use core::str; use std::fs::{self, read_dir}; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::process::Command; use diffy::{create_patch, PatchFormatter}; use mergiraf::settings::{normalize_to_lf, DisplaySettings}; use mergiraf::{line_merge_and_structured_resolution, resolve_merge_cascading}; use rstest::rstest; fn run_git(args: Vec<&str>, repo_dir: &Path) { let command_str = format!("git {}", args.join(" ")); let mut command = Command::new("git"); command.current_dir(repo_dir); command.args(args.iter()); command.env("HOME", ""); // disable ~/.gitconfig to isolate the test better let output = command.output().expect("Failed to execute git command"); if !output.status.success() { eprintln!("{}", str::from_utf8(&output.stderr).unwrap()); panic!("git command failed: {}", command_str); } } fn write_file_from_rev( repo_dir: &Path, test_dir: &Path, revision: &str, extension: &str, ) -> String { let file_name = format!("file.{extension}"); let fname_base = format!("{}/{}.{}", test_dir.display(), revision, extension); let contents = fs::read_to_string(&fname_base).expect("Unable to read left file"); fs::write(repo_dir.join(&file_name), contents) .expect("failed to write test file to git repository"); file_name } fn detect_extension(test_dir: &Path) -> String { read_dir(test_dir) .expect("Could not list files in test directory") .find_map(|filename| { filename .unwrap() .file_name() .into_string() .expect("Unable to read filename in test directory") .strip_prefix("Base.") .map(|s| s.to_owned()) }) .expect("Could not find a Base.* file in the test directory") } /// End-to-end test for the "mergiraf solve" command #[rstest] #[case("merge")] #[case("diff3")] fn test_solve_command(#[case] conflict_style: &str) { let test_dir = PathBuf::from("examples/java/working/demo"); let extension = detect_extension(&test_dir); // create temp directory let repo_dir = tempfile::tempdir().expect("failed to create the temp dir"); let repo_dir = repo_dir.path(); // init git repository run_git(vec!["init", "."], repo_dir); run_git(vec!["checkout", "-b", "first_branch"], repo_dir); let file_name = write_file_from_rev(repo_dir, &test_dir, "Base", &extension); run_git(vec!["add", &file_name], repo_dir); run_git( vec![ "-c", "", "-c", "", "commit", "--no-gpg-sign", "-m", "initial_commit", ], repo_dir, ); write_file_from_rev(repo_dir, &test_dir, "Left", &extension); run_git( vec![ "-c", "", "-c", "", "commit", "--no-gpg-sign", "-am", "second_commit", ], repo_dir, ); run_git(vec!["checkout", "HEAD~"], repo_dir); run_git(vec!["checkout", "-b", "second_branch"], repo_dir); write_file_from_rev(repo_dir, &test_dir, "Right", &extension); run_git( vec![ "-c", "", "-c", "", "commit", "--no-gpg-sign", "-am", "third_commit", ], repo_dir, ); // do a rebase let mut command = Command::new("git"); command.current_dir(repo_dir); command.args( [ "-c", &format!("merge.conflictstyle={conflict_style}"), "rebase", "first_branch", "--no-gpg-sign", ] .iter(), ); // in case Git is configured to use Mergiraf command .env("mergiraf", "0") // current way to disable Mergiraf .env("MERGIRAF_DISABLE", "1"); // up to 0.3.1 let output = command.output().expect("Failed to execute git command"); assert!(!output.status.success(), "expected a rebase conflict"); // call mergiraf to the rescue let conflicts_contents = fs::read_to_string(repo_dir.join(&file_name)).expect("could not read the conflicts"); let conflicts_contents = normalize_to_lf(&conflicts_contents); let merge_result = resolve_merge_cascading( &conflicts_contents, &file_name, DisplaySettings::default(), None, repo_dir, ) .expect("solving the conflicts returned an error"); let expected_result = fs::read_to_string(test_dir.join(format!("Expected.{extension}"))) .expect("could not read the expected results"); let expected_result = normalize_to_lf(&expected_result); assert_eq!(merge_result.contents, expected_result); } fn run_test_from_dir(test_dir: &Path) { let ext = detect_extension(test_dir); let test_dir = test_dir.display(); let fname_base = format!("{test_dir}/Base.{ext}"); let contents_base = fs::read_to_string(&fname_base).expect("Unable to read left file"); let fname_left = format!("{test_dir}/Left.{ext}"); let contents_left = fs::read_to_string(fname_left).expect("Unable to read left file"); let fname_right = format!("{test_dir}/Right.{ext}"); let contents_right = fs::read_to_string(fname_right).expect("Unable to read right file"); let fname_expected = format!("{test_dir}/Expected.{ext}"); let contents_expected = fs::read_to_string(fname_expected).expect("Unable to read right file"); let merge_result = line_merge_and_structured_resolution( &contents_base, &contents_left, &contents_right, &fname_base, &DisplaySettings::default(), true, None, None, ); let expected = contents_expected.trim(); let actual = merge_result.contents.trim(); if expected != actual { let patch = create_patch(expected, actual); let f = PatchFormatter::new().with_color(); print!("{}", f.fmt_patch(&patch)); eprintln!("test failed: outputs differ for {test_dir}"); panic!(); } } /// End-to-end tests for the "mergiraf merge" command #[rstest] fn integration(#[files("examples/*/working/*")] path: PathBuf) { run_test_from_dir(&path); } // use this test to debug a specific test case by changing the path in it. #[rstest] fn debug_test() { run_test_from_dir(&PathBuf::from("examples/go/working/remove_and_add_imports")); }