# MeshToVox A Command line ultility to convert triangle meshes into voxels. ## Cli Usage Program Arguments: * `--f string `: **(required)** Supported Formats : glb/gltf\ * `--o string `: **(required)** Supported Formats : .gltf, .vox\ * `--dim int `: **(default: 1022)**\ * `--timer bool`: **(default: false)** Outputs profiling imformation\ * `--sparse bool`: **(default: true)** Removes non visible voxel faces ie inside of a sphere. Compatible with all meshes. Ignored for vox file format. Significantly reduces file size but takes more time and memory. ## Installation [Cargo](https://www.rust-lang.org/tools/install 'Cargo') is requried for installation.\ You can either install with `cargo install mesh_to_vox`. Or clone the repo and run with `cargo run --release -- (your argument)` ## Examples: `cargo install mesh_to_vox; mesh_to_vox --f data/original/person.glb --o data/test_gltf/test.gltf --dim 2048 --sparse true` ## Todo * Multi-Threading / Gpu support * Directed cycle graph output format * Normals