[ { "meta": { "id": "translate", "uuid": "807f9821-1f41-4342-9e72-e8f8bc2bd9ab", "sort": "200342700", "src": "collegiate", "section": "alpha", "stems": [ "translatabilities", "translatability", "translatable", "translate", "translated", "translates", "translating", "translator", "translators" ], "offensive": false }, "hwi": { "hw": "trans*late", "prs": [ { "mw": "tran(t)s-ˈlāt", "sound": { "audio": "transl02", "ref": "c", "stat": "1" } }, { "mw": "tranz-", "pun": ";" }, { "mw": "ˈtran(t)s-ˌlāt" }, { "mw": "ˈtranz-" } ] }, "fl": "verb", "ins": [ { "if": "trans*lat*ed" }, { "if": "trans*lat*ing" } ], "def": [ { "vd": "transitive verb", "sseq": [ [ [ "sense", { "sn": "1 a", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to turn into one's own or another language" ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn": "b", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to {a_link|transfer} or turn from one set of symbols into another {bc}{sx|transcribe||}" ] ] } ], [ "pseq", [ [ "sense", { "sn": "c (1)", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to express in different terms and especially different words {bc}{sx|paraphrase||}" ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn": "(2)", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to express in more comprehensible terms {bc}{sx|explain||}, {sx|interpret||}" ] ] } ] ] ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn": "2 a", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to bear, remove, or change from one place, state, form, or appearance to another {bc}{sx|transfer||}, {sx|transform||} " ], [ "vis", [ { "t": "{wi}translate{/wi} ideas into action" } ] ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn": "b", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to convey to heaven or to a nontemporal condition without death" ] ] } ], [ "sense", { "sn": "c", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to transfer (a bishop) from one see to another" ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn": "3", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}{sx|enrapture||}" ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn": "4", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to subject to mathematical {a_link|translation}" ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn": "5", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to subject (genetic information) to translation in protein synthesis" ] ] } ] ] ] }, { "vd": "intransitive verb", "sseq": [ [ [ "sense", { "sn": "1", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to practice translation or make a translation" ] ], "sdsense": { "sd": "also", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to admit of or be adaptable to translation " ], [ "vis", [ { "t": "a word that doesn't {wi}translate{/wi} easily" } ] ] ] } } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn": "2", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to undergo a translation" ] ] } ] ], [ [ "sense", { "sn": "3", "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}{sx|lead||}, {sx|result||} " ], [ "uns", [ [ [ "text", "usually used with {it}into{/it} " ], [ "vis", [ { "t": "believes that tax cuts will {wi}translate{/wi} into economic growth" } ] ] ] ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "uros": [ { "ure": "trans*lat*abil*i*ty", "prs": [ { "mw": "(ˌ)tran(t)s-ˌlā-tə-ˈbi-lə-tē", "sound": { "audio": "transl03", "ref": "c", "stat": "1" } }, { "mw": "(ˌ)tranz-" } ], "fl": "noun", "utxt": [ [ "vis", [ { "t": "The {wi}translatability{/wi} of other native two-dimensional designs into the commercial medium of silk screens, however, may not be so clearcut.", "aq": { "auth": "Margaret B. Blackman et al." } } ] ] ] }, { "ure": "trans*lat*able", "prs": [ { "mw": "tran(t)s-ˈlā-tə-bəl", "sound": { "audio": "transl04", "ref": "c", "stat": "1" } }, { "mw": "tranz-" } ], "fl": "adjective", "utxt": [ [ "vis", [ { "t": "The word is of Derrida's own coinage and is deliberately ambiguous (and therefore not {wi}translatable{/wi}), being derived from the French …", "aq": { "auth": "Ann Jefferson" } }, { "t": "… but the resultant information is spotty and not readily {wi}translatable{/wi} into an average national trend.", "aq": { "auth": "Barry Commoner" } } ] ] ] }, { "ure": "trans*la*tor", "prs": [ { "mw": "ˈtran(t)s-ˌlā-tər", "sound": { "audio": "transl05", "ref": "u", "stat": "1" } }, { "mw": "ˈtranz-", "pun": ";" }, { "mw": "tran(t)s-ˈlā-tər" }, { "mw": "tranz-" } ], "fl": "noun" } ], "et": [ [ "text", "Middle English, from Anglo-French {it}translater{/it}, from Latin {it}translatus{/it} (past participle of {it}transferre{/it} to transfer, translate), from {it}trans-{/it} + {it}latus{/it}, past participle of {it}ferre{/it} to carry {ma}{mat|tolerate|}, {mat|bear|}{/ma}" ] ], "date": "14th century{ds|t|2|a|}", "shortdef": [ "to turn into one's own or another language", "to transfer or turn from one set of symbols into another : transcribe", "to express in different terms and especially different words : paraphrase" ] }, { "meta": { "id": "translate into", "uuid": "7629de28-6bad-4f3e-ae45-fca90844394a", "sort": "3021415000", "src": "ld", "section": "idioms", "stems": [ "translate into", "translated into", "translates into", "translating into" ], "offensive": false }, "hwi": { "hw": "translate into" }, "fl": "phrasal verb", "ins": [ { "if": "trans*lat*ed in*to" }, { "if": "trans*lat*ing in*to" }, { "if": "trans*lates in*to" } ], "def": [ { "sseq": [ [ [ "sense", { "dt": [ [ "text", "{bc}to lead to (something) as a result {bc}result in " ], [ "vis", [ { "t": "Competition often {it}translates into{/it} lower costs to the consumer." }, { "t": "Artistic success doesn't always {it}translate into{/it} financial success." } ] ] ] } ] ] ] } ], "shortdef": [ "to lead to (something) as a result : result in" ] } ]