//! # PNG Grid Query
//! PNG grid queries allow you to request an image of weather and climate data for cells in a
//! rectangular grid, where the grid is defined by a bounding box. The bounding box or [`BBox`](`rust_connector_api::BBox`) is
//! defined by the upper left (i.e. North Western) corner and lower right(i.e. South Eastern) corner).
//! The cell size in turn is defined either in pixels (```res_lat=400``` = 400 pixel heigh cells) or
//! in degrees (e.g. ```res_lat=0.1```= 0.1° or about 7 km at the equator).
//!# The Example
//! The example demonstrates how to request current temperature and precipitation data for Switzerland.
//! The grid is spaced in 0.1 ° (or about 7 km cell width and cell height).
//! There are several optional parameters you can pass to the meteomatics API that will change the
//! data you get back. In the example we specify that we would like to receive the parameters based
//! on the mix ```model = String::from("model=mix");```. The Meteomatics Mix combines different model
//! s and sources into an intelligent blend, such that the best data source is chosen for each time
//! and location ().
//! # The account
//! You can use the provided credentials or your own if you already have them.
//! Check out to request an
//! API package.
use chrono::{Utc};
use meteomatics::{APIClient, BBox};
use meteomatics::errors::ConnectorError;
async fn main(){
// Credentials
let api: APIClient = APIClient::new("rust-community", "5GhAwL3HCpFB", 10);
// Define the name of the file
let file_name = String::from("switzerland_t_2m_C.png");
example_request(&api, &file_name).await.unwrap();
/// Query a time series for a single point and two parameters.
async fn example_request(api: &APIClient, file_name: &String) -> std::result::Result<(), ConnectorError>{
// Time series definition
let start_date = Utc::now();
// Location definition
let ch: BBox = BBox {
lat_min: 45.8,
lat_max: 47.8,
lon_min: 6.0,
lon_max: 10.5,
lat_res: 0.1,
lon_res: 0.1,
// Parameter selection
let t_2m = String::from("t_2m:C");
// Optionals
let model_mix = String::from("model=mix");
let optionals = Option::from(vec![model_mix]);
// Download the NetCDF
let result = api.query_grid_png(
&start_date, &t_2m, &ch, file_name, &optionals