struct SdfUniforms { // acts as bounding box start: vec4, end: vec4, cell_size: vec4, cell_count: vec4, } @group(0) @binding(0) var uniforms : SdfUniforms; @group(0) @binding(1) var sdf : array; // Vertex shader struct CameraUniform { view_proj: mat4x4, view: mat4x4, proj: mat4x4, view_inv: mat4x4, proj_inv: mat4x4, eye: vec4, resolution: vec2, _padding: vec2, }; @group(1) @binding(0) var camera: CameraUniform; struct VisUniforms { positive_color: vec4, negative_color: vec4, surface_color: vec4, positive_power: f32, negative_power: f32, surface_iso: f32, surface_power: f32, surface_width: f32, point_size: f32, raymarch_mode: u32, }; @group(2) @binding(0) var vis_uniforms: VisUniforms; struct VertexInput { @builtin(vertex_index) vertex_index: u32, // @location(0) vertex_position: vec2, @builtin(instance_index) instance_index: u32, }; struct VertexOutput { @builtin(position) svposition: vec4, @location(0) color: vec3, @location(1) center_pos: vec2, @location(2) radius: f32, }; @vertex fn main_vs( in: VertexInput, ) -> VertexOutput { let cell_count =; let cell_size =; // compute cell world position // index was generated via for x in 0..cell_x { for y in 0..cell_y { for z in 0..cell_z { ... } } } // so index is x*cell_y*cell_z + y*cell_z + z var index = in.instance_index; let cell_z = index % cell_count.z; index /= cell_count.z; let cell_y = index % cell_count.y; index /= cell_count.y; let cell_x = index; let cell_idx = vec3(f32(cell_x), f32(cell_y), f32(cell_z)); let cell = + cell_idx * cell_size; // cell view position let viewpos = camera.view * vec4(cell, 1.0); // we want the color to be homogeneous in the sphere // so we compute it here directly. // we subtract the iso value to get the distance to the isosurface and not the surface directly. let distance = sdf[in.instance_index] - vis_uniforms.surface_iso; // affect a score for a point in the sphere var positive_strength = 0.; var negative_strength = 0.; var surface_strength = 0.; let cell_radius = min(cell_size.x, min(cell_size.y, cell_size.z)) * 0.5; // positive strength is how "positive" is the point if distance > vis_uniforms.surface_width { positive_strength = saturate(vis_uniforms.positive_power * distance / cell_radius); } // negative strength is how "negative" is the point // we boost it arbitrarily to make it more visible since inside points are more likely to be small // and less visible since behind the surface if distance < - vis_uniforms.surface_width { negative_strength = saturate(- vis_uniforms.negative_power * distance / cell_radius); } // surface strength is how close to the surface is the point if abs(distance) < vis_uniforms.surface_width { surface_strength = saturate(vis_uniforms.surface_power * (1.0 - abs(distance) / vis_uniforms.surface_width)); } // compute vertex position // the equilateral triangle inscribing the unit circle has its vertices on the circle of radius 2. // the vertex position is 2d (in view space), but before the projection to keep perspective. // this allow us to draw unlit spheres cheaply. // see let PI_2_3 = 2.094395; // 2 * pi / 3 let angle = PI_2_3 * f32(in.vertex_index); var vertex_position = 2.0 * vec4(cos(angle), sin(angle), 0.0, 0.0); // scale the vertex position to the cell size // we use the minimum dimension to keep the triangle equilateral and thus the sphere inscribed in the cell let min_dim = min(cell_size.x, min(cell_size.y, cell_size.z)); vertex_position *= min_dim; // color is a mix of the 3 colors // since we expect only one strength to be strong, we can just add them let positive_color = vis_uniforms.positive_color * positive_strength; let negative_color = vis_uniforms.negative_color * negative_strength; let surface_color = vis_uniforms.surface_color * surface_strength; let color = positive_color + negative_color + surface_color; // alpha is the sum of the strengths // only one should be "big" // this let us dim the point if the "big" strength was reduced by its power // note that while we call it alpha, it is actually a size factor // we don't have alpha blending in this shader since we have depth testing // so reducing the size acts as a dimming let alpha = positive_strength + negative_strength + surface_strength; let point_size = vis_uniforms.point_size * alpha * 0.5; // svposition is the position in screen space, normalized let svposition = camera.proj * (viewpos + vertex_position * point_size); // we need to know the distance between the drawn pixel in the fragment shader and the center pixel // so we can discard pixels outside of the inscribed circle // since the vertex returns a triangle. // center is the exact pixel position of the center of the sphere var center_svpos = camera.proj * viewpos; center_svpos = center_svpos / center_svpos.w; var center = (center_svpos.xy + 1.0) / 2.0 * vec2(camera.resolution); center.y = f32(camera.resolution.y) - center.y; // invert y // svpos is the exact pixel position of the drawn vertice var svpos = svposition.xy / svposition.w; svpos = (svpos + 1.0) / 2.0 * vec2(camera.resolution); svpos.y = f32(camera.resolution.y) - svpos.y; // invert y // delta between the two pixels let offset = svpos - center; // distance_squared / 2^2 since we go from circle 2 to circle 1. let radius = dot(offset, offset) * 0.25; // output var out: VertexOutput; out.svposition = svposition; out.color =; out.center_pos = center; out.radius = radius; return out; } @fragment fn main_fs(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 { let offset = in.svposition.xy - in.center_pos; // discard pixels outside of the inscribed circle if dot(offset, offset) > in.radius { discard; } return vec4(in.color, 1.0); }