use std::process::Command; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::fs::File; use temp_dir::TempDir; use anyhow::Result; use merlon::package::{*, init::*, manifest::*, distribute::ExportOptions}; /// Pinned decomp commit hash so that tests don't break when decomp updates const DECOMP_REV: &str = "7a9df943ad079e7b19df0f8690bdc92e2beed964"; #[path = ""] mod rom; #[test] fn initialising_package_gives_decomp_dependency() -> Result<()> { let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let pkg_path = tempdir.path().join("test"); let package = Package::new("Test", pkg_path)?; let mut registry = Registry::new(); let id = registry.register(package)?; assert_eq!(registry.all_dependencies()?.len(), 0); let package = registry.get_or_error(id)?; let _initialised = package.clone().to_initialised(InitialiseOptions { baserom: rom::baserom(), rev: Some(DECOMP_REV.to_string()), })?; let all_dependencies = registry.all_dependencies()?; assert_eq!(all_dependencies.len(), 1); assert!(matches!(all_dependencies.iter().next(), Some(Dependency::Decomp { .. }))); Ok(()) } #[test] #[ignore] // TODO: this test is broken; single_dependency tests enough behaviour so could remove it fn sync_complex_dependency_graph_to_repo() -> Result<()> { let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let dir_path = tempdir.path(); let mut registry = Registry::new(); // Helper function to create a package with one patch and register it with the registry let mut create_and_register_package = |name: &str| -> Result { let pkg_path = dir_path.join(name); let package = Package::new(name, pkg_path)?; // Add a single commit adding a test file let mut file = File::create(package.path().join("patches/0001-test.patch")).unwrap(); write!(&mut file, "{}", touch_file_patch(&format!("src/merlon_test_{name}"))).unwrap(); // TODO let id = registry.register(package)?; Ok(id) }; // Create this dependency graph: // Root <-- We want to build this package // / \ // DepA DepB // \ / // SharedDep let root = create_and_register_package("Root")?; let dep_a = create_and_register_package("DepA")?; let dep_b = create_and_register_package("DepB")?; let shared_dep = create_and_register_package("SharedDep")?; dbg!(&root, &dep_a, &dep_b, &shared_dep); registry.add_direct_dependency(root, dep_a)?; registry.add_direct_dependency(root, dep_b)?; registry.add_direct_dependency(dep_a, shared_dep)?; // Initialise the root package and sync let root_package = registry.get_or_error(root)?.clone(); let mut initialised = root_package.clone().to_initialised(InitialiseOptions { baserom: rom::baserom(), rev: Some(DECOMP_REV.to_string()), })?; initialised.set_registry(registry); // XXX initialised.setup_git_branches()?; initialised.update_patches_dir()?; // There should be 1 patch in the root package now let root_patches = initialised.package().path().join("patches"); dbg!(root_patches .read_dir()? .map(|e| Ok(e?.file_name())) .collect::>>()? ); assert_eq!(root_patches.read_dir()?.count(), 1); // If the patches applied correctly, all the test files should have been made assert!(initialised.subrepo_path().join("src/merlon_test_Root.c").is_file()); assert!(initialised.subrepo_path().join("src/merlon_test_DepA.c").is_file()); assert!(initialised.subrepo_path().join("src/merlon_test_DepB.c").is_file()); assert!(initialised.subrepo_path().join("src/merlon_test_SharedDep.c").is_file()); Ok(()) } // Generate a random git-like commit hash fn gen_random_commit_hash_for_patch() -> String { use rand::Rng; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let mut hash = String::with_capacity(40); for _ in 0..40 { hash.push(rng.gen_range(b'0'..b'9') as char); } hash } fn touch_file_patch(filename: &str) -> String { let hash = gen_random_commit_hash_for_patch(); format!(r#"From {hash} Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Merlon test Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2023 22:40:19 +0100 Subject: test --- {filename}.c | 0 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 {filename} diff --git a/{filename} b/{filename} new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e69de29 -- 2.39.0"#) } #[test] fn single_dependency() -> Result<()> { let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; // Root package with no commits let root = Package::new("Root", tempdir.path().join("root"))?; let mut root = root.to_initialised(InitialiseOptions { baserom: rom::baserom(), rev: Some(DECOMP_REV.to_string()), })?; // Dependency package with single commit let dependency = Package::new("Dependency", tempdir.path().join("dependency"))?; let mut file = File::create(dependency.path().join("patches/0001-set-bSkipIntro-to-true.patc"))?; write!(&mut file, "{}", skip_intro_patch())?; // Add dependency, sync repo, check skip intro commit was added root.add_dependency(AddDependencyOptions { path: dependency.path().to_path_buf(), })?; root.setup_git_branches()?; let output = Command::new("git") .arg("log") .arg("-1") .arg("--pretty=format:%s") .current_dir(root.subrepo_path()) .output()?; let head_commit = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?.trim().to_string(); assert_eq!(&head_commit, "set bSkipIntro to true"); // Export root and make some assertions let distributable = root.package().export_distributable(ExportOptions { baserom: Some(rom::baserom()), output: Some(tempdir.path().join("output.merlon")), })?; distributable.open_scoped(rom::baserom(), |package| { let manifest = package.manifest()?; // Should have 2 dependencies: decomp & dependency assert_eq!(manifest.iter_direct_dependencies().count(), 2); // Should have no patches (only dependency has patches) let patches_count = package.path().join("patches") .read_dir()? .count(); assert_eq!(patches_count, 0); Ok(()) })?; Ok(()) } fn skip_intro_patch() -> &'static str { include_str!( concat!( env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/tests/dependencies/skip_intro_patch.patch" ) ) } #[test] fn initialised_patches_maintained() -> Result<()> { pretty_env_logger::init(); let tempdir = TempDir::new()?; let package = Package::new("Package", tempdir.path().join("package"))?; let patch_path = package.path().join("patches/0001-set-bSkipIntro-to-true.patch"); assert!(!patch_path.is_file()); let mut file = File::create(&patch_path)?; write!(&mut file, "{}", skip_intro_patch())?; assert!(patch_path.is_file()); // Initialise package let initialised = package.to_initialised(InitialiseOptions { baserom: rom::baserom(), rev: Some(DECOMP_REV.to_string()), })?; assert!(patch_path.is_file()); // Assert we are on branch for package let output = Command::new("git") .arg("rev-parse") .arg("--abbrev-ref") .arg("HEAD") .current_dir(initialised.subrepo_path()) .output()?; let branch = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?.trim().to_string(); assert_eq!(branch, initialised.package_id().to_string()); // Update, sync, check patch is still there initialised.update_decomp()?; // XXX: brittle; will fail if patch becomes unmergeable assert!(patch_path.is_file()); initialised.setup_git_branches()?; assert!(patch_path.is_file()); // Assert patch is applied to repo let output = Command::new("git") .arg("log") .arg("-1") .arg("--pretty=format:%s") .current_dir(initialised.subrepo_path()) .output()?; let head_commit = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)?.trim().to_string(); assert_eq!(&head_commit, "set bSkipIntro to true"); Ok(()) }