use std::env; mod server { use futures::{Sink, SinkExt, StreamExt}; use messages::prelude::*; use tokio::net::TcpListener; use tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::{Error as WsError, Message}; pub struct WebSocketConnection> { response: T, } impl WebSocketConnection where T: Sink, { pub fn new(response: T) -> Self { Self { response } } } impl Actor for WebSocketConnection where T: Sink + Send + Sync + Unpin + 'static {} #[async_trait] impl Notifiable> for WebSocketConnection where T: Sink + Send + Sync + Unpin + 'static, { async fn notify(&mut self, input: Result, context: &Context) { let msg = match input { Ok(msg) => msg, Err(_err) => return, }; match msg { Message::Text(input) => { let _ = self.response.send(Message::Text(input)).await; } Message::Binary(input) => { let _ = self.response.send(Message::Binary(input)).await; } Message::Ping(ping) => { let _ = self.response.send(Message::Pong(ping)).await; } Message::Pong(_) => { // We don't send ping messages, do nothing. } Message::Close(_) => { context.address().stop().await; } } } } pub(super) async fn run(addr: String) { // Create the event loop and TCP listener we'll accept connections on. let try_socket = TcpListener::bind(&addr).await; let listener = try_socket.expect("Failed to bind"); println!("Listening on: {}", addr); while let Ok((stream, _)) = listener.accept().await { let (ws_sink, ws_stream) = tokio_tungstenite::accept_async(stream) .await .expect("Error during the websocket handshake occurred") .split(); let addr = WebSocketConnection::new(ws_sink).spawn(); addr.spawn_stream_forwarder(ws_stream); } } } mod client { //! Client implementation is respectfull borrowed from [`tokio-tungstenite`] [example]. //! It does not use actors, and is put here just so you can play with the server. //! //! [`tokio-tungstenite`]: //! [example]: use futures::{future, pin_mut, StreamExt}; use tokio::io::{AsyncReadExt, AsyncWriteExt}; use tokio_tungstenite::{connect_async, tungstenite::protocol::Message}; pub(super) async fn run(connect_addr: String) { if !connect_addr.starts_with("ws://") { eprintln!("Server URL must start with `ws://`"); return; } let (stdin_tx, stdin_rx) = futures::channel::mpsc::unbounded(); tokio::spawn(read_stdin(stdin_tx)); let (ws_stream, _) = connect_async(connect_addr) .await .expect("Failed to connect"); println!("WebSocket handshake has been successfully completed"); let (write, read) = ws_stream.split(); let stdin_to_ws =; let ws_to_stdout = { read.for_each(|message| async { let data = message.unwrap().into_data(); tokio::io::stdout().write_all(&data).await.unwrap(); }) }; pin_mut!(stdin_to_ws, ws_to_stdout); future::select(stdin_to_ws, ws_to_stdout).await; } // Our helper method which will read data from stdin and send it along the // sender provided. async fn read_stdin(tx: futures::channel::mpsc::UnboundedSender) { let mut stdin = tokio::io::stdin(); loop { let mut buf = vec![0; 1024]; let n = match buf).await { Err(_) | Ok(0) => break, Ok(n) => n, }; buf.truncate(n); tx.unbounded_send(Message::binary(buf)).unwrap(); } } } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let command = match env::args() .nth(1) .map(|s| s.to_ascii_lowercase()) .filter(|c| c == "server" || c == "client") { Some(command) => command, None => { println!( "Usage: `cargo run --example 08_websocket -- [client|server] `, \ where `arg` is either server address or bind address." ); return; } }; let arg = env::args() .nth(2) .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_owned()); match command.as_ref() { "server" => server::run(arg).await, "client" => client::run(arg).await, _ => unreachable!(), } }