FROM # docker build -f Dockerfile.base -t . RUN apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y unzip gfortran && \ spack compiler find && \ apt-get install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev # /code is the working directory for code WORKDIR /code COPY . /code # This is for a spack environment/view to install from there RUN mkdir -p /opt/mfem-env \ && (echo "spack:" \ && echo " view:" \ && echo " mfem:" \ && echo " root: /opt/mfem-view" \ && echo " link_type: copy" \ && echo " packages:" \ && echo " all:" \ && echo " target:" \ && echo " - x86_64_v3" \ && echo " config:" \ && echo " concretizer: clingo" \ && echo " compiler:" \ && echo " target:" \ && echo " - x86_64_v3" \ && echo " install_missing_compilers: true" \ && echo " concretization: together") > /opt/mfem-env/spack.yaml RUN cd /opt/mfem-env && \ . /opt/spack/share/spack/ && \ spack env activate . && \ spack develop --path /code mfem@master+examples+miniapps && \ spack add mfem@master+examples+miniapps && \ spack install # ensure mfem always on various paths RUN cd /opt/mfem-env && \ spack env activate --sh -d . >> /etc/profile.d/ # Present the software install when we shell in # The view is at /opt/mfem-env/.spack-env/view WORKDIR /opt/software ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "--rcfile", "/etc/profile", "-l", "-c"]