/* * Global three hourly spot data * * This API provides three hourly weather forecast data for a requested coordinate defined by a latitude and longitude. The format of the data is GeoJSON. * * The version of the OpenAPI document: 1.0.1 * Contact: enquiries@metoffice.gov.uk * Generated by: https://openapi-generator.tech */ #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct Configuration { pub base_path: String, pub user_agent: Option, pub client: reqwest::Client, pub basic_auth: Option, pub oauth_access_token: Option, pub bearer_access_token: Option, pub api_key: Option, pub api_client: Option, // TODO: take an oauth2 token source, similar to the go one } pub type BasicAuth = (String, Option); #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct ApiKey { pub prefix: Option, pub key: String, } impl Configuration { pub fn new() -> Configuration { Configuration::default() } } impl Default for Configuration { fn default() -> Self { Configuration { base_path: "https://api-metoffice.apiconnect.ibmcloud.com/v0".to_owned(), user_agent: Some("OpenAPI-Generator/1.0.1/rust".to_owned()), client: reqwest::Client::new(), basic_auth: None, oauth_access_token: None, bearer_access_token: None, api_key: None, api_client: None, } } }