode::Enter, "esc" => KeyCode::Esc, "insert" => KeyCode::Insert, "delete" => KeyCode::Delete, "f1" => KeyCode::F(1), "f2" => KeyCode::F(2), "f3" => KeyCode::F(3), "f4" => KeyCode::F(4), "f5" => KeyCode::F(5), "f6" => KeyCode::F(6), "f7" => KeyCode::F(7), "f8" => KeyCode::F(8), "f9" => KeyCode::F(9), "f10" => KeyCode::F(10), "f11" => KeyCode::F(11), "f12" => KeyCode::F(12), s if s.len() == 1 => KeyCode::Char(s.chars().next().unwrap().to_ascii_lowercase()), _ => return None, }; Some((modifiers, key_code)) } fn handle_key_event( event: KeyEvent, editor: &mut TextEditor, keybinds: &config::Keybinds, clip: &mut String, system_clip: &mut Option, file_path: &Path, width: usize, height: usize, relative_line_numbers: bool, current_buffer: &mut Vec, ) -> UiEvent { let KeyEvent { code, modifiers, .. } = event; debug!("Received key event: {:?} {:?}", code, modifiers); for (action, keybind) in keybinds.iter() { if let Some((kb_mod, kb_code)) = parse_keybind(&keybind) { if code == kb_code && modifiers == kb_mod { debug!("Matched keybind for action: {}", action); return perform_action(action, editor, clip, system_clip, file_path, width, height, relative_line_numbers, current_buffer); } } } match code { KeyCode::Char(c) => editor.insert_character_at_cursor(c), KeyCode::Enter => editor.insert_newline_at_cursor(), KeyCode::Tab => editor.insert_tab_at_cursor(), KeyCode::Backspace => editor.remove_character_or_selection_at_cursor(true), KeyCode::Delete => editor.remove_character_or_selection_at_cursor(false), _ => {} } UiEvent::Nothing } fn perform_action( action: &str, editor: &mut TextEditor, clip: &mut String, system_clip: &mut Option, file_path: &Path, width: usize, height: usize, relative_line_numbers: bool, current_buffer: &mut Vec, ) -> UiEvent { match action { "quit" => { if editor.has_changed_since_save() { match prompt_save(editor, width, height, file_path, relative_line_numbers) { SavePromptResult::Save => { let string = editor.to_string(); if std::fs::create_dir_all(file_path.parent().unwrap()).is_ok() && std::fs::write(file_path, string).is_ok() { editor.set_saved(); } UiEvent::Quit } SavePromptResult::DontSave => UiEvent::Quit, SavePromptResult::Cancel(next_buffer) => { CommandLine::set(""); *current_buffer = next_buffer; let cursor_position = editor.get_cursor_pos(); render(width, Some(cursor_position), current_buffer, &[]); UiEvent::Nothing } } } else { UiEvent::Quit } } "save" => { let string = editor.to_string(); if std::fs::create_dir_all(file_path.parent().unwrap()).is_ok() && std::fs::write(file_path, string).is_ok() { editor.set_saved(); } UiEvent::Nothing } "discard_changes" => { editor.discard_changes(); UiEvent::Nothing } "undo" => { editor.undo(); UiEvent::Nothing } "redo" => { editor.redo(); UiEvent::Nothing } "copy" => { if let Some(x) = editor.get_selection() { *clip = x; } UiEvent::Nothing } "paste" => { if !clip.is_empty() { editor.insert_string_at_cursor(clip); } UiEvent::Nothing } "cut" => { if let Some(x) = editor.cut_selection() { *clip = x; } UiEvent::Nothing } "system_copy" => { if let Some(x) = editor.get_selection() { system_clip.as_mut().map(|y| y.set_text(x)); } UiEvent::Nothing } "system_paste" => { if let Some(x) = system_clip.as_mut() { if let Ok(y) = x.get_text() { if !y.is_empty() { editor.insert_string_at_cursor(&y); } } } UiEvent::Nothing } "system_cut" => { if let Some(x) = editor.cut_selection() { system_clip.as_mut().map(|y| y.set_text(x)); } UiEvent::Nothing } "move_up" => { editor.move_cursor_vertical(-1, false, false); UiEvent::Nothing } "move_down" => { editor.move_cursor_vertical(1, false, false); UiEvent::Nothing } "move_left" => { editor.move_cursor_horizontal(-1, false, true); UiEvent::Nothing } "move_right" => { editor.move_cursor_horizontal(1, false, true); UiEvent::Nothing } "move_word_left" => { editor.move_cursor_horizontal_words(-1, false, true); UiEvent::Nothing } "move_word_right" => { editor.move_cursor_horizontal_words(1, false, true); UiEvent::Nothing } "move_to_start_of_line" => { editor.move_cursor_to_start_of_line(false, true); UiEvent::Nothing } "move_to_end_of_line" => { editor.move_cursor_to_end_of_line(false, true); UiEvent::Nothing } "page_up" => UiEvent::ScrollPage(Scroll::Up(Size::Full)), "page_down" => UiEvent::ScrollPage(Scroll::Down(Size::Full)), "half_page_up" => UiEvent::ScrollPage(Scroll::Up(Size::Half)), "half_page_down" => UiEvent::ScrollPage(Scroll::Down(Size::Half)), _ => UiEvent::Nothing, } } fn terminal_main(file_content: String, newly_loaded: bool, args: Parsed) { let Parsed { file_path, relative_line_numbers, tab_width, disable_mouse_interaction, keybinds, .. } = args; setup_terminal(disable_mouse_interaction); let (mut width, mut height) = size().unwrap(); let mut editor = TextEditor::new(&file_content, TermLineLayoutSettings::new(tab_width), tab_width, newly_loaded, &file_path); let mut clip = String::new(); let mut system_clip = Clipboard::new().ok(); let (mut current_buffer, cursor_position) = update_and_render_to_buffer(&mut editor, width as usize, height as usize, &file_path, relative_line_numbers, UiEvent::Nothing); render(width as usize, cursor_position, ¤t_buffer, &[]); loop { if poll(std::time::Duration::from_millis(100)).unwrap() { match read().unwrap() { Event::Mouse(MouseEvent { row, column, kind, .. }) if !disable_mouse_interaction && (kind == MouseEventKind::Down(MouseButton::Left) || kind == MouseEventKind::Drag(MouseButton::Left)) => { let (next_buffer, cursor_position) = update_and_render_to_buffer( &mut editor, width as usize, height as usize, &file_path, relative_line_numbers, UiEvent::Clicked(column as usize, row as usize, kind == MouseEventKind::Drag(MouseButton::Left)), ); render(width as usize, cursor_position, &next_buffer, ¤t_buffer); current_buffer = next_buffer; } Event::Key(key_event) => { let ui_event = handle_key_event( key_event, &mut editor, &keybinds, &mut clip, &mut system_clip, &file_path, width as usize, height as usize, relative_line_numbers, &mut current_buffer, ); if ui_event == UiEvent::Quit { break; } let (next_buffer, cursor_position) = update_and_render_to_buffer(&mut editor, width as usize, height as usize, &file_path, relative_line_numbers, ui_event); render(width as usize, cursor_position, &next_buffer, ¤t_buffer); current_buffer = next_buffer; } Event::Mouse(MouseEvent { kind: MouseEventKind::ScrollUp, .. }) => { let (next_buffer, cursor_position) = update_and_render_to_buffer(&mut editor, width as usize, height as usize, &file_path, relative_line_numbers, UiEvent::ScrollBy(-1)); render(width as usize, cursor_position, &next_buffer, ¤t_buffer); current_buffer = next_buffer; } Event::Mouse(MouseEvent { kind: MouseEventKind::ScrollDown, .. }) => { let (next_buffer, cursor_position) = update_and_render_to_buffer(&mut editor, width as usize, height as usize, &file_path, relative_line_numbers, UiEvent::ScrollBy(1)); render(width as usize, cursor_position, &next_buffer, ¤t_buffer); current_buffer = next_buffer; } Event::Resize(..) => { width = size().unwrap().0; height = size().unwrap().1; let (next_buffer, cursor_position) = update_and_render_to_buffer(&mut editor, width as usize, height as usize, &file_path, relative_line_numbers, UiEvent::Nothing); render(width as usize, cursor_position, &next_buffer, &[]); current_buffer = next_buffer; } _ => (), } } } cleanup_terminal(); } enum SavePromptResult { Save, DontSave, Cancel(Vec), } fn prompt_save(mut editor: &mut TextEditor, width: usize, height: usize, save_path: &Path, relative_line_numbers: bool) -> SavePromptResult { CommandLine::set(" save changes to file before closing? (y,n,esc)"); let (next_buffer, cursor_position) = update_and_render_to_buffer(&mut editor, width, height as usize, &save_path, relative_line_numbers, UiEvent::Nothing); render(width as usize, cursor_position, &next_buffer, &[]); loop { if let Event::Key(KeyEvent { code, .. }) = crossterm::event::read().unwrap() { match code { KeyCode::Char('y') | KeyCode::Char('Y') => return SavePromptResult::Save, KeyCode::Char('n') | KeyCode::Char('N') => return SavePromptResult::DontSave, KeyCode::Esc => return SavePromptResult::Cancel(next_buffer), _ => {} } } } } #[derive(Parser)] struct Args { #[arg()] /// File to edit #[arg(required_unless_present = "list_themes")] file_path: Option, /// Whether to allow mouse navigation #[arg(long, short)] disable_mouse_interaction: Option, /// Tab width #[arg(long, short)] tab_width: Option, /// Theme name #[arg(long, short = 's')] theme: Option, /// Whether to use relative line numbers #[arg(long, short)] relative_line_numbers: Option, /// List available themes #[arg(long)] list_themes: bool, } struct Parsed { file_path: PathBuf, disable_mouse_interaction: bool, tab_width: usize, theme: Option, relative_line_numbers: bool, keybinds: config::Keybinds, } static THEME: RwLock> = RwLock::new(None); static HIGHLIGHT_COLORS: RwLock> = RwLock::new(Vec::new()); static BG_COLOR: RwLock = RwLock::new(Color::Rgb { r: 33, g: 33, b: 33 }); static FG_COLOR: RwLock = RwLock::new(Color::Rgb { r: 255, g: 255, b: 255 }); fn main() { setup_panic(); #[cfg(feature = "debugger")] debugger::init(); let config = config::load(); let args = Args::parse(); if args.list_themes { println!("{}", "Available themes:".with(PINK)); for theme in constants::list() { println!(" {}", theme.with(BRIGHT_PINK)); } return; } #[cfg(feature = "debugger")] { if let Some(ref keybinds) = config.keybinds { debug!("Loaded keybinds: {:?}", keybinds); } else { debug!("No custom keybinds loaded, using defaults"); } } let args = Parsed { file_path: args.file_path.unwrap(), theme: args.theme.or(config.theme), keybinds: config.keybinds.unwrap_or_default(), tab_width: args.tab_width.or(config.tab_width).unwrap_or(4), relative_line_numbers: args.relative_line_numbers.or(config.relative_line_numbers).unwrap_or(false), disable_mouse_interaction: args.disable_mouse_interaction.or(config.disable_mouse_interaction).unwrap_or(false), }; let (file_content, is_newly_loaded) = match fs::read(&args.file_path.to_owned()) { Ok(d) => (String::from_utf8_lossy(&d).into_owned(), false), Err(e) if e.kind() == std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => (String::new(), true), Err(e) => return eprintln!("{}", format!("Failed to open file: {e}").with(Color::Red)), }; if let Some(name) = args.theme.to_owned() { if let Some(theme) = constants::from_token(&name) { *THEME.write().expect("Able to write to THEME") = match Theme::get_theme(theme) { Ok(data) => { let mut bg_hook = BG_COLOR.write().expect("Able to write to BG_COLOR"); let mut fg_hook = FG_COLOR.write().expect("Able to write to FG_COLOR"); let mut hl_hook = HIGHLIGHT_COLORS.write().expect("Failed to acquire write lock on HIGHLIGHT_COLORS"); *bg_hook = Color::Rgb { r:, g:, b:, }; *fg_hook = Color::Rgb { r: data.fg.r, g: data.fg.g, b: data.fg.b, }; *hl_hook = constants::HIGHLIGHT_NAMES .iter() .map(|&style| { let color = data.get_style(style).and_then(|s| s.fg).unwrap_or(data.fg); Color::Rgb { r: color.r, g: color.g, b: color.b } }) .collect(); Some(data) } Err(_) => None, }; } } terminal_main(file_content, is_newly_loaded, args) }