[package] name = "mfek-ipc" version = "0.0.4-beta1" authors = ["Fredrick Brennan "] description = "Modular Font Editor K (MFEK) inter-process communication library." edition = "2018" license = "Apache-2.0" # crates.io keywords = ["mfek-ipc"] repository = "https://github.com/MFEK/ipc.rlib" [dependencies] ## Our crates # parses .glif files and gives us a place to put arbitrary data glifparser = { version = "1.2", default-features = false } #glifparser = { path = "../glifparser.rlib", default-features = false } # for development # Logging log = "0.4" # Notify notify = "4" # Serde serde_json = "1.0" serde = "1.0" # Header figlet-rs = "0.1" colored = "2" atty = "0.2" chrono = "0.4" # Can be changed back to upstream if https://github.com/chronotope/chrono/issues/899 is solved or https://github.com/Alex-PK/chrono-locale/pull/6 is merged. chrono_locale = { version = "0.1", git = "https://github.com/MFEK/chrono-locale.rlib" } [target.'cfg(windows)'.dependencies] ansi_term = "0.12" # for enable_ansi_support, convenient way to SetConsoleMode(0x0004) [dev-dependencies] env_logger = "0.10" test-log = "0.2" [features] reproducible-build = []