[ { "meta": { "id": "metabolism", "uuid": "57c33ee3-3922-48aa-a725-80057561ac48", "sort": "132095000", "src": "collegiate", "section": "alpha", "stems": [ "metabolism", "metabolisms" ], "offensive": false }, "hwi": { "hw": "me*tab*o*lism", "prs": [ { "mw": "mə-ˈta-bə-ˌli-zəm", "sound": { "audio": "metabo03", "ref": "c", "stat": "1" } } ] }, "fl": "noun", "def": [ { "sseq": [ [ [ "sense", { "sn": "1 a", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}the sum of the processes in the buildup and destruction of {d_link|protoplasm|protoplasm}" ] ], "sdsense": { "sd": "specifically", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}the chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities and new material is assimilated {dx_def}see {dxt|assimilate:1||1b}{/dx_def} " ], [ "vis", [ { "t": "Regular exercise can help to increase your {wi}metabolism{/wi}." } ] ] ] } } ], [ "sense", { "sn": "b", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}the sum of the processes by which a particular substance is handled in the living body" ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn": "c", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}the sum of the {d_link|metabolic|metabolic} activities taking place in a particular environment " ], [ "vis", [ { "t": "the {wi}metabolism{/wi} of a lake" } ] ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn": "2", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}{sx|metamorphosis||2} " ], [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "usually used in combination " ], [ "vis", [ { "t": "holo{it}metabolism{/it}" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "et": [ [ "text", "{et_link|metabol(ic)|metabolic} + {et_link|-ism|-ism}, after French {it}métabolisme{/it} or German {it}Metabolismus{/it}" ] ], "date": "1878{ds||1|a|}", "shortdef": [ "the sum of the processes in the buildup and destruction of protoplasm; specifically : the chemical changes in living cells by which energy is provided for vital processes and activities and new material is assimilated", "the sum of the processes by which a particular substance is handled in the living body", "the sum of the metabolic activities taking place in a particular environment" ] }, { "meta": { "id": "basal metabolism", "uuid": "09b4e2c9-9196-425e-8667-56b8cc0ee0ba", "sort": "020080800", "src": "collegiate", "section": "alpha", "stems": [ "basal metabolism", "basal metabolisms" ], "offensive": false }, "hwi": { "hw": "basal metabolism" }, "fl": "noun", "def": [ { "sseq": [ [ [ "sense", { "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}the turnover of energy in a fasting and resting organism using energy solely to maintain vital cellular activity, respiration, and circulation as measured by the basal metabolic rate" ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "date": "1912", "shortdef": [ "the turnover of energy in a fasting and resting organism using energy solely to maintain vital cellular activity, respiration, and circulation as measured by the basal metabolic rate" ] } ]