//! This test is to show that we can still use `::metrics::*` macros even though we have imported //! the `framework::metrics` mod (otherwise, there would be a compilation error). pub mod framework { pub mod metrics { pub const UPLOAD_METRIC_NAME: &'static str = "some_metric"; pub const UPLOAD_METRIC_LABEL_SUCCESS: &'static str = "success"; pub const UPLOAD_METRIC_LABEL_PROCESS_TYPE: &'static str = "process_type"; } } use framework::*; // This exposes mod `framework::metrics`. #[inline] pub fn register_metrics() { let _ = ::metrics::counter!( metrics::UPLOAD_METRIC_NAME, &[ (metrics::UPLOAD_METRIC_LABEL_PROCESS_TYPE, ""), (metrics::UPLOAD_METRIC_LABEL_SUCCESS, ""), ] ); } fn main() {}