# metrics-exporter-dogstatsd __metrics-exporter-dogstatsd__ is a `metrics`-compatible exporter that aggregates metrics and pushes them to a statsd/dogstatsd agent. A good chunk of this code is taken from the [Prometheus exporter](https://github.com/metrics-rs/metrics/tree/main/metrics-exporter-prometheus) with some important changes in behavior. Compared with other statsd metrics systems like [cadence] or [metrics-exporter-statsd], this crate is fully asynchronous in how it communicates data to the statsd agent via Tokio. This crate also pre-aggregates all of the metrics and communicates them to the agent on an interval limiting the amount of network traffic and system calls. This crate takes full advantage of atomics and the performance of the `metrics` crate. [cadence]: https://github.com/56quarters/cadence/ [metrics-exporter-statsd]: https://github.com/github/metrics-exporter-statsd