Finite Element Discretization Library __ _ __ ___ / _| ___ _ __ ___ | '_ ` _ \ | |_ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ | | | | | || _|| __/| | | | | | |_| |_| |_||_| \___||_| |_| |_| This directory contains modifications of the example codes that illustrate the use of MFEM features based on the PETSc suite. To build these examples, make sure that MFEM is configured with the option "MFEM_USE_PETSC = YES", see the top-level INSTALL file for details (version 3.8 or higher of the PETSc dev branch is required). The version of Example 11 in this directory demonstrates also the use of the PETSc-bases SLEPc eigensolver. That example additionally requires that MFEM is configured with the option "MFEM_USE_SLEPC = YES". We recommend comparing the original example codes with the corresponding files in the current directory.