# Initial time step and final time can be customized #-ts_dt 0.01 #-ts_final_time 10.0 # RK4 (MFEM ode_solver_type 4) #-ts_type rk #-ts_rk_type 4 # Forward euler (MFEM ode_solver_type 1) #-ts_type euler # Dormand-Prince 5th order with adaptive time step -ts_type rk -ts_rk_type 5dp -ts_adapt_type basic # Valid options only when using the Mult method for the ODE # Prints details of the TS object at the end of Mult method -ts_view # Prints the time and dt at each time step -ts_monitor # Prints extra information on the adaptive step selection #-ts_adapt_monitor # Draw an X window with dt as a function of time #-ts_monitor_lg_timestep