//! //! Helpers. //! /// Internal namespace. pub( crate ) mod private { // zzz : move here test tools // /// Pass only if callback fails either returning error or panicing. // // pub fn should_throw< R, F : FnOnce() -> anyhow::Result< R > >( f : F ) -> anyhow::Result< R > // { // f() // } // // #[panic_handler] // fn panic( info : &core::panic::PanicInfo ) -> ! // { // println!( "{:?}", info ); // loop {} // } // pub use test_suite; // pub use test_suite_internals; // pub use index; /// /// Required to convert integets to floats. /// #[ macro_export ] macro_rules! num { () => { }; ( $num : expr ) => { num_traits::cast::< _, T >( $num ).unwrap() }; ( $( $num : expr ),+ ) => {( $( num_traits::cast::< _, T >( $num ).unwrap() ),+ )}; } /// /// Test a file with documentation. /// #[ macro_export ] macro_rules! doc_file_test { ( $file:expr ) => { #[ allow( unused_doc_comments ) ] #[ cfg( doctest ) ] #[ doc = include_str!( concat!( env!( "CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR" ), "/", $file ) ) ] extern { } }; } pub use num; pub use doc_file_test; } // meta_tools::mod_interface! { prelude use { num, doc_file_test, }; }