struct SdfUniforms { // acts as bounding box start: vec4, end: vec4, cell_size: vec4, cell_count: vec4, } @group(0) @binding(0) var uniforms : SdfUniforms; @group(0) @binding(1) var sdf : array; @group(0) @binding(2) var ordered_indices : array; // Vertex shader struct CameraUniform { view_proj: mat4x4, view: mat4x4, proj: mat4x4, view_inv: mat4x4, proj_inv: mat4x4, eye: vec4, resolution: vec2, _padding: vec2, }; @group(1) @binding(0) var camera: CameraUniform; struct VisUniforms { positive_color: vec4, negative_color: vec4, surface_color: vec4, positive_power: f32, negative_power: f32, surface_iso: f32, surface_power: f32, surface_width: f32, point_size: f32, raymarch_mode: u32, bounding_box_extension: f32, mesh_bounding_box_min: vec4, mesh_bounding_box_max: vec4, map_material: u32, }; @group(2) @binding(0) var vis_uniforms: VisUniforms; @group(3) @binding(0) var shadow_camera: CameraUniform; @group(3) @binding(1) var shadow_map: texture_2d; @group(3) @binding(2) var shadow_sampler: sampler; @group(4) @binding(0) var cubemap: texture_2d_array; @group(4) @binding(1) var cubemap_sampler: sampler; @group(4) @binding(2) var cubemap_depth: texture_2d_array; @group(4) @binding(3) var cubemap_depth_sampler: sampler; @group(4) @binding(4) var cubemap_viewprojs: array, 6>; struct VertexInput { @location(0) vertex_position: vec3, @location(1) normal: vec3, @location(2) uv: vec2, @builtin(instance_index) instance_index: u32, }; struct VertexOutput { @builtin(position) svposition: vec4, @location(0) position: vec4, @location(1) cell_center: vec4, @location(2) normal: vec4, @location(3) distance: f32, @location(4) cell_idx: u32, }; fn phong_lighting(k_d: f32, k_s: f32, alpha: f32, position: vec3, eye: vec3, light_pos: vec3, light_intensity: vec3, normal: vec3) -> vec3 { let N = normal; let L = normalize(light_pos - position); let V = normalize(eye - position); let R = normalize(reflect(-L, N)); let dotLN = dot(L, N); let dotRV = dot(R, V); if dotLN < 0.0 { // Light not visible from this point on the surface return vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); } if dotRV < 0.0 { // Light reflection in opposite direction as viewer, apply only diffuse // component return light_intensity * (k_d * dotLN); } return light_intensity * (k_d * dotLN + k_s * pow(dotRV, alpha)); } @vertex fn main_vs( in: VertexInput, ) -> VertexOutput { let cell_count =; let cell_size =; // compute cell world position // index was generated via for x in 0..cell_x { for y in 0..cell_y { for z in 0..cell_z { ... } } } // so index is x*cell_y*cell_z + y*cell_z + z var index = ordered_indices[in.instance_index]; let distance = sdf[index] - vis_uniforms.surface_iso; let cell_z = index % cell_count.z; index /= cell_count.z; let cell_y = index % cell_count.y; index /= cell_count.y; let cell_x = index; let cell_idx = vec3(f32(cell_x), f32(cell_y), f32(cell_z)); let cell = + cell_idx * cell_size; let world_pos = cell + in.vertex_position * * 0.5; // cell view position let svposition = camera.view_proj * vec4(world_pos, 1.0); // output var out: VertexOutput; out.svposition = svposition; out.position = vec4(world_pos, 1.0); out.cell_center = vec4(cell, 1.0); out.normal = vec4(in.normal, 0.0); out.distance = distance; out.cell_idx = ordered_indices[in.instance_index]; return out; } fn get_albedo(p: vec3) -> vec3 { let bbox_center = ( + * 0.5; let bbox_size = -; let bbox_min = bbox_center - bbox_size * 0.5; let bbox_max = bbox_center + bbox_size * 0.5; let pmin = p - bbox_min; let pmax = bbox_max - p; let mini = min(pmin, pmax); let min = min(mini.x, min(mini.y, mini.z)); var fars = array(bbox_size.x, bbox_size.x, bbox_size.z, bbox_size.z, bbox_size.y, bbox_size.y); var dists = array(pmin.x, pmax.x, pmin.z, pmax.z, pmin.y, pmax.y); var layer = -1; var min_dist = 1e10; for (var i = 0; i < 6; i = i + 1) { var projected = cubemap_viewprojs[i] * vec4(p, 1.0); projected /= projected.w; var uv = projected.xy * 0.5 + 0.5; uv.y = 1.0 - uv.y; let depth = textureSample(cubemap_depth, cubemap_depth_sampler, uv, i).x; let depth_lin = (1.0 - depth) * fars[i]; let delta = abs(depth_lin - projected.z); if delta < min_dist && depth > 0.0 { layer = i; min_dist = delta; } } var color = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 1.0); if layer >= 0 { var projected = cubemap_viewprojs[layer] * vec4(p, 1.0); projected /= projected.w; var uv = projected.xy * 0.5 + 0.5; uv.y = 1.0 - uv.y; color = textureSample(cubemap, cubemap_sampler, uv, layer).xyz; } return color; } @fragment fn main_fs(in: VertexOutput) -> @location(0) vec4 { // We send the cell center because we want a single color per cell. var color = mix(vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), get_albedo(, f32(vis_uniforms.map_material > 0)); let light =; let light_dir = normalize(light -; let ambiant = 0.2; let diffuse = max(0.0, dot(, light_dir)); var diffuse_strength = 1.0; var shadow_uv = shadow_camera.view_proj * vec4(, 1.0); shadow_uv /= shadow_uv.w; shadow_uv.x = shadow_uv.x * 0.5 + 0.5; shadow_uv.y = shadow_uv.y * -0.5 + 0.5; var depth = shadow_uv.z; let threshold = depth * 1.05; let PCF: bool = true; if PCF { var light_depth = 0.0; let inv_res = vec2(1.0 / f32(camera.resolution.x), 1.0 / f32(camera.resolution.y)); for (var y = -1.; y <= 1.; y += 1.0) { for (var x = -1.; x <= 1.; x += 1.0) { let pdepth = textureSample(shadow_map, shadow_sampler, shadow_uv.xy + vec2(x, y) * inv_res).x; light_depth += f32(pdepth < threshold); } } light_depth /= 9.0; diffuse_strength *= light_depth; } else { let pdepth = textureSample(shadow_map, shadow_sampler, shadow_uv.xy).x; diffuse_strength *= f32(pdepth < threshold); } let view_dir = normalize( -; let half_dir = normalize(view_dir + light_dir); let specular = max(0.0, dot(, half_dir)); let brightness = ambiant + (diffuse + 0.5 * specular) * diffuse_strength; // arbitrary attenuation color.r *= exp(-1.8 * (1.0 - brightness)); color.g *= exp(-1.9 * (1.0 - brightness)); color.b *= exp(-1.9 * (1.0 - brightness)); return vec4(color, 1.0); }