# message_verifier [![message_verifier](https://github.com/mjc-gh/message_verifier/actions/workflows/actions.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/mjc-gh/message_verifier/actions/workflows/actions.yml) [![Crates.io Version](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/message_verifier)](https://crates.io/crates/message_verifier) [![MIT Licensed](https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg)](./LICENSE.md) Message Verifier library compatible with Rails' [MessageVerifier]( http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/MessageVerifier.html) and [MessageEncryptor]( http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/MessageEncryptor.html). In a nutshell, this library provides several simple interfaces for signing and encrypting messages. These interfaces are useful when securely implementing various web application features like session cookies or signed URL tokens. This library handles all the formatting, encoding, and cryptography. It does not handle serialization aspects. The idea is to input and output raw strings to and from this library and handle serialization on another layer. ### Documentation Documentation is available on [Docs.rs](https://docs.rs/message_verifier). ### Examples The examples directory contains two Rust examples as well as two small Ruby scripts to demonstrate interoperability between this library and ActiveSupport. One Rust example demonstrates message signing and encryption: ``` $ cargo run --example generate_encrypt eyJrZXkiOiJ2YWx1ZSJ9--fa115453dbb4a28277b1ba07ef4c7437621f5d72 MllIRUYvUFhjcXBpRk9NUWgvZ2s2UT09LS1NRmN2b2Y5SWJsaUpRNlptZFdwSlZRPT0=--2df97d947a5dc344de003715510002503fa059f1 ``` The second reads from stdin and tries verify the first line of input and decrypt and verify the second: ``` $ cargo run --example generate_encrypt | cargo run --example verify_decrypt Verified Message: {"key":"value"} Decrypted Message: {"key":"value"} ``` We can use these two Rust examples with the Ruby scripts as well: ``` $ cargo run --example generate_encrypt | ruby examples/verify_decrypt.rb Verified message: {"key"=>"value"} Decrypted message: {"key"=>"value"} $ ruby examples/generate_encrypt.rb | cargo run --example verify_decrypt Verified Message: {"key":"value"} Decrypted Message: {"key":"value"} ``` ### Supported Ciphers - AES-CBC with HMAC-SHA1 - 256, 192, or 128 bit keys - AES-GCM - 256, 192, or 128 bit keys If you need more cipher options, please open an issue or submit a PR! ## Contributors - [mjc-gh](https://github.com/mjc-gh/) - [seanlinsley](https://github.com/seanlinsley)