*Version 2.0.0* - Dependency updates from [@seanlinsley](https://github.com/seanlinsley). This package now uses more modern cryptographic crates from the [@RustCrypto](https://github.com/RustCrypto) team. - The `set_cipher_key_size` function was removed, instead just set the encryptor's `key_size` property directly: `e.key_size = KeySize::Aes256` - `Verifier#generate` now returns a `Result` *Version 1.1.0* - The `Encryptor` type is now a trait which is implemented by the `AesHmacEncryptor` and `AesGcmEncryptor` types. - The `set_cipher` function has been renamed to `set_cipher_key_size` and the `EncryptorCipher` type has been renamed to `KeySize`.