[ { "meta": { "id": "stallion", "uuid": "170c8bf0-e8e7-4f9f-8e19-45745ae7b895", "sort": "194742400", "src": "collegiate", "section": "alpha", "stems": [ "stallion", "stallions" ], "offensive": false }, "hwi": { "hw": "stal*lion", "prs": [ { "mw": "ˈstal-yən", "sound": { "audio": "stalli01", "ref": "c", "stat": "1" } } ] }, "fl": "noun", "def": [ { "sseq": [ [ [ "sense", { "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}an uncastrated male horse {bc}a male horse kept for breeding" ] ], "sdsense": { "sd": "also", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}a male animal (such as a dog or a sheep) kept primarily as a stud" ] ] } } ] ] ] } ], "et": [ [ "text", "Middle English {it}staloun, stalion{/it}, from Anglo-French {it}estaloun{/it}, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German {it}stal{/it} stall" ] ], "date": "14th century", "shortdef": [ "an uncastrated male horse : a male horse kept for breeding; also : a male animal (such as a dog or a sheep) kept primarily as a stud" ] } ]