use metacall::{ loaders, switch, MetacallClass, MetacallException, MetacallFunction, MetacallFuture, MetacallNull, MetacallObject, MetacallPointer, MetacallThrowable, MetacallValue, }; use std::{collections::HashMap, env, fmt::Debug}; fn generate_test( name: impl ToString, expected: T, ) -> T { let test = if !(Box::new(expected.clone()) as Box).is::() { ::metacall::metacall::(name, [expected.clone()]) } else { ::metacall::metacall_no_arg::(name) }; match test { Ok(v) => { if v != expected { invalid_return_value(expected.clone(), v); } } Err(err) => invalid_return_type(expected.clone(), err), }; expected } fn generate_test_custom_validation( name: impl ToString, expected_type: impl ToString, expected_value: impl MetacallValue + Clone, validator: impl FnOnce(T), ) { let expected_value_boxed = Box::new(expected_value.clone()) as Box; let test = if ! { ::metacall::metacall::(name, [expected_value]) } else { ::metacall::metacall_no_arg::(name) }; match test { Ok(v) => validator(v), Err(err) => invalid_return_type(expected_type.to_string(), err), }; } fn invalid_return_type(expected: impl Debug, received: impl Debug) { panic!( "Invalid return type! Expected: `{:#?}` but received `{:#?}`.", expected, received ); } fn invalid_return_value(expected: impl Debug, received: impl Debug) { panic!( "Invalid return value! Expected: `{:#?}` but received `{:#?}`.", expected, received ); } fn test_bool() { generate_test::("return_the_argument_py", false); generate_test::("return_the_argument_py", true); } fn test_char() { generate_test::("test_char", 'A'); generate_test::("test_char", 'Z'); } fn test_short() { generate_test::("test_short", 12345 as i16); } fn test_int() { generate_test::("test_int", 12345 as i32); } fn test_long() { generate_test::("test_long", 12345 as i64); } fn test_float() { generate_test::("test_float", 1.2345 as f32); } fn test_double() { generate_test::("test_double", 1.2345 as f64); } fn test_string() { generate_test::( "return_the_argument_py", generate_test::("return_the_argument_py", String::from("hi there!")), ); } fn test_buffer() { generate_test::>( "return_the_argument_py", String::from("hi there!") .as_bytes() .iter() .map(|&b| b as i8) .collect(), ); } fn test_map() { let mut expected_hashmap = HashMap::new(); expected_hashmap.insert(String::from("hi"), String::from("there!")); expected_hashmap.insert(String::from("hello"), String::from("world")); generate_test_custom_validation::>( "return_the_argument_py", "map", expected_hashmap.clone(), move |hashmap| { for (expected_key, expected_value) in expected_hashmap.iter() { if let Some(received_value) = hashmap.get(expected_key) { if received_value != expected_value { invalid_return_value(expected_value, received_value); } } else { invalid_return_value(format!("'{}' for key", expected_key), "Null"); } } }, ); } fn test_array() { let expected_array = vec![String::from("hi"), String::from("there!")]; generate_test_custom_validation::>( "return_the_argument_py", "array", expected_array.clone(), |array| { for (index, expected_value) in expected_array.iter().enumerate() { if &array[index] != expected_value { invalid_return_value( format!("'{}' as the {}th element", expected_value, index), &array[index], ); } } }, ); } fn test_pointer() { let expected_value = String::from("hi there!"); generate_test_custom_validation::( "return_the_argument_py", "pointer", MetacallPointer::new(expected_value.clone()), |pointer| { let receieved_value = pointer.get_value::().unwrap(); if receieved_value != expected_value { invalid_return_value(expected_value, receieved_value) } }, ); } fn test_future() { fn validate(upper_result: Box, upper_data: Box) { match upper_data.downcast::() { Ok(ret) => { if ret.as_str() != "data" { invalid_return_value("data", ret) } } Err(original) => { invalid_return_type("'string' for the data", original); } } match upper_result.downcast::() { Ok(ret) => { if ret.as_str() != "hi there!" { invalid_return_value("hi there!", ret) } } Err(original) => { invalid_return_type("'funtion' for the result", original); } } } generate_test_custom_validation::( "test_future_resolve", "future", MetacallNull(), move |future| { fn resolve(result: Box, data: Box) { validate(result, data); } future.then(resolve).data(String::from("data")).await_fut(); }, ); generate_test_custom_validation::( "test_future_reject", "future", MetacallNull(), move |future| { fn reject(result: Box, data: Box) { validate(result, data); } future.catch(reject).data(String::from("data")).await_fut(); }, ); } fn test_function() { generate_test_custom_validation::( "test_function", "function", MetacallNull(), |upper_function| { generate_test_custom_validation::( "return_the_argument_py", "function", upper_function, move |function| { let ret = function.call_no_arg::().unwrap(); if ret.as_str() == "hi there!" { } else { invalid_return_value("hi there!", ret); } }, ); }, ); } fn test_null() { metacall::metacall::("return_the_argument_py", [MetacallNull()]).unwrap(); } fn class_test_inner(class: MetacallClass) { let attr = class.get_attribute::("hi").unwrap(); if attr.as_str() != "there!" { invalid_return_value("there!", attr); } class .set_attribute("hi2", String::from("there!2!")) .unwrap(); let attr = class.get_attribute::("hi2").unwrap(); if attr.as_str() != "there!2!" { invalid_return_value("there!2!", attr); } let ret = class.call_method_no_arg::("hi_function").unwrap(); if ret != "there!" { invalid_return_value("there!", ret) } let new_obj = class.create_object_no_arg("test_class_obj").unwrap(); object_test_inner(new_obj); } fn test_class() { generate_test_custom_validation::( "test_class", "class", MetacallNull(), |upper_class| { generate_test_custom_validation::( "return_the_argument_py", "class", upper_class, class_test_inner, ); }, ); class_test_inner(MetacallClass::from_name("TestClass").unwrap()); } fn object_test_inner(object: MetacallObject) { object .set_attribute("hi2", String::from("there!2!")) .unwrap(); let attr = object.get_attribute::("hi2").unwrap(); if attr.as_str() != "there!2!" { invalid_return_value("there!", attr); } let ret = object.call_method_no_arg::("get_hi").unwrap(); if ret.as_str() == "there!" { } else { invalid_return_value("there!", ret); } } fn test_object() { generate_test_custom_validation::( "test_object", "object", MetacallNull(), |upper_object| { generate_test_custom_validation::( "return_the_argument_py", "object", upper_object, object_test_inner, ); }, ); } fn test_exception() { generate_test_custom_validation::( "test_exception", "exception", MetacallNull(), |upper_exception| { generate_test_custom_validation::( "return_the_argument_js", "exception", upper_exception, move |exception| { let exception_message = exception.get_message(); if exception_message.as_str() != "hi there!" { invalid_return_value("hi there!", exception_message); } }, ); }, ); } fn test_throwable() { generate_test_custom_validation::( "test_throwable", "throwable", MetacallNull(), |throwable| { let exception_message = throwable .get_value::() .unwrap() .get_message(); if exception_message.as_str() != "hi there!" { invalid_return_value("hi there!", exception_message); } }, ); } #[test] fn metacall() { let _d = switch::initialize().unwrap(); let tests_dir = env::current_dir().unwrap().join("tests/scripts"); let js_test_file = tests_dir.join("script.js"); let c_test_file = tests_dir.join("script.c"); let py_test_file = tests_dir.join(""); if let Ok(_) = loaders::from_single_file("py", py_test_file) { test_buffer(); test_class(); test_object(); test_pointer(); } if let Ok(_) = loaders::from_single_file("c", c_test_file) { test_char(); test_double(); test_float(); test_int(); test_long(); test_short(); } if let Ok(_) = loaders::from_single_file("node", js_test_file) { test_array(); test_bool(); test_exception(); test_function(); test_map(); test_null(); test_string(); test_throwable(); test_future(); } }