# Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced # at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files # LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117. # # This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code # availability visit https://mfem.org. # # MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file # CONTRIBUTING.md for details. # This file describes the default MFEM build options. # # See the file INSTALL for description of these options. You can # customize them below, or copy this file to user.mk and modify it. # Some choices below are based on the OS type: NOTMAC := $(subst Darwin,,$(shell uname -s)) ETAGS_BIN = $(shell command -v etags 2> /dev/null) EGREP_BIN = $(shell command -v egrep 2> /dev/null) CXX = g++ MPICXX = mpicxx BASE_FLAGS = -std=c++11 OPTIM_FLAGS = -O3 $(BASE_FLAGS) DEBUG_FLAGS = -g $(XCOMPILER)-Wall $(BASE_FLAGS) # Prefixes for passing flags to the compiler and linker when using CXX or MPICXX CXX_XCOMPILER = CXX_XLINKER = -Wl, # Destination location of make install # PREFIX = $(HOME)/mfem PREFIX = ./mfem # Install program INSTALL = /usr/bin/install STATIC = YES SHARED = NO # CUDA configuration options # # If you set MFEM_USE_ENZYME=YES, CUDA_CXX has to be configured to use cuda with # clang as its host compiler. CUDA_CXX = nvcc CUDA_ARCH = sm_60 CUDA_FLAGS = -x=cu --expt-extended-lambda -arch=$(CUDA_ARCH) # Prefixes for passing flags to the host compiler and linker when using CUDA_CXX CUDA_XCOMPILER = -Xcompiler= CUDA_XLINKER = -Xlinker= # HIP configuration options HIP_CXX = hipcc # The HIP_ARCH option specifies the AMD GPU processor, similar to CUDA_ARCH. For # example: gfx600 (tahiti), gfx700 (kaveri), gfx701 (hawaii), gfx801 (carrizo), # gfx900, gfx1010, etc. HIP_ARCH = gfx900 HIP_FLAGS = --offload-arch=$(HIP_ARCH) HIP_XCOMPILER = HIP_XLINKER = -Wl, # Flags for generating dependencies. DEP_FLAGS = -MM -MT ifneq ($(NOTMAC),) AR = ar ARFLAGS = crv RANLIB = ranlib PICFLAG = $(XCOMPILER)-fPIC SO_EXT = so SO_VER = so.$(MFEM_VERSION_STRING) BUILD_SOFLAGS = -shared $(XLINKER)-soname,libmfem.$(SO_VER) BUILD_RPATH = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(BUILD_REAL_DIR) INSTALL_SOFLAGS = $(BUILD_SOFLAGS) INSTALL_RPATH = $(XLINKER)-rpath,@MFEM_LIB_DIR@ else # Silence "has no symbols" warnings on Mac OS X AR = ar ARFLAGS = Scrv RANLIB = ranlib -no_warning_for_no_symbols PICFLAG = $(XCOMPILER)-fPIC SO_EXT = dylib SO_VER = $(MFEM_VERSION_STRING).dylib MAKE_SOFLAGS = $(XLINKER)-dylib,-install_name,$(1)/libmfem.$(SO_VER),\ -compatibility_version,$(MFEM_VERSION_STRING),\ -current_version,$(MFEM_VERSION_STRING),\ -undefined,dynamic_lookup BUILD_SOFLAGS = $(subst $1 ,,$(call MAKE_SOFLAGS,$(BUILD_REAL_DIR))) BUILD_RPATH = $(XLINKER)-undefined,dynamic_lookup INSTALL_SOFLAGS = $(subst $1 ,,$(call MAKE_SOFLAGS,$(MFEM_LIB_DIR))) INSTALL_RPATH = $(XLINKER)-undefined,dynamic_lookup # Silence unused command line argument warnings when generating dependencies # with mpicxx and clang DEP_FLAGS := -Wno-unused-command-line-argument $(DEP_FLAGS) endif # Set CXXFLAGS to overwrite the default selection of DEBUG_FLAGS/OPTIM_FLAGS # CXXFLAGS = -O3 -march=native # Optional extra compile flags, in addition to CXXFLAGS: # CPPFLAGS = # Library configurations: # Note: symbols of the form @VAR@ will be replaced by $(VAR) in derived # variables, like MFEM_FLAGS, defined in config.mk. # Command used to launch MPI jobs MFEM_MPIEXEC = mpirun MFEM_MPIEXEC_NP = -np # Number of mpi tasks for parallel jobs MFEM_MPI_NP = 4 # MFEM configuration options: YES/NO values, which are exported to config.mk and # config.hpp. The values below are the defaults for generating the actual values # in config.mk and config.hpp. MFEM_USE_MPI = NO MFEM_USE_METIS = $(MFEM_USE_MPI) MFEM_USE_METIS_5 = NO MFEM_DEBUG = NO MFEM_USE_EXCEPTIONS = NO MFEM_USE_ZLIB = NO MFEM_USE_LIBUNWIND = NO MFEM_USE_LAPACK = NO MFEM_THREAD_SAFE = NO MFEM_USE_OPENMP = NO MFEM_USE_LEGACY_OPENMP = NO MFEM_USE_MEMALLOC = YES MFEM_TIMER_TYPE = $(if $(NOTMAC),2,4) MFEM_USE_SUNDIALS = NO MFEM_USE_SUITESPARSE = NO MFEM_USE_SUPERLU = NO MFEM_USE_SUPERLU5 = NO MFEM_USE_MUMPS = NO MFEM_USE_STRUMPACK = NO MFEM_USE_GINKGO = NO MFEM_USE_AMGX = NO MFEM_USE_GNUTLS = NO MFEM_USE_NETCDF = NO MFEM_USE_PETSC = NO MFEM_USE_SLEPC = NO MFEM_USE_MPFR = NO MFEM_USE_SIDRE = NO MFEM_USE_FMS = NO MFEM_USE_CONDUIT = NO MFEM_USE_PUMI = NO MFEM_USE_HIOP = NO MFEM_USE_GSLIB = NO MFEM_USE_CUDA = NO MFEM_USE_HIP = NO MFEM_USE_RAJA = NO MFEM_USE_OCCA = NO MFEM_USE_CEED = NO MFEM_USE_CALIPER = NO MFEM_USE_ALGOIM = NO MFEM_USE_UMPIRE = NO MFEM_USE_SIMD = NO MFEM_USE_ADIOS2 = NO MFEM_USE_MKL_CPARDISO = NO MFEM_USE_MKL_PARDISO = NO MFEM_USE_MOONOLITH = NO MFEM_USE_ADFORWARD = NO MFEM_USE_CODIPACK = NO MFEM_USE_BENCHMARK = NO MFEM_USE_PARELAG = NO MFEM_USE_ENZYME = NO # MPI library compile and link flags # These settings are used only when building MFEM with MPI + HIP ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_MPI)$(MFEM_USE_HIP),YESYES) # We determine MPI_DIR assuming $(MPICXX) is in $(MPI_DIR)/bin MPI_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(shell which $(MPICXX)))) MPI_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(MPI_DIR))) MPI_OPT = -I$(MPI_DIR)/include MPI_LIB = -L$(MPI_DIR)/lib $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(MPI_DIR)/lib -lmpi endif # ROCM/HIP directory such that ROCM/HIP libraries like rocsparse and rocrand are # found in $(HIP_DIR)/lib, usually as links. Typically, this directory is of # the form /opt/rocm-X.Y.Z which is called ROCM_PATH by hipconfig. ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_HIP),YES) HIP_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(shell which $(HIP_CXX)))) HIP_DIR := $(patsubst %/,%,$(dir $(HIP_DIR))) ifeq (,$(wildcard $(HIP_DIR)/lib/librocsparse.*)) HIP_DIR := $(shell hipconfig --rocmpath 2> /dev/null) ifeq (,$(wildcard $(HIP_DIR)/lib/librocsparse.*)) $(error Unable to determine HIP_DIR. Please set it manually.) endif endif endif # Compile and link options for zlib. ZLIB_DIR = ZLIB_OPT = $(if $(ZLIB_DIR),-I$(ZLIB_DIR)/include) ZLIB_LIB = $(if $(ZLIB_DIR),$(ZLIB_RPATH) -L$(ZLIB_DIR)/lib ,)-lz ZLIB_RPATH = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(ZLIB_DIR)/lib LIBUNWIND_OPT = -g LIBUNWIND_LIB = $(if $(NOTMAC),-lunwind -ldl,) # HYPRE library configuration (needed to build the parallel version) HYPRE_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../hypre/src/hypre HYPRE_OPT = -I$(HYPRE_DIR)/include HYPRE_LIB = -L$(HYPRE_DIR)/lib -lHYPRE ifeq (YES,$(MFEM_USE_CUDA)) # This is only necessary when hypre is built with cuda: HYPRE_LIB += -lcusparse -lcurand -lcublas endif ifeq (YES,$(MFEM_USE_HIP)) # This is only necessary when hypre is built with hip: HYPRE_LIB += -L$(HIP_DIR)/lib $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(HIP_DIR)/lib\ -lrocsparse -lrocrand endif # METIS library configuration ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_SUPERLU)$(MFEM_USE_STRUMPACK)$(MFEM_USE_MUMPS),NONONO) ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_METIS_5),NO) METIS_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../metis-4.0 METIS_OPT = METIS_LIB = -L$(METIS_DIR) -lmetis else METIS_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../metis-5.0 METIS_OPT = -I$(METIS_DIR)/include METIS_LIB = -L$(METIS_DIR)/lib -lmetis endif else # ParMETIS: currently needed by SuperLU or STRUMPACK. We assume that METIS 5 # (included with ParMETIS) is installed in the same location. # Starting with STRUMPACK v2.2.0, ParMETIS is an optional dependency while # METIS is still required. METIS_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../parmetis-4.0.3 METIS_OPT = -I$(METIS_DIR)/include METIS_LIB = -L$(METIS_DIR)/lib -lparmetis -lmetis MFEM_USE_METIS_5 = YES endif # LAPACK library configuration LAPACK_OPT = LAPACK_LIB = $(if $(NOTMAC),-llapack -lblas,-framework Accelerate) # OpenMP configuration OPENMP_OPT = $(XCOMPILER)-fopenmp OPENMP_LIB = # Used when MFEM_TIMER_TYPE = 2 POSIX_CLOCKS_LIB = -lrt # SUNDIALS library configuration # For sundials_nvecmpiplusx and nvecparallel remember to build with MPI_ENABLE=ON # and modify cmake variables for hypre for sundials SUNDIALS_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../sundials-5.0.0/instdir # SUNDIALS >= 6.4.0 requires C++14: ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_SUNDIALS),YES) BASE_FLAGS = -std=c++14 endif SUNDIALS_OPT = -I$(SUNDIALS_DIR)/include SUNDIALS_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(SUNDIALS_DIR)/lib64\ $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(SUNDIALS_DIR)/lib\ -L$(SUNDIALS_DIR)/lib64 -L$(SUNDIALS_DIR)/lib\ -lsundials_arkode -lsundials_cvodes -lsundials_nvecserial -lsundials_kinsol ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_MPI),YES) SUNDIALS_LIB += -lsundials_nvecparallel -lsundials_nvecmpiplusx endif ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_CUDA),YES) SUNDIALS_LIB += -lsundials_nveccuda endif ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_HIP),YES) SUNDIALS_LIB += -lsundials_nvechip endif # If SUNDIALS was built with KLU: # MFEM_USE_SUITESPARSE = YES # SuiteSparse library configuration LIB_RT = $(if $(NOTMAC),-lrt,) SUITESPARSE_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../SuiteSparse SUITESPARSE_OPT = -I$(SUITESPARSE_DIR)/include SUITESPARSE_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(SUITESPARSE_DIR)/lib\ -L$(SUITESPARSE_DIR)/lib -lklu -lbtf -lumfpack -lcholmod -lcolamd -lamd -lcamd\ -lccolamd -lsuitesparseconfig $(LIB_RT) $(METIS_LIB) $(LAPACK_LIB) # SuperLU library configuration ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_SUPERLU5),YES) SUPERLU_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../SuperLU_DIST_5.1.0 SUPERLU_OPT = -I$(SUPERLU_DIR)/include SUPERLU_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(SUPERLU_DIR)/lib -L$(SUPERLU_DIR)/lib\ -lsuperlu_dist_5.1.0 else SUPERLU_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../SuperLU_DIST_8.1.2 SUPERLU_OPT = -I$(SUPERLU_DIR)/include SUPERLU_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(SUPERLU_DIR)/lib64 -L$(SUPERLU_DIR)/lib64\ -lsuperlu_dist $(LAPACK_LIB) endif # SCOTCH library configuration (required by STRUMPACK <= v2.1.0, optional in # STRUMPACK >= v2.2.0) SCOTCH_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../scotch_6.0.4 SCOTCH_OPT = -I$(SCOTCH_DIR)/include SCOTCH_LIB = -L$(SCOTCH_DIR)/lib -lptscotch -lptscotcherr -lscotch -lscotcherr\ -lpthread # SCALAPACK library configuration (required by STRUMPACK and MUMPS) SCALAPACK_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../scalapack-2.0.2 SCALAPACK_OPT = -I$(SCALAPACK_DIR)/SRC SCALAPACK_LIB = -L$(SCALAPACK_DIR)/lib -lscalapack $(LAPACK_LIB) # MPI Fortran library, needed e.g. by STRUMPACK or MUMPS # MPICH: MPI_FORTRAN_LIB = -lmpifort # OpenMPI: # MPI_FORTRAN_LIB = -lmpi_mpifh # Additional Fortran library: # MPI_FORTRAN_LIB += -lgfortran # MUMPS library configuration MUMPS_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../MUMPS_5.5.0 MUMPS_OPT = -I$(MUMPS_DIR)/include MUMPS_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(MUMPS_DIR)/lib -L$(MUMPS_DIR)/lib -ldmumps\ -lmumps_common -lpord $(SCALAPACK_LIB) $(LAPACK_LIB) $(MPI_FORTRAN_LIB) # STRUMPACK library configuration STRUMPACK_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../STRUMPACK-build ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_STRUMPACK),YES) BASE_FLAGS = -std=c++14 endif STRUMPACK_OPT = -I$(STRUMPACK_DIR)/include $(SCOTCH_OPT) # If STRUMPACK was build with OpenMP support, the following may be need: # STRUMPACK_OPT += $(OPENMP_OPT) STRUMPACK_LIB = -L$(STRUMPACK_DIR)/lib -lstrumpack $(MPI_FORTRAN_LIB)\ $(SCOTCH_LIB) $(SCALAPACK_LIB) # Ginkgo library configuration (currently not needed) GINKGO_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../ginkgo/install GINKGO_BUILD_TYPE=Release ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_GINKGO),YES) BASE_FLAGS = -std=c++14 endif GINKGO_OPT = -isystem $(GINKGO_DIR)/include GINKGO_LIB_DIR = $(sort $(dir $(wildcard $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*.a $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*.so $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*.dylib $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*.dll))) ALL_GINKGO_LIBS_DEBUG = $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*d.a $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*d.so $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*d.dylib $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*d.dll))) ALL_GINKGO_LIBS = $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*.a $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*.so $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*.dylib $(GINKGO_DIR)/lib*/libginkgo*.dll))) ALL_GINKGO_LIBS_RELEASE = $(filter-out $(ALL_GINKGO_LIBS_DEBUG),$(ALL_GINKGO_LIBS)) GINKGO_LINK = $(subst libginkgo,-lginkgo,$(ALL_GINKGO_LIBS_RELEASE)) ifeq ($(GINKGO_BUILD_TYPE),Debug) ifneq (,$(ALL_GINKGO_LIBS_DEBUG)) GINKGO_LINK = $(subst libginkgo,-lginkgo,$(ALL_GINKGO_LIBS_DEBUG)) endif else endif GINKGO_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(GINKGO_LIB_DIR) -L$(GINKGO_LIB_DIR) $(GINKGO_LINK) # AmgX library configuration AMGX_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../amgx AMGX_OPT = -I$(AMGX_DIR)/include AMGX_LIB = -lcusparse -lcusolver -lcublas -lnvToolsExt -L$(AMGX_DIR)/lib -lamgx # GnuTLS library configuration GNUTLS_OPT = GNUTLS_LIB = -lgnutls # NetCDF library configuration NETCDF_DIR = $(HOME)/local HDF5_DIR = $(HOME)/local NETCDF_OPT = -I$(NETCDF_DIR)/include -I$(HDF5_DIR)/include $(ZLIB_OPT) NETCDF_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(NETCDF_DIR)/lib -L$(NETCDF_DIR)/lib\ $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(HDF5_DIR)/lib -L$(HDF5_DIR)/lib\ -lnetcdf -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 $(ZLIB_LIB) # PETSc library configuration (version greater or equal to 3.8 or the dev branch) PETSC_ARCH := arch-linux2-c-debug PETSC_DIR := $(MFEM_DIR)/../petsc/$(PETSC_ARCH) PETSC_VARS := $(PETSC_DIR)/lib/petsc/conf/petscvariables PETSC_FOUND := $(if $(wildcard $(PETSC_VARS)),YES,) PETSC_INC_VAR = PETSC_CC_INCLUDES PETSC_LIB_VAR = PETSC_EXTERNAL_LIB_BASIC ifeq ($(PETSC_FOUND),YES) PETSC_OPT := $(shell sed -n "s/$(PETSC_INC_VAR) = *//p" $(PETSC_VARS)) PETSC_DEP := $(shell sed -n "s/$(PETSC_LIB_VAR) = *//p" $(PETSC_VARS)) PETSC_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(abspath $(PETSC_DIR))/lib\ -L$(abspath $(PETSC_DIR))/lib -lpetsc\ $(subst $(CXX_XLINKER),$(XLINKER),$(PETSC_DEP)) endif SLEPC_DIR := $(MFEM_DIR)/../slepc SLEPC_VARS := $(SLEPC_DIR)/lib/slepc/conf/slepc_variables SLEPC_FOUND := $(if $(wildcard $(SLEPC_VARS)),YES,) SLEPC_INC_VAR = SLEPC_INCLUDE SLEPC_LIB_VAR = SLEPC_EXTERNAL_LIB ifeq ($(SLEPC_FOUND),YES) SLEPC_OPT := $(shell sed -n "s/$(SLEPC_INC_VAR) *= *//p" $(SLEPC_VARS)) # Some additional external libraries might be defined in this file -include ${SLEPC_DIR}/${PETSC_ARCH}/lib/slepc/conf/slepcvariables SLEPC_DEP := $(shell sed -n "s/$(SLEPC_LIB_VAR) *= *//p" $(SLEPC_VARS)) SLEPC_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(abspath $(SLEPC_DIR))/$(PETSC_ARCH)/lib\ -L$(abspath $(SLEPC_DIR))/$(PETSC_ARCH)/lib -lslepc\ $(subst $(CXX_XLINKER),$(XLINKER),$(SLEPC_DEP)) endif ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_MOONOLITH),YES) include $(MOONOLITH_DIR)/config/moonolith-config.makefile MOONOLITH_LIB=$(MOONOLITH_LIBRARIES) endif # MPFR library configuration MPFR_OPT = MPFR_LIB = -lmpfr # FMS and required libraries configuration FMS_DIR = $(MFEM_DIR)/../fms FMS_OPT = -I$(FMS_DIR)/include FMS_LIB = -Wl,-rpath,$(FMS_DIR)/lib -L$(FMS_DIR)/lib -lfms # Conduit and required libraries configuration CONDUIT_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../conduit CONDUIT_OPT = -I$(CONDUIT_DIR)/include/conduit CONDUIT_LIB = \ $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(CONDUIT_DIR)/lib -L$(CONDUIT_DIR)/lib \ -lconduit -lconduit_relay -lconduit_blueprint -ldl # Check if Conduit was built with hdf5 support, by looking # for the relay hdf5 header CONDUIT_HDF5_HEADER=$(CONDUIT_DIR)/include/conduit/conduit_relay_hdf5.hpp ifneq (,$(wildcard $(CONDUIT_HDF5_HEADER))) CONDUIT_OPT += -I$(HDF5_DIR)/include CONDUIT_LIB += $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(HDF5_DIR)/lib -L$(HDF5_DIR)/lib \ -lhdf5 $(ZLIB_LIB) endif # Sidre and required libraries configuration # Be sure to check the HDF5_DIR (set above) is correct SIDRE_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../axom SIDRE_OPT = -I$(SIDRE_DIR)/include -I$(CONDUIT_DIR)/include/conduit\ -I$(HDF5_DIR)/include SIDRE_LIB = \ $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(SIDRE_DIR)/lib -L$(SIDRE_DIR)/lib \ $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(CONDUIT_DIR)/lib -L$(CONDUIT_DIR)/lib \ $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(HDF5_DIR)/lib -L$(HDF5_DIR)/lib \ -laxom -lconduit -lconduit_relay -lconduit_blueprint -lhdf5 $(ZLIB_LIB) -ldl # PUMI # Note that PUMI_DIR is needed -- it is used to check for gmi_sim.h PUMI_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../pumi-2.1.0 PUMI_OPT = -I$(PUMI_DIR)/include PUMI_LIB = -L$(PUMI_DIR)/lib -lpumi -lcrv -lma -lmds -lapf -lpcu -lgmi -lparma\ -llion -lmth -lapf_zoltan -lspr # HIOP HIOP_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../hiop/install HIOP_OPT = -I$(HIOP_DIR)/include HIOP_LIB = -L$(HIOP_DIR)/lib -lhiop $(LAPACK_LIB) # CoDiPack CODIPACK_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../CoDiPack CODIPACK_OPT = -I$(CODIPACK_DIR) CODIPACK_LIB = # GSLIB library GSLIB_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../gslib/build GSLIB_OPT = -I$(GSLIB_DIR)/include GSLIB_LIB = -L$(GSLIB_DIR)/lib -lgs # CUDA library configuration CUDA_OPT = CUDA_LIB = -lcusparse # HIP library configuration HIP_OPT = HIP_LIB = -L$(HIP_DIR)/lib $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(HIP_DIR)/lib -lhipsparse # OCCA library configuration OCCA_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../occa OCCA_OPT = -I$(OCCA_DIR)/include OCCA_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(OCCA_DIR)/lib -L$(OCCA_DIR)/lib -locca # CALIPER library configuration CALIPER_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../caliper CALIPER_OPT = -I$(CALIPER_DIR)/include CALIPER_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(CALIPER_DIR)/lib64 $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(CALIPER_DIR)/lib -L$(CALIPER_DIR)/lib64 -L$(CALIPER_DIR)/lib -lcaliper ifdef ADIAK_DIR CALIPER_OPT += -I$(ADIAK_DIR)/include CALIPER_LIB += $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(ADIAK_DIR)/lib64 $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(ADIAK_DIR)/lib -L$(ADIAK_DIR)/lib64 -L$(ADIAK_DIR)/lib -ladiak endif ifdef GOTCHA_DIR CALIPER_OPT += -I$(GOTCHA_DIR)/include CALIPER_LIB += $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(GOTCHA_DIR)/lib64 $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(GOTCHA_DIR)/lib -L$(GOTCHA_DIR)/lib64 -L$(GOTCHA_DIR)/lib -lgotcha endif # BLITZ library configuration BLITZ_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../blitz BLITZ_OPT = -I$(BLITZ_DIR)/include BLITZ_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(BLITZ_DIR)/lib -L$(BLITZ_DIR)/lib -lblitz # ALGOIM library configuration ALGOIM_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../algoim ALGOIM_OPT = -I$(ALGOIM_DIR)/src $(BLITZ_OPT) ALGOIM_LIB = $(BLITZ_LIB) # BENCHMARK library configuration BENCHMARK_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../google-benchmark BENCHMARK_OPT = -I$(BENCHMARK_DIR)/include BENCHMARK_LIB = -L$(BENCHMARK_DIR)/lib -lbenchmark -lpthread # libCEED library configuration CEED_DIR ?= @MFEM_DIR@/../libCEED CEED_OPT = -I$(CEED_DIR)/include CEED_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(CEED_DIR)/lib -L$(CEED_DIR)/lib -lceed # RAJA library configuration ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_RAJA),YES) BASE_FLAGS = -std=c++14 endif RAJA_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../raja RAJA_OPT = -I$(RAJA_DIR)/include ifdef CUB_DIR RAJA_OPT += -I$(CUB_DIR) endif CAMP_LIB = -lcamp ifdef CAMP_DIR RAJA_OPT += -I$(CAMP_DIR)/include CAMP_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(CAMP_DIR)/lib -L$(CAMP_DIR)/lib -lcamp endif RAJA_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(RAJA_DIR)/lib -L$(RAJA_DIR)/lib -lRAJA $(CAMP_LIB) # UMPIRE library configuration ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_UMPIRE),YES) BASE_FLAGS = -std=c++14 endif UMPIRE_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../umpire UMPIRE_OPT = -I$(UMPIRE_DIR)/include $(if $(CAMP_DIR), -I$(CAMP_DIR)/include) UMPIRE_LIB = -L$(UMPIRE_DIR)/lib -lumpire $(CAMP_LIB) # MKL CPardiso library configuration MKL_CPARDISO_DIR ?= MKL_MPI_WRAPPER ?= mkl_blacs_mpich_lp64 MKL_LIBRARY_SUBDIR ?= lib MKL_CPARDISO_OPT = -I$(MKL_CPARDISO_DIR)/include MKL_CPARDISO_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(MKL_CPARDISO_DIR)/$(MKL_LIBRARY_SUBDIR)\ -L$(MKL_CPARDISO_DIR)/$(MKL_LIBRARY_SUBDIR) -l$(MKL_MPI_WRAPPER)\ -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core # MKL Pardiso library configuration MKL_PARDISO_DIR ?= MKL_LIBRARY_SUBDIR ?= lib MKL_PARDISO_OPT = -I$(MKL_PARDISO_DIR)/include MKL_PARDISO_LIB = $(XLINKER)-rpath,$(MKL_PARDISO_DIR)/$(MKL_LIBRARY_SUBDIR)\ -L$(MKL_PARDISO_DIR)/$(MKL_LIBRARY_SUBDIR)\ -lmkl_intel_lp64 -lmkl_sequential -lmkl_core # PARELAG library configuration PARELAG_DIR = @MFEM_DIR@/../parelag PARELAG_OPT = -I$(PARELAG_DIR)/src -I$(PARELAG_DIR)/build/src PARELAG_LIB = -L$(PARELAG_DIR)/build/src -lParELAG # Enzyme configuration # If you want to enable automatic differentiation at compile time, use the # options below, adapted to your configuration. To be more flexible, we # recommend using the Enzyme plugin during link time optimization. One option is # to add your options to the global compiler/linker flags like # # BASE_FLAGS += -flto # CXX_XLINKER += -fuse-ld=lld -Wl,--lto-legacy-pass-manager\ # -Wl,-mllvm=-load=$(ENZYME_DIR)/LLDEnzyme-$(ENZYME_VERSION).so -Wl, # ENZYME_DIR ?= @MFEM_DIR@/../enzyme ENZYME_VERSION ?= 14 ENZYME_OPT = -fno-experimental-new-pass-manager -Xclang -load -Xclang $(ENZYME_DIR)/ClangEnzyme-$(ENZYME_VERSION).so ENZYME_LIB = "" # If YES, enable some informational messages VERBOSE = NO # Optional build tag MFEM_BUILD_TAG = $(shell uname -snm)