# Metropolis ![crates.io](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/metropolis.svg) [![License: MIT](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-MIT-yellow.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) ![doc.rs](https://docs.rs/metropolis/badge.svg?version=0.9.1) ## What is it and what is it for? Metropolis is an easy to use high level graphics renderer written in rust, utilizing [vulkano](https://crates.io/crates/vulkano) and [winit](https://crates.io/crates/winit), I still have some work to do on it and I am currently still developing it and would love community input. Later I hope to develop a game engine using it but first I'll finish the renderer. ## How to install it? ### you can use cargo(the preferable and much easier and safe way): ```console :~$ cargo install metropolis ``` ### then install the vulkan required dependencies: ### if you have linux debian/ubuntu: ```console :~$ apt install libvulkan1 mesa-vulkan-drivers vulkan-utils ``` ### if you have fedora: ```console # dnf install vulkan vulkan-info ``` ### if you have arch linux: ```console # pacman -S vulkan-radeon lib32-vulkan-radeon ``` ### if you have mac: ```console :~$ xcode-select --install :~$ brew install cmake ``` ### for windows just install ninja. ## Usage Add the following to your Cargo.toml: ```rust [dependencies] metropolis = "0.9.1" ``` First use import the crate: ```rust extern crate metro; use metropolis::*; use metropolis::color::*; //if you want some math functions use math as well use metropolis::math::*; ``` Then you use the funcion size that creates a canvas(I wwould suggest to save height and width as variables so you can use them later ```rust fn main(){ let height = 600; let width = 800; size(width,height); ``` Next comes the setup(here I declare the varibles I will be using insode the looped function): ```rust let mut spd = 0; let mut acc = 1; let mut posy = 0; background(grayscale(220)); ``` Next comes the draw function, this function gets looped over so what's in it should be decided accordingly ```rust let draw =move || { spd+=1; if posy+50< height{ posy+=spd; } fill(rgb(255,0.1.3)); ellipse(400,posy,200,100); }; ``` Finally use the show() function to run the whole thing: ```rust show(draw); } ``` If you noticed - this program displays gravity working on an ellipse ## release notes: ### a patch version to fix the text module laggines: now the text module functions ok and on par with the rest of the crates FPS, the text can be between size 1 and 128. ### former versions release notes: #### 0.8.1 I finally fixed the image module and now it could be used to place a png image wherever you want in the page in the same size as it was(the resize is on you...) #### 0.8.0 I improved the text fps by a bit, added a Vector struct that allowes for some linear algebra related calculations, added from trait,display trait, and debug trait to color.
changed image functions: now only takes png images, and displays the whole image, I still have problems with it that I'm fixing.
changed the curve to work with bezier by default(beacuse of problems with te catmull rom chain) #### 0.7.0 added the possiblity to use keyboard events see the examples:key_event and key_event_glob. I added mouse position getters and mouse scroll delta getters. #### 0.6.0 you can now use a public mutithreading safe canvas struct, the matching example is called canvas_struct #### 0.5.1 fixed a bug that caused the text vertecies to not be cleared at he end of each iteration of the draw function #### 0.5.0 some of the math functions were deprecated due to community feedback:sin,cos,tan,abs I added an image module that allows you to load an image and display it(see the example for more details) #### 0.4.1 fixed the text module slowdown for the non-text using canvases added FPS unsafe static added WIDTH/HEIGHT unsafe statics #### 0.4.0 1 - added a text module - uses text() and textSize() 2 - added abs() and absf() functions to math #### 0.3.3 1 - changed map to recieve generic variable 2 - added quad and square functions #### 0.3.2 ported to vulkano 0.16, fixed the problem with the unclosing window! #### 0.3.1: there is a bezier curve, 2 function - one for vertex(4 x's and y's) and one for a chain(should have amout of values of 4+3*i such as 4,7,10,13...) #### 0.3.0: 1 - there is a mapping function called map 2 - there is a factorial function called factorial 3 - there is a function called linspace that create evenly spaced floats between two numbers 4 - there are curves - using the catmull rom chain algorithm there is are functions to create a curves: curve, curveVertex, catmull_rom_chain ### If you want to checkout the crate further that you should take a look in the [examples](https://github.com/GuyL99/metropolis/tree/master/examples) folder. ## Currently being developed: 1)dynamic line width.
2)page elements and multicanvas module
3)making the static mut into a lazy_static(in development).
5)HTML type file parsing into elements.
6)anithyng else from community feedback!
# License This crate is primarily distributed under the terms of the MIT license See [LICENSE-MIT](https://github.com/GuyL99/metropolis/blob/master/LICENSE) for details.