use metrics_server::{MetricsServer, ServerError}; #[test] fn test_new_server_invalid_address() { let server = MetricsServer::new("invalid:99999999", None, None); assert!(server.is_err()); assert!(matches!(server, Err(ServerError::Create(_)))); } #[test] fn test_new_http_server() { let server = MetricsServer::new("localhost:8001", None, None); assert!(server.is_ok()); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "tls")] fn test_new_server_invalid_certificate() { // Load TLS config. let cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- invaid certificate -----END CERTIFICATE-----" .as_bytes() .to_vec(); let key = include_bytes!("./certs/private_key.pem").to_vec(); let server = MetricsServer::new("localhost:8441", Some(cert), Some(key)); assert!(server.is_err()); assert!(matches!(server, Err(ServerError::Create(_)))); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "tls")] fn test_new_server_invalid_private_key() { // Load TLS config. let cert = include_bytes!("./certs/certificate.pem").to_vec(); let key = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- -----END PRIVATE KEY-----" .as_bytes() .to_vec(); let server = MetricsServer::new("localhost:8442", Some(cert), Some(key)); assert!(server.is_err()); assert!(matches!(server, Err(ServerError::Create(_)))); } #[test] fn test_new_server_already_running() { let mut server = MetricsServer::new("localhost:8002", None, None).unwrap(); // Attempt to start an already running server should be ok // as we will return the pre-existing thread. server.serve(); server.serve(); // Stop the server. server.stop().unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_new_https_server() { // Load TLS config. let cert = include_bytes!("./certs/certificate.pem").to_vec(); let key = include_bytes!("./certs/private_key.pem").to_vec(); let server = MetricsServer::new("localhost:8443", Some(cert), Some(key)); assert!(server.is_ok()); } #[test] #[should_panic] fn test_http_server_invalid_address() { let _ = MetricsServer::http("invalid:99999999"); } #[test] fn test_http_server_serve() { let mut server = MetricsServer::new("localhost:8001", None, None).unwrap(); server.serve(); // Assert calls to non /metrics endpoint returns 404. let res = reqwest::blocking::get("http://localhost:8001/invalid").unwrap(); assert_eq!(404, res.status()); // Assert calls to URLs with correct prefix but additional characters returns 404. let res = reqwest::blocking::get("http://localhost:8001/metricsssss").unwrap(); assert_eq!(404, res.status()); // Assert calls to uppercase URLs returns 404. let res = reqwest::blocking::get("http://localhost:8001/METRICS").unwrap(); assert_eq!(404, res.status()); // Assert non GET requests to /metrics endpoint returns 405. let client = reqwest::blocking::Client::new(); let res ="http://localhost:8001/metrics").send().unwrap(); assert_eq!(405, res.status()); // Assert calls to /metrics return correct response. for i in 0..3 { // Create mock data and update the metrics server. let v = vec![i]; let b = server.update(v.clone()); assert_eq!(1, b); // Make a HTTP request to the metrics server. let mut res = reqwest::blocking::get("http://localhost:8001/metrics").unwrap(); assert_eq!(200, res.status()); // Read the response body and check it is what we expected. let mut buf: Vec = vec![]; res.copy_to(&mut buf).unwrap(); assert_eq!(v, buf); } // Stop the server. server.stop().unwrap(); } #[test] fn test_http_server_serve_uri() { let mut server = MetricsServer::new("localhost:8004", None, None).unwrap(); server.serve_uri("/test".to_string()); // Assert calls to non /metrics endpoint returns 404. let res = reqwest::blocking::get("http://localhost:8004/metrics").unwrap(); assert_eq!(404, res.status()); // Assert calls to /test returns 200. let res = reqwest::blocking::get("http://localhost:8004/test").unwrap(); assert_eq!(200, res.status()); // Stop the server. server.stop().unwrap(); } #[test] #[should_panic] #[cfg(feature = "tls")] fn test_https_server_invalid_address() { // Load TLS config. let cert = include_bytes!("./certs/certificate.pem").to_vec(); let key = include_bytes!("./certs/private_key.pem").to_vec(); _ = MetricsServer::https("invalid:99999999", cert, key); } #[test] #[should_panic] #[cfg(feature = "tls")] fn test_https_server_invalid_certificate() { // Load TLS config. let cert = Vec::new(); let key = include_bytes!("./certs/private_key.pem").to_vec(); _ = MetricsServer::https("localhost:8441", cert, key); } #[test] #[should_panic] #[cfg(feature = "tls")] fn test_https_server_invalid_private_key() { // Load TLS config. let cert = include_bytes!("./certs/certificate.pem").to_vec(); let key = Vec::new(); _ = MetricsServer::https("localhost:8442", cert, key); } #[test] #[cfg(feature = "tls")] fn test_https_server_serve() { // Load TLS config. let cert = include_bytes!("./certs/certificate.pem").to_vec(); let key = include_bytes!("./certs/private_key.pem").to_vec(); let server = MetricsServer::https("localhost:8443", cert, key); // Stop the server. server.stop().unwrap(); }