use crate::editor::{GraphemePosition, LineLayout}; use crate::unicode::{move_grapheme, string_width, TERM_TAB_WIDTH}; use crossterm::style::Attribute; use ropey::RopeSlice; use std::io::{stdout, Write}; use crossterm::{ cursor::{self, SetCursorStyle}, event::{DisableMouseCapture, EnableMouseCapture, KeyboardEnhancementFlags, PopKeyboardEnhancementFlags, PushKeyboardEnhancementFlags}, execute, queue, style, style::Color, terminal::{disable_raw_mode, enable_raw_mode, EnterAlternateScreen, LeaveAlternateScreen}, }; pub struct TermLineLayoutSettings { tab_width: usize, } impl TermLineLayoutSettings { pub fn new(tab_width: usize) -> Self { Self { tab_width } } } impl LineLayout for TermLineLayoutSettings { type Iter<'a> = TermLineLayout<'a>; fn layout_line<'a>(&self, line: RopeSlice<'a>) -> TermLineLayout<'a> { TermLineLayout::new(line, self.tab_width) } } pub struct TermLineLayout<'a> { line: RopeSlice<'a>, cursor: usize, column: usize, tab_width: usize, } impl<'a> TermLineLayout<'a> { pub fn new(line: RopeSlice<'a>, tab_width: usize) -> Self { Self { line, tab_width, cursor: 0, column: 0, } } } impl<'a> Iterator for TermLineLayout<'a> { type Item = GraphemePosition; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { if self.cursor == self.line.len_bytes() { None } else { let next_cursor = move_grapheme(1, self.cursor, self.line); let rope_slice = self.line.byte_slice(self.cursor..next_cursor); let grapheme_width = string_width(rope_slice.chars(), self.tab_width); let grapheme = GraphemePosition { start_column: self.column, end_column: self.column + grapheme_width, cursor: self.cursor, }; self.cursor = next_cursor; self.column += grapheme_width; Some(grapheme) } } } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] pub struct Char { pub c: char, pub color: Option<(Color, Option)>, pub highlight: Highlight, } impl Char { pub fn new_text(c: char, color: Option<(Color, Option)>, selected: bool) -> Self { Self { c, color, highlight: if selected { Highlight::Selection } else { Highlight::Text }, } } pub fn new(c: char, color: Option<(Color, Option)>, highlight: Highlight) -> Self { Self { c, color, highlight } } } pub type TerminalBuffer = (Vec, Option<(usize, usize)>); #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd)] pub enum Highlight { Text, Selection, Gutter, Status, None, } impl Highlight { pub fn get_color_foreground_crossterm(self, fg_color: Color) -> Color { match self { Self::Text => fg_color, Self::Selection => Color::Black, Self::Gutter => Color::DarkGrey, Self::Status => Color::Rgb { r: 155, g: 155, b: 155 }, Self::None => Color::Reset, } } pub fn get_color_background_crossterm(self, bg_color: Color) -> Color { match self { Self::Text => bg_color, Self::Selection => match bg_color { Color::Rgb { r, g, b } => { let brightness = (r as f32 * 0.299 + g as f32 * 0.587 + b as f32 * 0.114) / 255.0; if brightness > 0.5 { Color::Rgb { r: (r as f32 * 0.8) as u8, g: (g as f32 * 0.8) as u8, b: (b as f32 * 0.8) as u8, } } else { Color::Rgb { r: (r as u16 + 30).min(255) as u8, g: (g as u16 + 30).min(255) as u8, b: (b as u16 + 30).min(255) as u8, } } } _ => Color::Rgb { r: 50, g: 50, b: 50 }, }, Self::Gutter => match bg_color { Color::Rgb { r, g, b } => Color::Rgb { r: r.saturating_sub(6), g: g.saturating_sub(5), b: b.saturating_sub(4), }, _ => Color::Rgb { r: 27, g: 28, b: 29 }, }, Self::Status => Color::Rgb { r: 0, g: 0, b: 0 }, Self::None => Color::Reset, } } } pub fn render(width: usize, cursor_position: Option<(usize, usize)>, buffer: &[Char], previous_buffer: &[Char]) { let mut x = 0; let mut y = 0; let mut prev_x = 0; let mut prev_y = 0; let mut prev_chars = previous_buffer.iter().peekable(); let mut force_move = true; let bg_color = *"Able to read BG_COLOR"); let fg_color = *"Able to read FG_COLOR"); let mut prev_fg = fg_color; let mut prev_bg = bg_color; queue!(stdout(), style::SetForegroundColor(fg_color), style::SetBackgroundColor(bg_color)).unwrap(); for (_, c) in buffer.iter().enumerate() { if x != prev_x || y != prev_y || Some(&c) != prev_chars.peek() { if force_move { queue!(stdout(), cursor::MoveTo(x as u16, y as u16)).unwrap(); } let (fg, attr) = match c.color { Some(color) => color, None => (c.highlight.get_color_foreground_crossterm(fg_color), None), }; let bg = c.highlight.get_color_background_crossterm(bg_color); match attr { Some(attr) => queue!(stdout(), style::SetAttribute(attr)).unwrap(), None => queue!(stdout(), style::SetAttribute(Attribute::NoItalic)).unwrap(), } if fg != prev_fg { queue!(stdout(), style::SetForegroundColor(fg)).unwrap(); prev_fg = fg; } if bg != prev_bg { queue!(stdout(), style::SetBackgroundColor(bg)).unwrap(); prev_bg = bg; } queue!(stdout(), style::Print(c.c)).unwrap(); force_move = !c.c.is_ascii() || c.c.is_ascii_control(); } else { force_move = true; } x += string_width(std::iter::once(c.c), TERM_TAB_WIDTH); if x >= width { y += 1; x = 0; force_move = true; } while prev_x < x || prev_y < y { if let Some(c) = { prev_x += string_width(std::iter::once(c.c), TERM_TAB_WIDTH); if prev_x >= width { prev_y += 1; prev_x = 0; } } else { break; } } } if let Some((x, y)) = cursor_position { queue!(stdout(), cursor::Show, cursor::MoveTo(x as u16, y as u16),).unwrap(); } else { queue!(stdout(), cursor::Hide).unwrap(); }; stdout().flush().unwrap(); } pub fn setup_terminal(disable_mouse_interaction: bool) { let original_hook = std::panic::take_hook(); std::panic::set_hook(Box::new(move |info| { cleanup_terminal(); original_hook(info) })); enable_raw_mode().unwrap(); execute!( stdout(), cursor::SavePosition, EnterAlternateScreen, SetCursorStyle::BlinkingBar, PushKeyboardEnhancementFlags(KeyboardEnhancementFlags::DISAMBIGUATE_ESCAPE_CODES) ) .unwrap(); if !disable_mouse_interaction { execute!(stdout(), EnableMouseCapture).unwrap(); } } pub fn cleanup_terminal() { execute!( stdout(), DisableMouseCapture, PopKeyboardEnhancementFlags, cursor::RestorePosition, LeaveAlternateScreen, SetCursorStyle::DefaultUserShape, cursor::Show, ) .unwrap(); disable_raw_mode().unwrap(); }