// Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117. // // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code // availability visit https://mfem.org. // // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file // CONTRIBUTING.md for details. #include "tmop.hpp" #include "linearform.hpp" #include "pgridfunc.hpp" #include "tmop_tools.hpp" #include "../general/forall.hpp" namespace mfem { // Target-matrix optimization paradigm (TMOP) mesh quality metrics. double TMOP_Combo_QualityMetric::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { double metric = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < tmop_q_arr.Size(); i++) { metric += wt_arr[i]*tmop_q_arr[i]->EvalWMatrixForm(Jpt); } return metric; } double TMOP_Combo_QualityMetric::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { double metric = 0.; for (int i = 0; i < tmop_q_arr.Size(); i++) { metric += wt_arr[i]*tmop_q_arr[i]->EvalW(Jpt); } return metric; } void TMOP_Combo_QualityMetric::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { DenseMatrix Pt(P.Size()); P = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < tmop_q_arr.Size(); i++) { tmop_q_arr[i]->EvalP(Jpt, Pt); P.Add(wt_arr[i], Pt); } } void TMOP_Combo_QualityMetric::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { DenseMatrix At(A.Size()); for (int i = 0; i < tmop_q_arr.Size(); i++) { At = 0.0; tmop_q_arr[i]->AssembleH(Jpt, DS, weight * wt_arr[i], At); A += At; } } void TMOP_Combo_QualityMetric:: ComputeBalancedWeights(const GridFunction &nodes, const TargetConstructor &tc, Vector &weights) const { const int m_cnt = tmop_q_arr.Size(); Vector averages; ComputeAvgMetrics(nodes, tc, averages); weights.SetSize(m_cnt); // For [ combo_A_B_C = a m_A + b m_B + c m_C ] we would have: // a = BC / (AB + AC + BC), b = AC / (AB + AC + BC), c = AB / (AB + AC + BC), // where A = avg_m_A, B = avg_m_B, C = avg_m_C. // Nested loop to avoid division, as some avg may be 0. Vector products_no_m(m_cnt); products_no_m = 1.0; for (int m_p = 0; m_p < m_cnt; m_p++) { for (int m_a = 0; m_a < m_cnt; m_a++) { if (m_p != m_a) { products_no_m(m_p) *= averages(m_a); } } } const double pnm_sum = products_no_m.Sum(); if (pnm_sum == 0.0) { weights = 1.0 / m_cnt; return; } for (int m = 0; m < m_cnt; m++) { weights(m) = products_no_m(m) / pnm_sum; } MFEM_ASSERT(fabs(weights.Sum() - 1.0) < 1e-14, "Error: sum should be 1 always: " << weights.Sum()); } void TMOP_Combo_QualityMetric::ComputeAvgMetrics(const GridFunction &nodes, const TargetConstructor &tc, Vector &averages) const { const int m_cnt = tmop_q_arr.Size(), NE = nodes.FESpace()->GetNE(), dim = nodes.FESpace()->GetMesh()->Dimension(); averages.SetSize(m_cnt); // Integrals of all metrics. Array pos_dofs; averages = 0.0; double volume = 0.0; for (int e = 0; e < NE; e++) { const FiniteElement &fe_pos = *nodes.FESpace()->GetFE(e); const IntegrationRule &ir = IntRules.Get(fe_pos.GetGeomType(), 2 * fe_pos.GetOrder()); const int nsp = ir.GetNPoints(), dof = fe_pos.GetDof(); DenseMatrix dshape(dof, dim); DenseMatrix pos(dof, dim); pos.SetSize(dof, dim); Vector posV(pos.Data(), dof * dim); nodes.FESpace()->GetElementVDofs(e, pos_dofs); nodes.GetSubVector(pos_dofs, posV); DenseTensor W(dim, dim, nsp); DenseMatrix Winv(dim), T(dim), A(dim); tc.ComputeElementTargets(e, fe_pos, ir, posV, W); for (int q = 0; q < nsp; q++) { const DenseMatrix &Wj = W(q); CalcInverse(Wj, Winv); const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(q); fe_pos.CalcDShape(ip, dshape); MultAtB(pos, dshape, A); Mult(A, Winv, T); const double w_detA = ip.weight * A.Det(); for (int m = 0; m < m_cnt; m++) { tmop_q_arr[m]->SetTargetJacobian(Wj); averages(m) += tmop_q_arr[m]->EvalW(T) * w_detA; } volume += w_detA; } } // Parallel case. #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI auto par_nodes = dynamic_cast(&nodes); if (par_nodes) { MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, averages.GetData(), m_cnt, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, par_nodes->ParFESpace()->GetComm()); MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &volume, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, par_nodes->ParFESpace()->GetComm()); } #endif averages /= volume; } double TMOP_WorstCaseUntangleOptimizer_Metric::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { double metric_tilde = EvalWBarrier(Jpt); double metric = metric_tilde; if (wctype == WorstCaseType::PMean) { metric = std::pow(metric_tilde, exponent); } else if (wctype == WorstCaseType::Beta) { double beta = max_muT+muT_ep; metric = metric_tilde/(beta-metric_tilde); } return metric; } double TMOP_WorstCaseUntangleOptimizer_Metric::EvalWBarrier( const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { double denominator = 1.0; if (btype == BarrierType::Shifted) { denominator = 2.0*(Jpt.Det()-std::min(alpha*min_detT-detT_ep, 0.0)); } else if (btype == BarrierType::Pseudo) { double detT = Jpt.Det(); denominator = detT + std::sqrt(detT*detT + detT_ep*detT_ep); } return tmop_metric.EvalW(Jpt)/denominator; } double TMOP_Metric_001::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return ie.Get_I1(); } void TMOP_Metric_001::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P = ie.Get_dI1(); } void TMOP_Metric_001::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1(weight, A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_skew2D::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); DenseMatrix Jpr(2, 2); Mult(Jpt, *Jtr, Jpr); Vector col1, col2; Jpr.GetColumn(0, col1); Jpr.GetColumn(1, col2); double norm_prod = col1.Norml2() * col2.Norml2(); const double cos_Jpr = (col1 * col2) / norm_prod, sin_Jpr = fabs(Jpr.Det()) / norm_prod; Jtr->GetColumn(0, col1); Jtr->GetColumn(1, col2); norm_prod = col1.Norml2() * col2.Norml2(); const double cos_Jtr = (col1 * col2) / norm_prod, sin_Jtr = fabs(Jtr->Det()) / norm_prod; return 0.5 * (1.0 - cos_Jpr * cos_Jtr - sin_Jpr * sin_Jtr); } double TMOP_Metric_skew3D::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); DenseMatrix Jpr(3, 3); Mult(Jpt, *Jtr, Jpr); Vector col1, col2, col3; Jpr.GetColumn(0, col1); Jpr.GetColumn(1, col2); Jpr.GetColumn(2, col3); double norm_c1 = col1.Norml2(), norm_c2 = col2.Norml2(), norm_c3 = col3.Norml2(); double cos_Jpr_12 = (col1 * col2) / (norm_c1 * norm_c2), cos_Jpr_13 = (col1 * col3) / (norm_c1 * norm_c3), cos_Jpr_23 = (col2 * col3) / (norm_c2 * norm_c3); double sin_Jpr_12 = std::sqrt(1.0 - cos_Jpr_12 * cos_Jpr_12), sin_Jpr_13 = std::sqrt(1.0 - cos_Jpr_13 * cos_Jpr_13), sin_Jpr_23 = std::sqrt(1.0 - cos_Jpr_23 * cos_Jpr_23); Jtr->GetColumn(0, col1); Jtr->GetColumn(1, col2); Jtr->GetColumn(2, col3); norm_c1 = col1.Norml2(); norm_c2 = col2.Norml2(), norm_c3 = col3.Norml2(); double cos_Jtr_12 = (col1 * col2) / (norm_c1 * norm_c2), cos_Jtr_13 = (col1 * col3) / (norm_c1 * norm_c3), cos_Jtr_23 = (col2 * col3) / (norm_c2 * norm_c3); double sin_Jtr_12 = std::sqrt(1.0 - cos_Jtr_12 * cos_Jtr_12), sin_Jtr_13 = std::sqrt(1.0 - cos_Jtr_13 * cos_Jtr_13), sin_Jtr_23 = std::sqrt(1.0 - cos_Jtr_23 * cos_Jtr_23); return (3.0 - cos_Jpr_12 * cos_Jtr_12 - sin_Jpr_12 * sin_Jtr_12 - cos_Jpr_13 * cos_Jtr_13 - sin_Jpr_13 * sin_Jtr_13 - cos_Jpr_23 * cos_Jtr_23 - sin_Jpr_23 * sin_Jtr_23) / 6.0; } double TMOP_Metric_aspratio2D::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); DenseMatrix Jpr(2, 2); Mult(Jpt, *Jtr, Jpr); Vector col1, col2; Jpr.GetColumn(0, col1); Jpr.GetColumn(1, col2); const double ratio_Jpr = col2.Norml2() / col1.Norml2(); Jtr->GetColumn(0, col1); Jtr->GetColumn(1, col2); const double ratio_Jtr = col2.Norml2() / col1.Norml2(); return 0.5 * (ratio_Jpr / ratio_Jtr + ratio_Jtr / ratio_Jpr) - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_aspratio3D::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); DenseMatrix Jpr(3, 3); Mult(Jpt, *Jtr, Jpr); Vector col1, col2, col3; Jpr.GetColumn(0, col1); Jpr.GetColumn(1, col2); Jpr.GetColumn(2, col3); double norm_c1 = col1.Norml2(), norm_c2 = col2.Norml2(), norm_c3 = col3.Norml2(); double ratio_Jpr_1 = norm_c1 / std::sqrt(norm_c2 * norm_c3), ratio_Jpr_2 = norm_c2 / std::sqrt(norm_c1 * norm_c3), ratio_Jpr_3 = norm_c3 / std::sqrt(norm_c1 * norm_c2); Jtr->GetColumn(0, col1); Jtr->GetColumn(1, col2); Jtr->GetColumn(2, col3); norm_c1 = col1.Norml2(); norm_c2 = col2.Norml2(); norm_c3 = col3.Norml2(); double ratio_Jtr_1 = norm_c1 / std::sqrt(norm_c2 * norm_c3), ratio_Jtr_2 = norm_c2 / std::sqrt(norm_c1 * norm_c3), ratio_Jtr_3 = norm_c3 / std::sqrt(norm_c1 * norm_c2); return ( 0.5 * (ratio_Jpr_1 / ratio_Jtr_1 + ratio_Jtr_1 / ratio_Jpr_1) + 0.5 * (ratio_Jpr_2 / ratio_Jtr_2 + ratio_Jtr_2 / ratio_Jpr_2) + 0.5 * (ratio_Jpr_3 / ratio_Jtr_3 + ratio_Jtr_3 / ratio_Jpr_3) - 3.0 ) / 3.0; } double TMOP_Metric_002::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { return 0.5 * Jpt.FNorm2() / Jpt.Det() - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_002::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return 0.5 * ie.Get_I1b() - 1.0; } void TMOP_Metric_002::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(0.5, ie.Get_dI1b()); } void TMOP_Metric_002::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1b(0.5*weight, A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_004::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return ie.Get_I1() - 2.0*ie.Get_I2b(); } void TMOP_Metric_004::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); Add(1.0, ie.Get_dI1(), -2.0, ie.Get_dI2b(), P); } void TMOP_Metric_004::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1(weight, A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2b(-2.0*weight, A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_007::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_7 = |J-J^{-t}|^2 = |J|^2 + |J^{-1}|^2 - 4 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return ie.Get_I1()*(1. + 1./ie.Get_I2()) - 4.0; } void TMOP_Metric_007::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // P = d(I1*(1 + 1/I2)) = (1 + 1/I2) dI1 - I1/I2^2 dI2 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I2 = ie.Get_I2(); Add(1. + 1./I2, ie.Get_dI1(), -ie.Get_I1()/(I2*I2), ie.Get_dI2(), P); } void TMOP_Metric_007::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = d(I1*(1 + 1/I2)) // = (1 + 1/I2) dI1 - I1/I2^2 dI2 // // dP = (-1/I2^2) (dI1 x dI2) + (1 + 1/I2) ddI1 - // (dI2 x d(I1/I2^2)) - I1/I2^2 ddI2 // = (-1/I2^2) (dI1 x dI2) + (1 + 1/I2) ddI1 + // (-1/I2^2) (dI2 x [dI1 - 2 I1/I2 dI2]) - I1/I2^2 ddI2 // = (-1/I2^2) (dI1 x dI2 + dI2 x dI1) + (1 + 1/I2) ddI1 + // (2 I1/I2^3) (dI2 x dI2) - I1/I2^2 ddI2 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double c1 = 1./ie.Get_I2(); const double c2 = weight*c1*c1; const double c3 = ie.Get_I1()*c2; ie.Assemble_ddI1(weight*(1. + c1), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2(-c3, A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(-c2, ie.Get_dI1(), ie.Get_dI2(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(2*c1*c3, ie.Get_dI2(), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_009::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_9 = det(J)*|J-J^{-t}|^2 = I1b * (I2b^2 + 1) - 4 * I2b // = (I1 - 4)*I2b + I1b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return (ie.Get_I1() - 4.0)*ie.Get_I2b() + ie.Get_I1b(); } void TMOP_Metric_009::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_9 = (I1 - 4)*I2b + I1b // P = (I1 - 4)*dI2b + I2b*dI1 + dI1b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); Add(ie.Get_I1() - 4.0, ie.Get_dI2b(), ie.Get_I2b(), ie.Get_dI1(), P); P += ie.Get_dI1b(); } void TMOP_Metric_009::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = (I1 - 4)*dI2b + I2b*dI1 + dI1b // dP = dI2b x dI1 + (I1-4)*ddI2b + dI1 x dI2b + I2b*ddI1 + ddI1b // = (dI1 x dI2b + dI2b x dI1) + (I1-4)*ddI2b + I2b*ddI1 + ddI1b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight, ie.Get_dI1(), ie.Get_dI2b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2b(weight*(ie.Get_I1()-4.0), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1(weight*ie.Get_I2b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1b(weight, A.GetData()); } // mu_14 = |T-I|^2 double TMOP_Metric_014::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); DenseMatrix Id(2,2); Id(0,0) = 1; Id(0,1) = 0; Id(1,0) = 0; Id(1,1) = 1; DenseMatrix Mat(2,2); Mat = Jpt; Mat.Add(-1,Id); return Mat.FNorm2(); } double TMOP_Metric_022::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_22 = (0.5*|J|^2 - det(J)) / (det(J) - tau0) // = (0.5*I1 - I2b) / (I2b - tau0) ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I2b = ie.Get_I2b(); double d = I2b - min_detT; if (d < 0.0 && min_detT == 0.0) { // The mesh has been untangled, but it's still possible to get negative // detJ in FD calculations, as they move the nodes around with some small // increments and can produce negative determinants. Thus we put a small // value in the denominator. Note that here I2b < 0. d = - I2b * 0.1; } return (0.5*ie.Get_I1() - I2b) / d; } void TMOP_Metric_022::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_22 = (0.5*I1 - I2b) / (I2b - tau0) // P = 1/(I2b - tau0)*(0.5*dI1 - dI2b) - (0.5*I1 - I2b)/(I2b - tau0)^2*dI2b // = 0.5/(I2b - tau0)*dI1 + (tau0 - 0.5*I1)/(I2b - tau0)^2*dI2b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double c1 = 1.0/(ie.Get_I2b() - min_detT); Add(c1/2, ie.Get_dI1(), (min_detT - ie.Get_I1()/2)*c1*c1, ie.Get_dI2b(), P); } void TMOP_Metric_022::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = 0.5/(I2b - tau0)*dI1 + (tau0 - 0.5*I1)/(I2b - tau0)^2*dI2b // dP = -0.5/(I2b - tau0)^2*(dI1 x dI2b) + 0.5/(I2b - tau0)*ddI1 // + (dI2b x dz) + z*ddI2b // // z = (tau0 - 0.5*I1)/(I2b - tau0)^2 // dz = -0.5/(I2b - tau0)^2*dI1 - 2*(tau0 - 0.5*I1)/(I2b - tau0)^3*dI2b // // dP = -0.5/(I2b - tau0)^2*(dI1 x dI2b + dI2b x dI1) // -2*z/(I2b - tau0)*(dI2b x dI2b) // +0.5/(I2b - tau0)*ddI1 + z*ddI2b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double c1 = 1.0/(ie.Get_I2b() - min_detT); const double c2 = weight*c1/2; const double c3 = c1*c2; const double c4 = (2*min_detT - ie.Get_I1())*c3; // weight*z ie.Assemble_TProd(-c3, ie.Get_dI1(), ie.Get_dI2b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(-2*c1*c4, ie.Get_dI2b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1(c2, A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2b(c4, A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_050::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_50 = 0.5 |J^t J|^2 / det(J)^2 - 1. DenseMatrix JtJ(2); MultAAt(Jpt, JtJ); JtJ.Transpose(); double det = Jpt.Det(); return 0.5 * JtJ.FNorm2()/(det*det) - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_050::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_50 = 0.5*|J^t J|^2/det(J)^2 - 1 // = 0.5*(l1^4 + l2^4)/(l1*l2)^2 - 1 // = 0.5*((l1/l2)^2 + (l2/l1)^2) - 1 = 0.5*(l1/l2 - l2/l1)^2 // = 0.5*(l1/l2 + l2/l1)^2 - 2 = 0.5*I1b^2 - 2. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I1b = ie.Get_I1b(); return 0.5*I1b*I1b - 2.0; } void TMOP_Metric_050::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_50 = 0.5*I1b^2 - 2 // P = I1b*dI1b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(ie.Get_I1b(), ie.Get_dI1b()); } void TMOP_Metric_050::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = I1b*dI1b // dP = dI1b x dI1b + I1b*ddI1b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight, ie.Get_dI1b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1b(weight*ie.Get_I1b(), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_055::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_55 = (det(J) - 1)^2 = (I2b - 1)^2 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double c1 = ie.Get_I2b() - 1.0; return c1*c1; } void TMOP_Metric_055::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_55 = (I2b - 1)^2 // P = 2*(I2b - 1)*dI2b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(2*(ie.Get_I2b() - 1.0), ie.Get_dI2b()); } void TMOP_Metric_055::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = 2*(I2b - 1)*dI2b // dP = 2*(dI2b x dI2b) + 2*(I2b - 1)*ddI2b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(2*weight, ie.Get_dI2b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2b(2*weight*(ie.Get_I2b() - 1.0), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_056::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_56 = 0.5 (det(J) + 1 / det(J)) - 1. const double d = Jpt.Det(); return 0.5 * (d + 1.0 / d) - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_056::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_56 = 0.5*(I2b + 1/I2b) - 1. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I2b = ie.Get_I2b(); return 0.5*(I2b + 1.0/I2b) - 1.0; } void TMOP_Metric_056::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_56 = 0.5*(I2b + 1/I2b) - 1. // P = 0.5*(1 - 1/I2b^2)*dI2b. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(0.5 - 0.5/ie.Get_I2(), ie.Get_dI2b()); } void TMOP_Metric_056::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = 0.5*(1 - 1/I2b^2)*dI2b. // dP = (1/I2b^3)*(dI2b x dI2b) + (0.5 - 0.5/I2)*ddI2b. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight/(ie.Get_I2()*ie.Get_I2b()), ie.Get_dI2b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2b(weight*(0.5 - 0.5/ie.Get_I2()), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_058::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_58 = |J^t J|^2 / det(J)^2 - 2|J|^2 / det(J) + 2. DenseMatrix JtJ(2); MultAAt(Jpt, JtJ); JtJ.Transpose(); double det = Jpt.Det(); return JtJ.FNorm2()/(det*det) - 2*Jpt.FNorm2()/det + 2.0; } double TMOP_Metric_058::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_58 = I1b*(I1b - 2) ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I1b = ie.Get_I1b(); return I1b*(I1b - 2.0); } void TMOP_Metric_058::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_58 = I1b*(I1b - 2) // P = (2*I1b - 2)*dI1b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(2*ie.Get_I1b() - 2.0, ie.Get_dI1b()); } void TMOP_Metric_058::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = (2*I1b - 2)*dI1b // dP = 2*(dI1b x dI1b) + (2*I1b - 2)*ddI1b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(2*weight, ie.Get_dI1b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1b(weight*(2*ie.Get_I1b() - 2.0), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_077::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_77 = 0.5 (det(J)^2 + 1 / det(J)^2) - 1. const double d = Jpt.Det(); return 0.5 * (d*d + 1.0/(d*d)) - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_077::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_77 = 0.5 (I2 + 1 / I2) - 1.0. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I2 = ie.Get_I2(); return 0.5*(I2 + 1.0/I2) - 1.0; } void TMOP_Metric_077::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_77 = 0.5 (I2 + 1 / I2) - 1.0. // P = 1/2 (1 - 1/I2^2) dI2_dJ. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I2 = ie.Get_I2(); P.Set(0.5 * (1.0 - 1.0 / (I2 * I2)), ie.Get_dI2()); } void TMOP_Metric_077::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double I2 = ie.Get_I2(), I2inv_sq = 1.0 / (I2 * I2); ie.Assemble_ddI2(weight*0.5*(1.0 - I2inv_sq), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight * I2inv_sq / I2, ie.Get_dI2(), A.GetData()); } // mu_85 = |T-T'|^2, where T'= |T|*I/sqrt(2) double TMOP_Metric_085::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); DenseMatrix Id(2,2); DenseMatrix Mat(2,2); Mat = Jpt; Id(0,0) = 1; Id(0,1) = 0; Id(1,0) = 0; Id(1,1) = 1; Id *= Mat.FNorm()/pow(2,0.5); Mat.Add(-1.,Id); return Mat.FNorm2(); } // mu_98 = 1/(tau)|T-I|^2 double TMOP_Metric_098::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); DenseMatrix Id(2,2); Id(0,0) = 1; Id(0,1) = 0; Id(1,0) = 0; Id(1,1) = 1; DenseMatrix Mat(2,2); Mat = Jpt; Mat.Add(-1,Id); return Mat.FNorm2()/Jtr->Det(); } double TMOP_Metric_211::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_211 = (det(J) - 1)^2 - det(J) + (det(J)^2 + eps)^{1/2} // = (I2b - 1)^2 - I2b + sqrt(I2b^2 + eps) ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I2b = ie.Get_I2b(); return (I2b - 1.0)*(I2b - 1.0) - I2b + std::sqrt(I2b*I2b + eps); } void TMOP_Metric_211::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { MFEM_ABORT("Metric not implemented yet. Use metric mu_55 instead."); } void TMOP_Metric_211::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { MFEM_ABORT("Metric not implemented yet. Use metric mu_55 instead."); } double TMOP_Metric_252::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_252 = 0.5*(det(J) - 1)^2 / (det(J) - tau0). ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I2b = ie.Get_I2b(); return 0.5*(I2b - 1.0)*(I2b - 1.0)/(I2b - tau0); } void TMOP_Metric_252::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_252 = 0.5*(det(J) - 1)^2 / (det(J) - tau0) // P = (c - 0.5*c*c ) * dI2b // // c = (I2b - 1)/(I2b - tau0), see TMOP_Metric_352 for details ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I2b = ie.Get_I2b(); const double c = (I2b - 1.0)/(I2b - tau0); P.Set(c - 0.5*c*c, ie.Get_dI2b()); } void TMOP_Metric_252::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // c = (I2b - 1)/(I2b - tau0), see TMOP_Metric_352 for details // // P = (c - 0.5*c*c ) * dI2b // dP = (1 - c)^2/(I2b - tau0)*(dI2b x dI2b) + (c - 0.5*c*c)*ddI2b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double I2b = ie.Get_I2b(); const double c0 = 1.0/(I2b - tau0); const double c = c0*(I2b - 1.0); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight*c0*(1.0 - c)*(1.0 - c), ie.Get_dI2b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2b(weight*(c - 0.5*c*c), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_301::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_301 = 1/3 |J| |J^-1| - 1. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); DenseMatrix inv(3); CalcInverse(Jpt, inv); return Jpt.FNorm() * inv.FNorm() / 3.0 - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_301::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_301 = 1/3 sqrt(I1b * I2b) - 1 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return std::sqrt(ie.Get_I1b()*ie.Get_I2b())/3. - 1.; } void TMOP_Metric_301::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // W = (1/3)*sqrt(I1b*I2b) - 1 // dW = (1/6)/sqrt(I1b*I2b)*[I2b*dI1b + I1b*dI2b] ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double a = 1./(6.*std::sqrt(ie.Get_I1b()*ie.Get_I2b())); Add(a*ie.Get_I2b(), ie.Get_dI1b(), a*ie.Get_I1b(), ie.Get_dI2b(), P); } void TMOP_Metric_301::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // dW = (1/6)/sqrt(I1b*I2b)*[I2b*dI1b + I1b*dI2b] // dW = (1/6)*[z2*dI1b + z1*dI2b], z1 = sqrt(I1b/I2b), z2 = sqrt(I2b/I1b) // ddW = (1/6)*[dI1b x dz2 + z2*ddI1b + dI2b x dz1 + z1*ddI2b] // // dz1 = (1/2)*sqrt(I2b/I1b) [ (1/I2b)*dI1b - (I1b/(I2b*I2b))*dI2b ] // = (1/2)/sqrt(I1b*I2b) [ dI1b - (I1b/I2b)*dI2b ] // dz2 = (1/2)/sqrt(I1b*I2b) [ dI2b - (I2b/I1b)*dI1b ] // // dI1b x dz2 + dI2b x dz1 = // (1/2)/sqrt(I1b*I2b) dI1b x [ dI2b - (I2b/I1b)*dI1b ] + // (1/2)/sqrt(I1b*I2b) dI2b x [ dI1b - (I1b/I2b)*dI2b ] = // (1/2)/sqrt(I1b*I2b) [sqrt(I1b/I2b)*dI2b - sqrt(I2b/I1b)*dI1b] x // [sqrt(I2b/I1b)*dI1b - sqrt(I1b/I2b)*dI2b] = // (1/2)*(I1b*I2b)^{-3/2} (I1b*dI2b - I2b*dI1b) x (I2b*dI1b - I1b*dI2b) // and the last two parentheses are the same up to a sign. // // z1 = I1b/sqrt(I1b*I2b), z2 = I2b/sqrt(I1b*I2b) ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); double X_data[9]; DenseMatrix X(X_data, 3, 3); Add(- ie.Get_I2b(), ie.Get_dI1b(), ie.Get_I1b(), ie.Get_dI2b(), X); const double I1b_I2b = ie.Get_I1b()*ie.Get_I2b(); const double a = weight/(6*std::sqrt(I1b_I2b)); ie.Assemble_ddI1b(a*ie.Get_I2b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2b(a*ie.Get_I1b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(-a/(2*I1b_I2b), X_data, A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_302::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_301 = |J|^2 |J^{-1}|^2 / 9 - 1. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); DenseMatrix inv(3); CalcInverse(Jpt, inv); return Jpt.FNorm2() * inv.FNorm2() / 9.0 - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_302::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_2 = |J|^2 |J^{-1}|^2 / 9 - 1 // = (l1^2 + l2^2 + l3^3)*(l1^{-2} + l2^{-2} + l3^{-2}) / 9 - 1 // = I1*(l2^2*l3^2 + l1^2*l3^2 + l1^2*l2^2)/l1^2/l2^2/l3^2/9 - 1 // = I1*I2/det(J)^2/9 - 1 = I1b*I2b/9-1 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return ie.Get_I1b()*ie.Get_I2b()/9. - 1.; } void TMOP_Metric_302::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_2 = I1b*I2b/9-1 // P = (I1b/9)*dI2b + (I2b/9)*dI1b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); Add(ie.Get_I1b()/9, ie.Get_dI2b(), ie.Get_I2b()/9, ie.Get_dI1b(), P); } void TMOP_Metric_302::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = (I1b/9)*dI2b + (I2b/9)*dI1b // dP = (dI2b x dI1b)/9 + (I1b/9)*ddI2b + (dI1b x dI2b)/9 + (I2b/9)*ddI1b // = (dI2b x dI1b + dI1b x dI2b)/9 + (I1b/9)*ddI2b + (I2b/9)*ddI1b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double c1 = weight/9; ie.Assemble_TProd(c1, ie.Get_dI1b(), ie.Get_dI2b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2b(c1*ie.Get_I1b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1b(c1*ie.Get_I2b(), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_303::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_303 = |J|^2 / 3 / det(J)^(2/3) - 1. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return Jpt.FNorm2() / 3.0 / pow(Jpt.Det(), 2.0 / 3.0) - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_303::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_303 = |J|^2 / 3 / det(J)^(2/3) - 1 = I1b/3 - 1. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return ie.Get_I1b()/3.0 - 1.0; } void TMOP_Metric_303::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_304 = I1b/3 - 1. // P = dI1b/3. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(1./3., ie.Get_dI1b()); } void TMOP_Metric_303::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = dI1b/3. // dP = ddI1b/3. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1b(weight/3., A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_304::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_304 = |J|^3 / 3^(3/2) / det(J) - 1 const double fnorm = Jpt.FNorm(); return fnorm * fnorm * fnorm / pow(3.0, 1.5) / Jpt.Det() - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_304::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_304 = (I1b/3)^3/2 - 1. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return pow(ie.Get_I1b()/3.0, 1.5) - 1.0; } void TMOP_Metric_304::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_304 = (I1b/3)^3/2 - 1. // P = 3/2 * (I1b/3)^1/2 * dI1b / 3 = 1/2 * (I1b/3)^1/2 * dI1b. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(0.5 * sqrt(ie.Get_I1b()/3.0), ie.Get_dI1b()); } void TMOP_Metric_304::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = 1/2 * (I1b/3)^1/2 * dI1b. // dP = 1/12 * (I1b/3)^(-1/2) * (dI1b x dI1b) + 1/2 * (I1b/3)^1/2 * ddI1b. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight / 12.0 / sqrt(ie.Get_I1b()/3.0), ie.Get_dI1b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1b(weight / 2.0 * sqrt(ie.Get_I1b()/3.0), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_311::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_311 = (det(J) - 1)^2 - det(J) + (det(J)^2 + eps)^{1/2} // = (I3b - 1)^2 - I3b + sqrt(I3b^2 + eps) ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I3b = ie.Get_I3b(); return (I3b - 1.0)*(I3b - 1.0) - I3b + std::sqrt(I3b*I3b + eps); } void TMOP_Metric_311::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I3b = ie.Get_I3b(); const double c = 2*I3b-3+(I3b)/(std::pow((I3b*I3b+eps),0.5)); P.Set(c, ie.Get_dI3b()); } void TMOP_Metric_311::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double I3b = ie.Get_I3b(); const double c0 = I3b*I3b+eps; const double c1 = 2 + 1/(pow(c0,0.5)) - I3b*I3b/(pow(c0,1.5)); const double c2 = 2*I3b - 3 + I3b/(pow(c0,0.5)); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight*c1, ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3b(c2*weight, A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_313::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I3b = ie.Get_I3b(); double d = I3b - min_detT; if (d < 0.0 && min_detT == 0.0) { // The mesh has been untangled, but it's still possible to get negative // detJ in FD calculations, as they move the nodes around with some small // increments and can produce negative determinants. Thus we put a small // value in the denominator. Note that here I3b < 0. d = - I3b * 0.1; } const double c = std::pow(d, -2.0/3.0); return ie.Get_I1() * c / 3.0; } void TMOP_Metric_313::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { MFEM_ABORT("Metric not implemented yet."); } void TMOP_Metric_313::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { MFEM_ABORT("Metric not implemented yet."); } double TMOP_Metric_315::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_315 = mu_15_3D = (det(J) - 1)^2 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double c1 = ie.Get_I3b() - 1.0; return c1*c1; } void TMOP_Metric_315::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_315 = (I3b - 1)^2 // P = 2*(I3b - 1)*dI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(2*(ie.Get_I3b() - 1.0), ie.Get_dI3b()); } void TMOP_Metric_315::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = 2*(I3b - 1)*dI3b // dP = 2*(dI3b x dI3b) + 2*(I3b - 1)*ddI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(2*weight, ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3b(2*weight*(ie.Get_I3b() - 1.0), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_316::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_316 = 0.5 (det(J) + 1/det(J)) - 1. return 0.5 * (Jpt.Det() + 1.0 / Jpt.Det()) - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_316::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_316 = mu_16_3D = 0.5*(I3b + 1/I3b) - 1 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I3b = ie.Get_I3b(); return 0.5*(I3b + 1.0/I3b) - 1.0; } void TMOP_Metric_316::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_316 = mu_16_3D = 0.5*(I3b + 1/I3b) - 1 // P = 0.5*(1 - 1/I3b^2)*dI3b = (0.5 - 0.5/I3)*dI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(0.5 - 0.5/ie.Get_I3(), ie.Get_dI3b()); } void TMOP_Metric_316::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = 0.5*(1 - 1/I3b^2)*dI3b = (0.5 - 0.5/I3)*dI3b // dP = (1/I3b^3)*(dI3b x dI3b) + (0.5 - 0.5/I3)*ddI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight/(ie.Get_I3()*ie.Get_I3b()), ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3b(weight*(0.5 - 0.5/ie.Get_I3()), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_318::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_318 = 0.5 (det(J)^2 + 1/det(J)^2) - 1. double d = Jpt.Det(); return 0.5 * (d*d + 1.0 / (d*d)) - 1.0; } double TMOP_Metric_318::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_318 = mu_77_3D = 0.5 * (I3 + 1/I3) - 1. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I3 = ie.Get_I3(); return 0.5*(I3 + 1.0/I3) - 1.0; } void TMOP_Metric_318::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_318 = mu_77_3D = 0.5*(I3 + 1/I3) - 1. // P = 0.5*(1 - 1/I3^2)*dI3 = (0.5 - 0.5/I3^2)*dI3. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(0.5 - 0.5/(ie.Get_I3()*ie.Get_I3()), ie.Get_dI3()); } void TMOP_Metric_318::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = (0.5 - 0.5/I3^2)*dI3. // dP = (1/I3^3)*(dI3 x dI3) +(0.5 - 0.5/I3^2)*ddI3 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double i3 = ie.Get_I3(); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight/(i3 * i3 * i3), ie.Get_dI3(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3(weight*(0.5 - 0.5 / (i3 * i3)), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_321::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_321 = |J - J^-t|^2. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); DenseMatrix invt(3); CalcInverseTranspose(Jpt, invt); invt.Add(-1.0, Jpt); return invt.FNorm2(); } double TMOP_Metric_321::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_321 = mu_21_3D = |J - J^{-t}|^2 // = |J|^2 + |J^{-1}|^2 - 6 // = |J|^2 + (l1^{-2} + l2^{-2} + l3^{-2}) - 6 // = |J|^2 + (l2^2*l3^2 + l1^2*l3^2 + l1^2*l2^2)/det(J)^2 - 6 // = I1 + I2/I3b^2 - 6 = I1 + I2/I3 - 6 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return ie.Get_I1() + ie.Get_I2()/ie.Get_I3() - 6.0; } void TMOP_Metric_321::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_321 = I1 + I2/I3b^2 - 6 = I1 + I2/I3 - 6 // P = dI1 + (1/I3)*dI2 - (2*I2/I3b^3)*dI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I3 = ie.Get_I3(); Add(1.0/I3, ie.Get_dI2(), -2*ie.Get_I2()/(I3*ie.Get_I3b()), ie.Get_dI3b(), P); P += ie.Get_dI1(); } void TMOP_Metric_321::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = dI1 + (1/I3)*dI2 - (2*I2/I3b^3)*dI3b // dP = ddI1 + (-2/I3b^3)*(dI2 x dI3b) + (1/I3)*ddI2 + (dI3b x dz) + z*ddI3b // // z = -2*I2/I3b^3 // dz = (-2/I3b^3)*dI2 + (2*I2)*(3/I3b^4)*dI3b // // dP = ddI1 + (-2/I3b^3)*(dI2 x dI3b + dI3b x dI2) + (1/I3)*ddI2 // + (6*I2/I3b^4)*(dI3b x dI3b) + (-2*I2/I3b^3)*ddI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double c0 = 1.0/ie.Get_I3b(); const double c1 = weight*c0*c0; const double c2 = -2*c0*c1; const double c3 = c2*ie.Get_I2(); ie.Assemble_ddI1(weight, A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2(c1, A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3b(c3, A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(c2, ie.Get_dI2(), ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(-3*c0*c3, ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_322::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_322 = 1 / (6 det(J)) |J - adj(J)^t|^2 DenseMatrix adj_J_t(3); CalcAdjugateTranspose(Jpt, adj_J_t); adj_J_t *= -1.0; adj_J_t.Add(1.0, Jpt); return 1.0 / 6.0 / Jpt.Det() * adj_J_t.FNorm2(); } double TMOP_Metric_322::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_322 = 1 / (6 det(J)) |J - adj(J)^t|^2 // = 1 / (6 det(J)) |J|^2 + 1/6 det(J) |J^{-1}|^2 - 1 // = I1b / (I3b^-1/3) / 6 + I2b (I3b^1/3) / 6 - 1 ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return ie.Get_I1b() / pow(ie.Get_I3b(), 1.0/3.0) / 6.0 + ie.Get_I2b() * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), 1.0/3.0) / 6.0 - 1.0; } void TMOP_Metric_322::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_322 = I1b (I3b^-1/3) / 6 + I2b (I3b^1/3) / 6 - 1 // P = 1/6 (I3b^-1/3) dI1b - 1/18 I1b (I3b^-4/3) dI3b // + 1/6 (I3b^1/3) dI2b + 1/18 I2b (I3b^-2/3) dI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(1.0/6.0 * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), -1.0/3.0), ie.Get_dI1b()); P.Add(-1.0/18.0 * ie.Get_I1b() * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), -4.0/3.0), ie.Get_dI3b()); P.Add(1.0/6.0 * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), 1.0/3.0), ie.Get_dI2b()); P.Add(1.0/18.0 * ie.Get_I2b() * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), -2.0/3.0), ie.Get_dI3b()); } void TMOP_Metric_322::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = 1/6 (I3b^-1/3) dI1b - 1/18 I1b (I3b^-4/3) dI3b // + 1/6 (I3b^1/3) dI2b + 1/18 I2b (I3b^-2/3) dI3b // dP = 1/6 (I3b^-1/3) ddI1b - 1/18 (I3b^-4/3) (dI1b x dI3b) // - 1/18 I1b (I3b^-4/3) ddI3b // - 1/18 (I3b^-4/3) (dI3b x dI1b) // + 2/27 I1b (I3b^-7/3) (dI3b x dI3b) // + 1/6 (I3b^1/3) ddI2b + 1/18 (I3b^-2/3) (dI2b x dI3b) // + 1/18 I2b (I3b^-2/3) ddI3b // + 1/18 (I3b^-2/3) (dI3b x dI2b) // - 1/27 I2b (I3b^-5/3) (dI3b x dI3b) ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double p13 = weight * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), 1.0/3.0), m13 = weight * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), -1.0/3.0), m23 = weight * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), -2.0/3.0), m43 = weight * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), -4.0/3.0), m53 = weight * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), -5.0/3.0), m73 = weight * pow(ie.Get_I3b(), -7.0/3.0); ie.Assemble_ddI1b(1.0/6.0 * m13, A.GetData()); // Combines - 1/18 (I3b^-4/3) (dI1b x dI3b) - 1/18 (I3b^-4/3) (dI3b x dI1b). ie.Assemble_TProd(-1.0/18.0 * m43, ie.Get_dI1b(), ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3b(-1.0/18.0 * ie.Get_I1b() * m43, A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(2.0/27.0 * ie.Get_I1b() * m73, ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI2b(1.0/6.0 * p13, A.GetData()); // Combines + 1/18 (I3b^-2/3) (dI2b x dI3b) + 1/18 (I3b^-2/3) (dI3b x dI2b). ie.Assemble_TProd(1.0/18.0 * m23, ie.Get_dI2b(), ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3b(1.0/18.0 * ie.Get_I2b() * m23, A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(-1.0/27.0 * ie.Get_I2b() * m53, ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_323::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_323 = |J|^3 - 3 sqrt(3) ln(det(J)) - 3 sqrt(3). double fnorm = Jpt.FNorm(); return fnorm * fnorm * fnorm - 3.0 * sqrt(3.0) * (log(Jpt.Det()) + 1.0); } double TMOP_Metric_323::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_323 = I1^3/2 - 3 sqrt(3) ln(I3b) - 3 sqrt(3). ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return pow(ie.Get_I1(), 1.5) - 3.0 * sqrt(3.0) * (log(ie.Get_I3b()) + 1.0); } void TMOP_Metric_323::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_323 = I1^3/2 - 3 sqrt(3) ln(I3b) - 3 sqrt(3). // P = 3/2 (I1^1/2) dI1 - 3 sqrt(3) (I3b^-1) dI3b. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); P.Set(1.5 * sqrt(ie.Get_I1()), ie.Get_dI1()); P.Add(- 3.0 * sqrt(3.0) / ie.Get_I3b(), ie.Get_dI3b()); } void TMOP_Metric_323::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = 3/2 (I1^1/2) dI1 - 3 sqrt(3) (I3b^-1) dI3b // dP = 3/2 (I1^1/2) ddI1 + 3/4 (I1^-1/2) (dI1 x dI1) // - 3 sqrt(3) (I3b^-1) ddI3b + 3 sqrt(3) (I3b^-2) (dI3b x dI3b) ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1(weight * 1.5 * sqrt(ie.Get_I1()), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight * 0.75 / sqrt(ie.Get_I1()), ie.Get_dI1(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3b(- weight * 3.0 * sqrt(3.0) / ie.Get_I3b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight * 3.0 * sqrt(3.0) / ie.Get_I3b() / ie.Get_I3b(), ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_352::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_352 = 0.5*(det(J) - 1)^2 / (det(J) - tau0) ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I3b = ie.Get_I3b(); return 0.5*(I3b - 1.0)*(I3b - 1.0)/(I3b - tau0); } void TMOP_Metric_352::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_352 = 0.5*(det(J) - 1)^2 / (det(J) - tau0) // P = (I3b - 1)/(I3b - tau0)*dI3b + 0.5*(I3b - 1)^2*(-1/(I3b - tau0)^2)*dI3b // = [ (I3b - 1)/(I3b - tau0) - 0.5*(I3b - 1)^2/(I3b - tau0)^2 ] * dI3b // = (c - 0.5*c*c) * dI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); const double I3b = ie.Get_I3b(); const double c = (I3b - 1.0)/(I3b - tau0); P.Set(c - 0.5*c*c, ie.Get_dI3b()); } void TMOP_Metric_352::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // c = (I3b - 1)/(I3b - tau0) // // P = (c - 0.5*c*c) * dI3b // dP = (1 - c)*(dI3b x dc) + (c - 0.5*c*c)*ddI3b // // dc = 1/(I3b - tau0)*dI3b - (I3b - 1)/(I3b - tau)^2*dI3b = // = (1 - c)/(I3b - tau0)*dI3b // // dP = (1 - c)^2/(I3b - tau0)*(dI3b x dI3b) + (c - 0.5*c*c)*ddI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); const double I3b = ie.Get_I3b(); const double c0 = 1.0/(I3b - tau0); const double c = c0*(I3b - 1.0); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight*c0*(1.0 - c)*(1.0 - c), ie.Get_dI3b(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3b(weight*(c - 0.5*c*c), A.GetData()); } double TMOP_Metric_360::EvalWMatrixForm(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_360 = |J|^3 / 3^(3/2) - det(J) const double fnorm = Jpt.FNorm(); return fnorm * fnorm * fnorm / pow(3.0, 1.5) - Jpt.Det(); } double TMOP_Metric_360::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { // mu_360 = (I1/3)^(3/2) - I3b. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); return pow(ie.Get_I1()/3.0, 1.5) - ie.Get_I3b(); } void TMOP_Metric_360::EvalP(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, DenseMatrix &P) const { // mu_360 = (I1/3)^(3/2) - I3b. // P = 3/2 * (I1/3)^1/2 * dI1 / 3 - dI3b // = 1/2 * (I1/3)^1/2 * dI1 - dI3b. ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); Add(0.5 * sqrt(ie.Get_I1()/3.0), ie.Get_dI1(), -1.0, ie.Get_dI3b(), P); } void TMOP_Metric_360::AssembleH(const DenseMatrix &Jpt, const DenseMatrix &DS, const double weight, DenseMatrix &A) const { // P = 1/2 * (I1/3)^1/2 * dI1 - dI3b. // dP = 1/12 * (I1/3)^(-1/2) * (dI1 x dI1) + 1/2 * (I1/3)^1/2 * ddI1 - ddI3b ie.SetJacobian(Jpt.GetData()); ie.SetDerivativeMatrix(DS.Height(), DS.GetData()); ie.Assemble_TProd(weight / 12.0 / sqrt(ie.Get_I1()/3.0), ie.Get_dI1(), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI1(weight / 2.0 * sqrt(ie.Get_I1()/3.0), A.GetData()); ie.Assemble_ddI3b(-weight, A.GetData()); } double TMOP_AMetric_011::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); int dim = Jpt.Size(); DenseMatrix Jpr(dim, dim); Mult(Jpt, *Jtr, Jpr); double alpha = Jpr.Det(), omega = Jtr->Det(); DenseMatrix AdjAt(dim), WtW(dim), WRK(dim), Jtrt(dim); CalcAdjugateTranspose(Jpr, AdjAt); Jtrt.Transpose(*Jtr); MultAAt(Jtrt, WtW); WtW *= 1./omega; Mult(AdjAt, WtW, WRK); WRK -= Jpr; WRK *= -1.; return (0.25/alpha)*WRK.FNorm2(); } double TMOP_AMetric_014a::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); int dim = Jpt.Size(); DenseMatrix Jpr(dim, dim); Mult(Jpt, *Jtr, Jpr); double sqalpha = pow(Jpr.Det(), 0.5), sqomega = pow(Jtr->Det(), 0.5); return 0.5*pow(sqalpha/sqomega - sqomega/sqalpha, 2.); } double TMOP_AMetric_036::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); int dim = Jpt.Size(); DenseMatrix Jpr(dim, dim); Mult(Jpt, *Jtr, Jpr); // T*W = A double alpha = Jpr.Det(); // det(A) Jpr -= *Jtr; // A-W return (1./alpha)*(Jpr.FNorm2()); //(1/alpha)*(|A-W|^2) } double TMOP_AMetric_107a::EvalW(const DenseMatrix &Jpt) const { MFEM_VERIFY(Jtr != NULL, "Requires a target Jacobian, use SetTargetJacobian()."); int dim = Jpt.Size(); DenseMatrix Jpr(dim, dim); Mult(Jpt, *Jtr, Jpr); double alpha = Jpr.Det(), aw = Jpr.FNorm()/Jtr->FNorm(); DenseMatrix W = *Jtr; W *= aw; Jpr -= W; return (0.5/alpha)*Jpr.FNorm2(); } void TargetConstructor::ComputeAvgVolume() const { MFEM_VERIFY(nodes, "Nodes are not given!"); MFEM_ASSERT(avg_volume == 0.0, "The average volume is already computed!"); Mesh *mesh = nodes->FESpace()->GetMesh(); const int NE = mesh->GetNE(); IsoparametricTransformation Tr; double volume = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < NE; i++) { mesh->GetElementTransformation(i, *nodes, &Tr); const IntegrationRule &ir = IntRules.Get(mesh->GetElementBaseGeometry(i), Tr.OrderJ()); for (int j = 0; j < ir.GetNPoints(); j++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(j); Tr.SetIntPoint(&ip); volume += ip.weight * Tr.Weight(); } } NCMesh *ncmesh = mesh->ncmesh; if (Parallel() == false) { avg_volume = (ncmesh == NULL) ? volume / NE : volume / ncmesh->GetNumRootElements(); } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI else { double area_NE[4]; area_NE[0] = volume; area_NE[1] = NE; MPI_Allreduce(area_NE, area_NE + 2, 2, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm); avg_volume = (ncmesh == NULL) ? area_NE[2] / area_NE[3] : area_NE[2] / ncmesh->GetNumRootElements(); } #endif } void TargetConstructor::ComputeAllElementTargets_Fallback( const FiniteElementSpace &fes, const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &xe, DenseTensor &Jtr) const { // Fallback to the 1-element method, ComputeElementTargets() // When UsesPhysicalCoordinates() == true, we assume 'xe' uses // ElementDofOrdering::LEXICOGRAPHIC iff 'fe' is a TensorFiniteElement. const Mesh *mesh = fes.GetMesh(); const int NE = mesh->GetNE(); // Quick return for empty processors: if (NE == 0) { return; } const int dim = mesh->Dimension(); MFEM_VERIFY(mesh->GetNumGeometries(dim) <= 1, "mixed meshes are not supported"); MFEM_VERIFY(!fes.IsVariableOrder(), "variable orders are not supported"); const FiniteElement &fe = *fes.GetFE(0); const int sdim = fes.GetVDim(); const int nvdofs = sdim*fe.GetDof(); MFEM_VERIFY(!UsesPhysicalCoordinates() || xe.Size() == NE*nvdofs, "invalid input Vector 'xe'!"); const int NQ = ir.GetNPoints(); const Array *dof_map = nullptr; if (UsesPhysicalCoordinates()) { const TensorBasisElement *tfe = dynamic_cast(&fe); if (tfe) { dof_map = &tfe->GetDofMap(); if (dof_map->Size() == 0) { dof_map = nullptr; } } } Vector elfun_lex, elfun_nat; DenseTensor J; xe.HostRead(); Jtr.HostWrite(); if (UsesPhysicalCoordinates() && dof_map != nullptr) { elfun_nat.SetSize(nvdofs); } for (int e = 0; e < NE; e++) { if (UsesPhysicalCoordinates()) { if (!dof_map) { elfun_nat.SetDataAndSize(xe.GetData()+e*nvdofs, nvdofs); } else { elfun_lex.SetDataAndSize(xe.GetData()+e*nvdofs, nvdofs); const int ndofs = fe.GetDof(); for (int d = 0; d < sdim; d++) { for (int i_lex = 0; i_lex < ndofs; i_lex++) { elfun_nat[(*dof_map)[i_lex]+d*ndofs] = elfun_lex[i_lex+d*ndofs]; } } } } J.UseExternalData(Jtr(e*NQ).Data(), sdim, dim, NQ); ComputeElementTargets(e, fe, ir, elfun_nat, J); } } bool TargetConstructor::ContainsVolumeInfo() const { switch (target_type) { case IDEAL_SHAPE_UNIT_SIZE: return false; case IDEAL_SHAPE_EQUAL_SIZE: case IDEAL_SHAPE_GIVEN_SIZE: case GIVEN_SHAPE_AND_SIZE: case GIVEN_FULL: return true; default: MFEM_ABORT("TargetType not added to ContainsVolumeInfo."); } return false; } void TargetConstructor::ComputeElementTargets(int e_id, const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &elfun, DenseTensor &Jtr) const { MFEM_CONTRACT_VAR(elfun); MFEM_ASSERT(target_type == IDEAL_SHAPE_UNIT_SIZE || nodes != NULL, ""); const FiniteElement *nfe = (target_type != IDEAL_SHAPE_UNIT_SIZE) ? nodes->FESpace()->GetFE(e_id) : NULL; const DenseMatrix &Wideal = Geometries.GetGeomToPerfGeomJac(fe.GetGeomType()); MFEM_ASSERT(Wideal.Height() == Jtr.SizeI(), ""); MFEM_ASSERT(Wideal.Width() == Jtr.SizeJ(), ""); switch (target_type) { case IDEAL_SHAPE_UNIT_SIZE: { for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { Jtr(i) = Wideal; } break; } case IDEAL_SHAPE_EQUAL_SIZE: { if (avg_volume == 0.0) { ComputeAvgVolume(); } DenseMatrix W(Wideal.Height()); NCMesh *ncmesh = nodes->FESpace()->GetMesh()->ncmesh; double el_volume = avg_volume; if (ncmesh) { el_volume = avg_volume / ncmesh->GetElementSizeReduction(e_id); } W.Set(std::pow(volume_scale * el_volume / Wideal.Det(), 1./W.Height()), Wideal); for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { Jtr(i) = W; } break; } case IDEAL_SHAPE_GIVEN_SIZE: case GIVEN_SHAPE_AND_SIZE: { const int dim = nfe->GetDim(), dof = nfe->GetDof(); MFEM_ASSERT(dim == nodes->FESpace()->GetVDim(), ""); DenseMatrix dshape(dof, dim), pos(dof, dim); Array xdofs(dof * dim); Vector posV(pos.Data(), dof * dim); double detW; // always initialize detW to suppress a warning: detW = (target_type == IDEAL_SHAPE_GIVEN_SIZE) ? Wideal.Det() : 0.0; nodes->FESpace()->GetElementVDofs(e_id, xdofs); nodes->GetSubVector(xdofs, posV); for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { nfe->CalcDShape(ir.IntPoint(i), dshape); MultAtB(pos, dshape, Jtr(i)); if (target_type == IDEAL_SHAPE_GIVEN_SIZE) { const double det = Jtr(i).Det(); MFEM_VERIFY(det > 0.0, "The given mesh is inverted!"); Jtr(i).Set(std::pow(det / detW, 1./dim), Wideal); } } break; } default: MFEM_ABORT("invalid target type!"); } } void TargetConstructor::ComputeElementTargetsGradient( const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &elfun, IsoparametricTransformation &Tpr, DenseTensor &dJtr) const { MFEM_CONTRACT_VAR(elfun); MFEM_ASSERT(target_type == IDEAL_SHAPE_UNIT_SIZE || nodes != NULL, ""); // TODO: Compute derivative for targets with GIVEN_SHAPE or/and GIVEN_SIZE for (int i = 0; i < Tpr.GetFE()->GetDim()*ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { dJtr(i) = 0.; } } void AnalyticAdaptTC::SetAnalyticTargetSpec(Coefficient *sspec, VectorCoefficient *vspec, TMOPMatrixCoefficient *mspec) { scalar_tspec = sspec; vector_tspec = vspec; matrix_tspec = mspec; } void AnalyticAdaptTC::ComputeElementTargets(int e_id, const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &elfun, DenseTensor &Jtr) const { DenseMatrix point_mat; point_mat.UseExternalData(elfun.GetData(), fe.GetDof(), fe.GetDim()); switch (target_type) { case GIVEN_FULL: { MFEM_VERIFY(matrix_tspec != NULL, "Target type GIVEN_FULL requires a MatrixCoefficient."); IsoparametricTransformation Tpr; Tpr.SetFE(&fe); Tpr.ElementNo = e_id; Tpr.ElementType = ElementTransformation::ELEMENT; Tpr.GetPointMat().Transpose(point_mat); for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(i); Tpr.SetIntPoint(&ip); matrix_tspec->Eval(Jtr(i), Tpr, ip); } break; } default: MFEM_ABORT("Incompatible target type for analytic adaptation!"); } } void AnalyticAdaptTC::ComputeElementTargetsGradient(const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &elfun, IsoparametricTransformation &Tpr, DenseTensor &dJtr) const { const FiniteElement *fe = Tpr.GetFE(); DenseMatrix point_mat; point_mat.UseExternalData(elfun.GetData(), fe->GetDof(), fe->GetDim()); switch (target_type) { case GIVEN_FULL: { MFEM_VERIFY(matrix_tspec != NULL, "Target type GIVEN_FULL requires a TMOPMatrixCoefficient."); for (int d = 0; d < fe->GetDim(); d++) { for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(i); Tpr.SetIntPoint(&ip); DenseMatrix &dJtr_i = dJtr(i + d*ir.GetNPoints()); matrix_tspec->EvalGrad(dJtr_i, Tpr, ip, d); } } break; } default: MFEM_ABORT("Incompatible target type for analytic adaptation!"); } } namespace internal { // mfem::forall-based copy kernel -- used by protected methods below. // Needed as a workaround for the nvcc restriction that methods with mfem::forall // in them must to be public. static inline void device_copy(double *d_dest, const double *d_src, int size) { mfem::forall(size, [=] MFEM_HOST_DEVICE (int i) { d_dest[i] = d_src[i]; }); } } // namespace internal #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI void DiscreteAdaptTC::FinalizeParDiscreteTargetSpec(const ParGridFunction &t) { MFEM_VERIFY(adapt_eval, "SetAdaptivityEvaluator() has not been called!") MFEM_VERIFY(ncomp > 0, "No target specifications have been set!"); ParFiniteElementSpace *ptspec_fes = t.ParFESpace(); tspec_sav = tspec; delete tspec_fesv; tspec_fesv = new FiniteElementSpace(ptspec_fes->GetMesh(), ptspec_fes->FEColl(), ncomp); delete ptspec_fesv; ptspec_fesv = new ParFiniteElementSpace(ptspec_fes->GetParMesh(), ptspec_fes->FEColl(), ncomp); delete tspec_pgf; tspec_pgf = new ParGridFunction(ptspec_fesv, tspec); tspec_gf = tspec_pgf; adapt_eval->SetParMetaInfo(*ptspec_fes->GetParMesh(), *ptspec_fesv); adapt_eval->SetInitialField(*ptspec_fes->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), tspec); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::ParUpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange() { ptspec_fesv->Update(); if (tspec_fesv) { delete tspec_fesv; tspec_fesv = new FiniteElementSpace(ptspec_fesv->GetMesh(), ptspec_fesv->FEColl(), ncomp); } tspec_pgf->Update(); tspec_gf = tspec_pgf; tspec.SetDataAndSize(tspec_pgf->GetData(), tspec_pgf->Size()); tspec_sav = tspec; adapt_eval->SetParMetaInfo(*ptspec_fesv->GetParMesh(), *ptspec_fesv); adapt_eval->SetInitialField(*ptspec_fesv->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), tspec); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetTspecAtIndex(int idx, const ParGridFunction &tspec_) { const int vdim = tspec_.FESpace()->GetVDim(), ndof = tspec_.FESpace()->GetNDofs(); MFEM_VERIFY(ndof == tspec.Size()/ncomp, "Inconsistency in SetTspecAtIndex."); const auto tspec__d = tspec_.Read(); auto tspec_d = tspec.ReadWrite(); const int offset = idx*ndof; internal::device_copy(tspec_d + offset, tspec__d, ndof*vdim); FinalizeParDiscreteTargetSpec(tspec_); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetParDiscreteTargetSize(const ParGridFunction &tspec_) { MFEM_VERIFY(tspec_.FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES, "Discrete target size should be ordered byNodes."); if (sizeidx > -1) { SetTspecAtIndex(sizeidx, tspec_); return; } sizeidx = ncomp; SetDiscreteTargetBase(tspec_); FinalizeParDiscreteTargetSpec(tspec_); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetParDiscreteTargetSkew(const ParGridFunction &tspec_) { MFEM_VERIFY(tspec_.FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES, "Discrete target skewness should be ordered byNodes."); if (skewidx > -1) { SetTspecAtIndex(skewidx, tspec_); return; } skewidx = ncomp; SetDiscreteTargetBase(tspec_); FinalizeParDiscreteTargetSpec(tspec_); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetParDiscreteTargetAspectRatio(const ParGridFunction &ar) { MFEM_VERIFY(ar.FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES, "Discrete target aspect ratio should be ordered byNodes."); if (aspectratioidx > -1) { SetTspecAtIndex(aspectratioidx, ar); return; } aspectratioidx = ncomp; SetDiscreteTargetBase(ar); FinalizeParDiscreteTargetSpec(ar); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetParDiscreteTargetOrientation(const ParGridFunction &o) { MFEM_VERIFY(o.FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES, "Discrete target orientation should be ordered byNodes."); if (orientationidx > -1) { SetTspecAtIndex(orientationidx, o); return; } orientationidx = ncomp; SetDiscreteTargetBase(o); FinalizeParDiscreteTargetSpec(o); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetParDiscreteTargetSpec(const ParGridFunction &tspec_) { SetParDiscreteTargetSize(tspec_); } #endif // MFEM_USE_MPI void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetDiscreteTargetBase(const GridFunction &tspec_) { const int vdim = tspec_.FESpace()->GetVDim(), ndof = tspec_.FESpace()->GetNDofs(); ncomp += vdim; // need to append data to tspec // make a copy of tspec->tspec_temp, increase its size, and // copy data from tspec_temp -> tspec, then add new entries Vector tspec_temp = tspec; tspec.UseDevice(true); tspec_sav.UseDevice(true); tspec.SetSize(ncomp*ndof); const auto tspec_temp_d = tspec_temp.Read(); auto tspec_d = tspec.ReadWrite(); internal::device_copy(tspec_d, tspec_temp_d, tspec_temp.Size()); const auto tspec__d = tspec_.Read(); const int offset = (ncomp-vdim)*ndof; internal::device_copy(tspec_d + offset, tspec__d, ndof*vdim); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetTspecAtIndex(int idx, const GridFunction &tspec_) { const int vdim = tspec_.FESpace()->GetVDim(), ndof = tspec_.FESpace()->GetNDofs(); MFEM_VERIFY(ndof == tspec.Size()/ncomp, "Inconsistency in SetTargetSpec."); const auto tspec__d = tspec_.Read(); auto tspec_d = tspec.ReadWrite(); const int offset = idx*ndof; internal::device_copy(tspec_d + offset, tspec__d, ndof*vdim); FinalizeSerialDiscreteTargetSpec(tspec_); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetSerialDiscreteTargetSize(const GridFunction &tspec_) { MFEM_VERIFY(tspec_.FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES, "Discrete target size should be ordered byNodes."); if (sizeidx > -1) { SetTspecAtIndex(sizeidx, tspec_); return; } sizeidx = ncomp; SetDiscreteTargetBase(tspec_); FinalizeSerialDiscreteTargetSpec(tspec_); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetSerialDiscreteTargetSkew(const GridFunction &tspec_) { MFEM_VERIFY(tspec_.FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES, "Discrete target skewness should be ordered byNodes."); if (skewidx > -1) { SetTspecAtIndex(skewidx, tspec_); return; } skewidx = ncomp; SetDiscreteTargetBase(tspec_); FinalizeSerialDiscreteTargetSpec(tspec_); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetSerialDiscreteTargetAspectRatio(const GridFunction &ar) { MFEM_VERIFY(ar.FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES, "Discrete target aspect ratio should be ordered byNodes."); if (aspectratioidx > -1) { SetTspecAtIndex(aspectratioidx, ar); return; } aspectratioidx = ncomp; SetDiscreteTargetBase(ar); FinalizeSerialDiscreteTargetSpec(ar); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetSerialDiscreteTargetOrientation(const GridFunction &o) { MFEM_VERIFY(o.FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES, "Discrete target orientation should be ordered byNodes."); if (orientationidx > -1) { SetTspecAtIndex(orientationidx, o); return; } orientationidx = ncomp; SetDiscreteTargetBase(o); FinalizeSerialDiscreteTargetSpec(o); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::FinalizeSerialDiscreteTargetSpec(const GridFunction &t) { MFEM_VERIFY(adapt_eval, "SetAdaptivityEvaluator() has not been called!") MFEM_VERIFY(ncomp > 0, "No target specifications have been set!"); const FiniteElementSpace *tspec_fes = t.FESpace(); tspec_sav = tspec; delete tspec_fesv; tspec_fesv = new FiniteElementSpace(tspec_fes->GetMesh(), tspec_fes->FEColl(), ncomp, Ordering::byNODES); delete tspec_gf; tspec_gf = new GridFunction(tspec_fesv, tspec); adapt_eval->SetSerialMetaInfo(*tspec_fes->GetMesh(), *tspec_fesv); adapt_eval->SetInitialField(*tspec_fes->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), tspec); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::GetDiscreteTargetSpec(GridFunction &tspec_, int idx) { if (idx < 0) { return; } const int ndof = tspec_.FESpace()->GetNDofs(), vdim = tspec_.FESpace()->GetVDim(); MFEM_VERIFY(ndof == tspec.Size()/ncomp, "Inconsistency in GetSerialDiscreteTargetSpec."); for (int i = 0; i < ndof*vdim; i++) { tspec_(i) = tspec(i + idx*ndof); } } void DiscreteAdaptTC::UpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange() { tspec_fesv->Update(); tspec_gf->Update(); tspec.SetDataAndSize(tspec_gf->GetData(), tspec_gf->Size()); tspec_sav = tspec; adapt_eval->SetSerialMetaInfo(*tspec_fesv->GetMesh(), *tspec_fesv); adapt_eval->SetInitialField(*tspec_fesv->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), tspec); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetSerialDiscreteTargetSpec(const GridFunction &tspec_) { SetSerialDiscreteTargetSize(tspec_); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::UpdateTargetSpecification(const Vector &new_x, bool reuse_flag, int new_x_ordering) { if (reuse_flag && good_tspec) { return; } MFEM_VERIFY(tspec.Size() > 0, "Target specification is not set!"); adapt_eval->ComputeAtNewPosition(new_x, tspec, new_x_ordering); tspec_sav = tspec; good_tspec = reuse_flag; } void DiscreteAdaptTC::UpdateTargetSpecification(Vector &new_x, Vector &IntData, int new_x_ordering) { adapt_eval->ComputeAtNewPosition(new_x, IntData, new_x_ordering); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::UpdateTargetSpecificationAtNode(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, int dofidx, int dir, const Vector &IntData) { MFEM_VERIFY(tspec.Size() > 0, "Target specification is not set!"); Array dofs; tspec_fesv->GetElementDofs(T.ElementNo, dofs); const int cnt = tspec.Size()/ncomp; // dofs per scalar-field for (int i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) { tspec(dofs[dofidx]+i*cnt) = IntData(dofs[dofidx] + i*cnt + dir*cnt*ncomp); } } void DiscreteAdaptTC::RestoreTargetSpecificationAtNode(ElementTransformation &T, int dofidx) { MFEM_VERIFY(tspec.Size() > 0, "Target specification is not set!"); Array dofs; tspec_fesv->GetElementDofs(T.ElementNo, dofs); const int cnt = tspec.Size()/ncomp; for (int i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) { tspec(dofs[dofidx] + i*cnt) = tspec_sav(dofs[dofidx] + i*cnt); } } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetTspecFromIntRule(int e_id, const IntegrationRule &intrule) { switch (target_type) { case IDEAL_SHAPE_GIVEN_SIZE: case GIVEN_SHAPE_AND_SIZE: { const int ndofs = tspec_fesv->GetFE(e_id)->GetDof(), ntspec_dofs = ndofs*ncomp; Vector tspec_vals(ntspec_dofs); Array dofs; tspec_fesv->GetElementVDofs(e_id, dofs); tspec.GetSubVector(dofs, tspec_vals); DenseMatrix tr; tspec_gf->GetVectorValues(e_id, intrule, tspec_refine, tr); tspec_refine.Transpose(); break; } default: MFEM_ABORT("Incompatible target type for discrete adaptation!"); } } void DiscreteAdaptTC::SetTspecDataForDerefinement(FiniteElementSpace *fes) { coarse_tspec_fesv = fes; const Operator *c_op = fes->GetUpdateOperator(); tspec_derefine.SetSize(c_op->Height()); c_op->Mult(tspec, tspec_derefine); } void DiscreteAdaptTC::ComputeElementTargets(int e_id, const FiniteElement &fe, const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &elfun, DenseTensor &Jtr) const { MFEM_VERIFY(tspec_fesv, "No target specifications have been set."); const int dim = fe.GetDim(), nqp = ir.GetNPoints(); Jtrcomp.SetSize(dim, dim, 4*nqp); FiniteElementSpace *src_fes = tspec_fesv; switch (target_type) { case IDEAL_SHAPE_GIVEN_SIZE: case GIVEN_SHAPE_AND_SIZE: { const DenseMatrix &Wideal = Geometries.GetGeomToPerfGeomJac(fe.GetGeomType()); const int ndofs = tspec_fesv->GetFE(e_id)->GetDof(), ntspec_dofs = ndofs*ncomp; Vector shape(ndofs), tspec_vals(ntspec_dofs), par_vals, par_vals_c1, par_vals_c2, par_vals_c3; Array dofs; DenseMatrix D_rho(dim), Q_phi(dim), R_theta(dim); tspec_fesv->GetElementVDofs(e_id, dofs); tspec.UseDevice(true); tspec.GetSubVector(dofs, tspec_vals); if (tspec_refine.NumCols() > 0) // Refinement { MFEM_VERIFY(amr_el >= 0, " Target being constructed for an AMR element."); for (int i = 0; i < ncomp; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < ndofs; j++) { tspec_vals(j + i*ndofs) = tspec_refine(j + amr_el*ndofs, i); } } } else if (tspec_derefine.Size() > 0) // Derefinement { dofs.SetSize(0); coarse_tspec_fesv->GetElementVDofs(e_id, dofs); tspec_derefine.GetSubVector(dofs, tspec_vals); src_fes = coarse_tspec_fesv; } for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(q); src_fes->GetFE(e_id)->CalcShape(ip, shape); Jtr(q) = Wideal; // Initialize to identity for (int d = 0; d < 4; d++) { DenseMatrix Jtrcomp_q(Jtrcomp.GetData(d + 4*q), dim, dim); Jtrcomp_q = Wideal; // Initialize to identity } if (sizeidx != -1) // Set size { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+sizeidx*ndofs, ndofs); double min_size = par_vals.Min(); if (lim_min_size > 0.) { min_size = lim_min_size; } MFEM_VERIFY(min_size > 0.0, "Non-positive size propagated in the target definition."); double size = fmax(shape * par_vals, min_size); NCMesh *ncmesh = tspec_fesv->GetMesh()->ncmesh; if (ncmesh) { size /= ncmesh->GetElementSizeReduction(e_id); } Jtr(q).Set(std::pow(size, 1.0/dim), Jtr(q)); DenseMatrix Jtrcomp_q(Jtrcomp.GetData(0 + 4*q), dim, dim); Jtrcomp_q = Jtr(q); } // Done size if (target_type == IDEAL_SHAPE_GIVEN_SIZE) { continue; } if (aspectratioidx != -1) // Set aspect ratio { if (dim == 2) { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ aspectratioidx*ndofs, ndofs); const double min_size = par_vals.Min(); MFEM_VERIFY(min_size > 0.0, "Non-positive aspect-ratio propagated in the target definition."); const double aspectratio = shape * par_vals; D_rho = 0.; D_rho(0,0) = 1./pow(aspectratio,0.5); D_rho(1,1) = pow(aspectratio,0.5); } else { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ aspectratioidx*ndofs, ndofs*3); par_vals_c1.SetDataAndSize(par_vals.GetData(), ndofs); par_vals_c2.SetDataAndSize(par_vals.GetData()+ndofs, ndofs); par_vals_c3.SetDataAndSize(par_vals.GetData()+2*ndofs, ndofs); const double rho1 = shape * par_vals_c1; const double rho2 = shape * par_vals_c2; const double rho3 = shape * par_vals_c3; D_rho = 0.; D_rho(0,0) = pow(rho1,2./3.); D_rho(1,1) = pow(rho2,2./3.); D_rho(2,2) = pow(rho3,2./3.); } DenseMatrix Jtrcomp_q(Jtrcomp.GetData(1 + 4*q), dim, dim); Jtrcomp_q = D_rho; DenseMatrix Temp = Jtr(q); Mult(D_rho, Temp, Jtr(q)); } // Done aspect ratio if (skewidx != -1) // Set skew { if (dim == 2) { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ skewidx*ndofs, ndofs); const double skew = shape * par_vals; Q_phi = 0.; Q_phi(0,0) = 1.; Q_phi(0,1) = cos(skew); Q_phi(1,1) = sin(skew); } else { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ skewidx*ndofs, ndofs*3); par_vals_c1.SetDataAndSize(par_vals.GetData(), ndofs); par_vals_c2.SetDataAndSize(par_vals.GetData()+ndofs, ndofs); par_vals_c3.SetDataAndSize(par_vals.GetData()+2*ndofs, ndofs); const double phi12 = shape * par_vals_c1; const double phi13 = shape * par_vals_c2; const double chi = shape * par_vals_c3; Q_phi = 0.; Q_phi(0,0) = 1.; Q_phi(0,1) = cos(phi12); Q_phi(0,2) = cos(phi13); Q_phi(1,1) = sin(phi12); Q_phi(1,2) = sin(phi13)*cos(chi); Q_phi(2,2) = sin(phi13)*sin(chi); } DenseMatrix Jtrcomp_q(Jtrcomp.GetData(2 + 4*q), dim, dim); Jtrcomp_q = Q_phi; DenseMatrix Temp = Jtr(q); Mult(Q_phi, Temp, Jtr(q)); } // Done skew if (orientationidx != -1) // Set orientation { if (dim == 2) { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ orientationidx*ndofs, ndofs); const double theta = shape * par_vals; R_theta(0,0) = cos(theta); R_theta(0,1) = -sin(theta); R_theta(1,0) = sin(theta); R_theta(1,1) = cos(theta); } else { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ orientationidx*ndofs, ndofs*3); par_vals_c1.SetDataAndSize(par_vals.GetData(), ndofs); par_vals_c2.SetDataAndSize(par_vals.GetData()+ndofs, ndofs); par_vals_c3.SetDataAndSize(par_vals.GetData()+2*ndofs, ndofs); const double theta = shape * par_vals_c1; const double psi = shape * par_vals_c2; const double beta = shape * par_vals_c3; double ct = cos(theta), st = sin(theta), cp = cos(psi), sp = sin(psi), cb = cos(beta), sb = sin(beta); R_theta = 0.; R_theta(0,0) = ct*sp; R_theta(1,0) = st*sp; R_theta(2,0) = cp; R_theta(0,1) = -st*cb + ct*cp*sb; R_theta(1,1) = ct*cb + st*cp*sb; R_theta(2,1) = -sp*sb; R_theta(0,0) = -st*sb - ct*cp*cb; R_theta(1,0) = ct*sb - st*cp*cb; R_theta(2,0) = sp*cb; } DenseMatrix Jtrcomp_q(Jtrcomp.GetData(3 + 4*q), dim, dim); Jtrcomp_q = R_theta; DenseMatrix Temp = Jtr(q); Mult(R_theta, Temp, Jtr(q)); } // Done orientation } break; } default: MFEM_ABORT("Incompatible target type for discrete adaptation!"); } } void DiscreteAdaptTC::ComputeElementTargetsGradient(const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &elfun, IsoparametricTransformation &Tpr, DenseTensor &dJtr) const { MFEM_ASSERT(target_type == IDEAL_SHAPE_UNIT_SIZE || nodes != NULL, ""); MFEM_VERIFY(tspec_fesv, "No target specifications have been set."); dJtr = 0.; const int e_id = Tpr.ElementNo; const FiniteElement *fe = Tpr.GetFE(); switch (target_type) { case IDEAL_SHAPE_GIVEN_SIZE: case GIVEN_SHAPE_AND_SIZE: { const DenseMatrix &Wideal = Geometries.GetGeomToPerfGeomJac(fe->GetGeomType()); const int dim = Wideal.Height(), ndofs = fe->GetDof(), ntspec_dofs = ndofs*ncomp; Vector shape(ndofs), tspec_vals(ntspec_dofs), par_vals, par_vals_c1(ndofs), par_vals_c2(ndofs), par_vals_c3(ndofs); Array dofs; DenseMatrix dD_rho(dim), dQ_phi(dim), dR_theta(dim); DenseMatrix dQ_phi13(dim), dQ_phichi(dim); // dQ_phi is used for dQ/dphi12 in 3D DenseMatrix dR_psi(dim), dR_beta(dim); tspec_fesv->GetElementVDofs(e_id, dofs); tspec.GetSubVector(dofs, tspec_vals); DenseMatrix grad_e_c1(ndofs, dim), grad_e_c2(ndofs, dim), grad_e_c3(ndofs, dim); Vector grad_ptr_c1(grad_e_c1.GetData(), ndofs*dim), grad_ptr_c2(grad_e_c2.GetData(), ndofs*dim), grad_ptr_c3(grad_e_c3.GetData(), ndofs*dim); DenseMatrix grad_phys; // This will be (dof x dim, dof). fe->ProjectGrad(*fe, Tpr, grad_phys); for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(i); DenseMatrix Jtrcomp_s(Jtrcomp.GetData(0 + 4*i), dim, dim); // size DenseMatrix Jtrcomp_d(Jtrcomp.GetData(1 + 4*i), dim, dim); // aspect-ratio DenseMatrix Jtrcomp_q(Jtrcomp.GetData(2 + 4*i), dim, dim); // skew DenseMatrix Jtrcomp_r(Jtrcomp.GetData(3 + 4*i), dim, dim); // orientation DenseMatrix work1(dim), work2(dim), work3(dim); if (sizeidx != -1) // Set size { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+sizeidx*ndofs, ndofs); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals, grad_ptr_c1); Vector grad_q(dim); tspec_fesv->GetFE(e_id)->CalcShape(ip, shape); grad_e_c1.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q); const double min_size = par_vals.Min(); MFEM_VERIFY(min_size > 0.0, "Non-positive size propagated in the target definition."); const double size = std::max(shape * par_vals, min_size); double dz_dsize = (1./dim)*pow(size, 1./dim - 1.); Mult(Jtrcomp_q, Jtrcomp_d, work1); // Q*D Mult(Jtrcomp_r, work1, work2); // R*Q*D for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { DenseMatrix &dJtr_i = dJtr(i + d*ir.GetNPoints()); work1 = Wideal; work1.Set(dz_dsize, work1); // dz/dsize work1 *= grad_q(d); // dz/dsize*dsize/dx AddMult(work1, work2, dJtr_i); // dz/dx*R*Q*D } } // Done size if (target_type == IDEAL_SHAPE_GIVEN_SIZE) { continue; } if (aspectratioidx != -1) // Set aspect ratio { if (dim == 2) { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ aspectratioidx*ndofs, ndofs); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals, grad_ptr_c1); Vector grad_q(dim); tspec_fesv->GetFE(e_id)->CalcShape(ip, shape); grad_e_c1.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q); const double aspectratio = shape * par_vals; dD_rho = 0.; dD_rho(0,0) = -0.5*pow(aspectratio,-1.5); dD_rho(1,1) = 0.5*pow(aspectratio,-0.5); Mult(Jtrcomp_s, Jtrcomp_r, work1); // z*R Mult(work1, Jtrcomp_q, work2); // z*R*Q for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { DenseMatrix &dJtr_i = dJtr(i + d*ir.GetNPoints()); work1 = dD_rho; work1 *= grad_q(d); // work1 = dD/drho*drho/dx AddMult(work2, work1, dJtr_i); // z*R*Q*dD/dx } } else // 3D { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ aspectratioidx*ndofs, ndofs*3); par_vals_c1.SetData(par_vals.GetData()); par_vals_c2.SetData(par_vals.GetData()+ndofs); par_vals_c3.SetData(par_vals.GetData()+2*ndofs); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals_c1, grad_ptr_c1); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals_c2, grad_ptr_c2); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals_c3, grad_ptr_c3); Vector grad_q1(dim), grad_q2(dim), grad_q3(dim); tspec_fesv->GetFE(e_id)->CalcShape(ip, shape); grad_e_c1.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q1); grad_e_c2.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q2); grad_e_c3.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q3); const double rho1 = shape * par_vals_c1; const double rho2 = shape * par_vals_c2; const double rho3 = shape * par_vals_c3; dD_rho = 0.; dD_rho(0,0) = (2./3.)*pow(rho1,-1./3.); dD_rho(1,1) = (2./3.)*pow(rho2,-1./3.); dD_rho(2,2) = (2./3.)*pow(rho3,-1./3.); Mult(Jtrcomp_s, Jtrcomp_r, work1); // z*R Mult(work1, Jtrcomp_q, work2); // z*R*Q for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { DenseMatrix &dJtr_i = dJtr(i + d*ir.GetNPoints()); work1 = dD_rho; work1(0,0) *= grad_q1(d); work1(1,2) *= grad_q2(d); work1(2,2) *= grad_q3(d); // work1 = dD/dx = dD/drho1*drho1/dx + dD/drho2*drho2/dx AddMult(work2, work1, dJtr_i); // z*R*Q*dD/dx } } } // Done aspect ratio if (skewidx != -1) // Set skew { if (dim == 2) { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ skewidx*ndofs, ndofs); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals, grad_ptr_c1); Vector grad_q(dim); tspec_fesv->GetFE(e_id)->CalcShape(ip, shape); grad_e_c1.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q); const double skew = shape * par_vals; dQ_phi = 0.; dQ_phi(0,0) = 1.; dQ_phi(0,1) = -sin(skew); dQ_phi(1,1) = cos(skew); Mult(Jtrcomp_s, Jtrcomp_r, work2); // z*R for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { DenseMatrix &dJtr_i = dJtr(i + d*ir.GetNPoints()); work1 = dQ_phi; work1 *= grad_q(d); // work1 = dQ/dphi*dphi/dx Mult(work1, Jtrcomp_d, work3); // dQ/dx*D AddMult(work2, work3, dJtr_i); // z*R*dQ/dx*D } } else { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ skewidx*ndofs, ndofs*3); par_vals_c1.SetData(par_vals.GetData()); par_vals_c2.SetData(par_vals.GetData()+ndofs); par_vals_c3.SetData(par_vals.GetData()+2*ndofs); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals_c1, grad_ptr_c1); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals_c2, grad_ptr_c2); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals_c3, grad_ptr_c3); Vector grad_q1(dim), grad_q2(dim), grad_q3(dim); tspec_fesv->GetFE(e_id)->CalcShape(ip, shape); grad_e_c1.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q1); grad_e_c2.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q2); grad_e_c3.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q3); const double phi12 = shape * par_vals_c1; const double phi13 = shape * par_vals_c2; const double chi = shape * par_vals_c3; dQ_phi = 0.; dQ_phi(0,0) = 1.; dQ_phi(0,1) = -sin(phi12); dQ_phi(1,1) = cos(phi12); dQ_phi13 = 0.; dQ_phi13(0,2) = -sin(phi13); dQ_phi13(1,2) = cos(phi13)*cos(chi); dQ_phi13(2,2) = cos(phi13)*sin(chi); dQ_phichi = 0.; dQ_phichi(1,2) = -sin(phi13)*sin(chi); dQ_phichi(2,2) = sin(phi13)*cos(chi); Mult(Jtrcomp_s, Jtrcomp_r, work2); // z*R for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { DenseMatrix &dJtr_i = dJtr(i + d*ir.GetNPoints()); work1 = dQ_phi; work1 *= grad_q1(d); // work1 = dQ/dphi12*dphi12/dx work1.Add(grad_q2(d), dQ_phi13); // + dQ/dphi13*dphi13/dx work1.Add(grad_q3(d), dQ_phichi); // + dQ/dchi*dchi/dx Mult(work1, Jtrcomp_d, work3); // dQ/dx*D AddMult(work2, work3, dJtr_i); // z*R*dQ/dx*D } } } // Done skew if (orientationidx != -1) // Set orientation { if (dim == 2) { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ orientationidx*ndofs, ndofs); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals, grad_ptr_c1); Vector grad_q(dim); tspec_fesv->GetFE(e_id)->CalcShape(ip, shape); grad_e_c1.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q); const double theta = shape * par_vals; dR_theta(0,0) = -sin(theta); dR_theta(0,1) = -cos(theta); dR_theta(1,0) = cos(theta); dR_theta(1,1) = -sin(theta); Mult(Jtrcomp_q, Jtrcomp_d, work1); // Q*D Mult(Jtrcomp_s, work1, work2); // z*Q*D for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { DenseMatrix &dJtr_i = dJtr(i + d*ir.GetNPoints()); work1 = dR_theta; work1 *= grad_q(d); // work1 = dR/dtheta*dtheta/dx AddMult(work1, work2, dJtr_i); // z*dR/dx*Q*D } } else { par_vals.SetDataAndSize(tspec_vals.GetData()+ orientationidx*ndofs, ndofs*3); par_vals_c1.SetData(par_vals.GetData()); par_vals_c2.SetData(par_vals.GetData()+ndofs); par_vals_c3.SetData(par_vals.GetData()+2*ndofs); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals_c1, grad_ptr_c1); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals_c2, grad_ptr_c2); grad_phys.Mult(par_vals_c3, grad_ptr_c3); Vector grad_q1(dim), grad_q2(dim), grad_q3(dim); tspec_fesv->GetFE(e_id)->CalcShape(ip, shape); grad_e_c1.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q1); grad_e_c2.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q2); grad_e_c3.MultTranspose(shape, grad_q3); const double theta = shape * par_vals_c1; const double psi = shape * par_vals_c2; const double beta = shape * par_vals_c3; const double ct = cos(theta), st = sin(theta), cp = cos(psi), sp = sin(psi), cb = cos(beta), sb = sin(beta); dR_theta = 0.; dR_theta(0,0) = -st*sp; dR_theta(1,0) = ct*sp; dR_theta(2,0) = 0; dR_theta(0,1) = -ct*cb - st*cp*sb; dR_theta(1,1) = -st*cb + ct*cp*sb; dR_theta(2,1) = 0.; dR_theta(0,0) = -ct*sb + st*cp*cb; dR_theta(1,0) = -st*sb - ct*cp*cb; dR_theta(2,0) = 0.; dR_beta = 0.; dR_beta(0,0) = 0.; dR_beta(1,0) = 0.; dR_beta(2,0) = 0.; dR_beta(0,1) = st*sb + ct*cp*cb; dR_beta(1,1) = -ct*sb + st*cp*cb; dR_beta(2,1) = -sp*cb; dR_beta(0,0) = -st*cb + ct*cp*sb; dR_beta(1,0) = ct*cb + st*cp*sb; dR_beta(2,0) = 0.; dR_psi = 0.; dR_psi(0,0) = ct*cp; dR_psi(1,0) = st*cp; dR_psi(2,0) = -sp; dR_psi(0,1) = 0. - ct*sp*sb; dR_psi(1,1) = 0. + st*sp*sb; dR_psi(2,1) = -cp*sb; dR_psi(0,0) = 0. + ct*sp*cb; dR_psi(1,0) = 0. + st*sp*cb; dR_psi(2,0) = cp*cb; Mult(Jtrcomp_q, Jtrcomp_d, work1); // Q*D Mult(Jtrcomp_s, work1, work2); // z*Q*D for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { DenseMatrix &dJtr_i = dJtr(i + d*ir.GetNPoints()); work1 = dR_theta; work1 *= grad_q1(d); // work1 = dR/dtheta*dtheta/dx work1.Add(grad_q2(d), dR_psi); // +dR/dpsi*dpsi/dx work1.Add(grad_q3(d), dR_beta); // +dR/dbeta*dbeta/dx AddMult(work1, work2, dJtr_i); // z*dR/dx*Q*D } } } // Done orientation } break; } default: MFEM_ABORT("Incompatible target type for discrete adaptation!"); } Jtrcomp.Clear(); } void DiscreteAdaptTC:: UpdateGradientTargetSpecification(const Vector &x, const double dx, bool reuse_flag, int x_ordering) { if (reuse_flag && good_tspec_grad) { return; } const int dim = tspec_fesv->GetFE(0)->GetDim(), cnt = x.Size()/dim; tspec_pert1h.SetSize(x.Size()*ncomp); Vector TSpecTemp; Vector xtemp = x; for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int idx = x_ordering == Ordering::byNODES ? j*cnt + i : i*dim + j; xtemp(idx) += dx; } TSpecTemp.NewDataAndSize(tspec_pert1h.GetData() + j*cnt*ncomp, cnt*ncomp); UpdateTargetSpecification(xtemp, TSpecTemp, x_ordering); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int idx = x_ordering == Ordering::byNODES ? j*cnt + i : i*dim + j; xtemp(idx) -= dx; } } good_tspec_grad = reuse_flag; } void DiscreteAdaptTC:: UpdateHessianTargetSpecification(const Vector &x,double dx, bool reuse_flag, int x_ordering) { if (reuse_flag && good_tspec_hess) { return; } const int dim = tspec_fesv->GetFE(0)->GetDim(), cnt = x.Size()/dim, totmix = 1+2*(dim-2); tspec_pert2h.SetSize(cnt*dim*ncomp); tspec_pertmix.SetSize(cnt*totmix*ncomp); Vector TSpecTemp; Vector xtemp = x; // T(x+2h) for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int idx = x_ordering == Ordering::byNODES ? j*cnt + i : i*dim + j; xtemp(idx) += 2*dx; } TSpecTemp.NewDataAndSize(tspec_pert2h.GetData() + j*cnt*ncomp, cnt*ncomp); UpdateTargetSpecification(xtemp, TSpecTemp, x_ordering); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int idx = x_ordering == Ordering::byNODES ? j*cnt + i : i*dim + j; xtemp(idx) -= 2*dx; } } // T(x+h,y+h) int j = 0; for (int k1 = 0; k1 < dim; k1++) { for (int k2 = 0; (k1 != k2) && (k2 < dim); k2++) { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int idx1 = x_ordering == Ordering::byNODES ? k1*cnt+i : i*dim + k1; int idx2 = x_ordering == Ordering::byNODES ? k2*cnt+i : i*dim + k2; xtemp(idx1) += dx; xtemp(idx2) += dx; } TSpecTemp.NewDataAndSize(tspec_pertmix.GetData() + j*cnt*ncomp, cnt*ncomp); UpdateTargetSpecification(xtemp, TSpecTemp, x_ordering); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int idx1 = x_ordering == Ordering::byNODES ? k1*cnt+i : i*dim + k1; int idx2 = x_ordering == Ordering::byNODES ? k2*cnt+i : i*dim + k2; xtemp(idx1) -= dx; xtemp(idx2) -= dx; } j++; } } good_tspec_hess = reuse_flag; } DiscreteAdaptTC::~DiscreteAdaptTC() { delete tspec_gf; delete adapt_eval; delete tspec_fesv; #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI delete ptspec_fesv; #endif } void AdaptivityEvaluator::SetSerialMetaInfo(const Mesh &m, const FiniteElementSpace &f) { delete fes; delete mesh; mesh = new Mesh(m, true); fes = new FiniteElementSpace(mesh, f.FEColl(), f.GetVDim(), f.GetOrdering()); } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI void AdaptivityEvaluator::SetParMetaInfo(const ParMesh &m, const ParFiniteElementSpace &f) { delete pfes; delete pmesh; pmesh = new ParMesh(m, true); pfes = new ParFiniteElementSpace(pmesh, f.FEColl(), f.GetVDim(), f.GetOrdering()); } #endif void AdaptivityEvaluator::ClearGeometricFactors() { #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI if (pmesh) { pmesh->DeleteGeometricFactors(); } #else if (mesh) { mesh->DeleteGeometricFactors(); } #endif } AdaptivityEvaluator::~AdaptivityEvaluator() { delete fes; delete mesh; #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI delete pfes; delete pmesh; #endif } void TMOP_Integrator::ReleasePADeviceMemory(bool copy_to_host) { if (PA.enabled) { PA.H.GetMemory().DeleteDevice(copy_to_host); PA.H0.GetMemory().DeleteDevice(copy_to_host); if (!copy_to_host && !PA.Jtr.GetMemory().HostIsValid()) { PA.Jtr_needs_update = true; } PA.Jtr.GetMemory().DeleteDevice(copy_to_host); } } TMOP_Integrator::~TMOP_Integrator() { delete lim_func; delete adapt_lim_gf; delete surf_fit_gf; delete surf_fit_limiter; delete surf_fit_grad; delete surf_fit_hess; for (int i = 0; i < ElemDer.Size(); i++) { delete ElemDer[i]; delete ElemPertEnergy[i]; } } void TMOP_Integrator::EnableLimiting(const GridFunction &n0, const GridFunction &dist, Coefficient &w0, TMOP_LimiterFunction *lfunc) { lim_nodes0 = &n0; lim_coeff = &w0; lim_dist = &dist; MFEM_VERIFY(lim_dist->FESpace()->GetVDim() == 1, "'dist' must be a scalar GridFunction!"); delete lim_func; lim_func = (lfunc) ? lfunc : new TMOP_QuadraticLimiter; } void TMOP_Integrator::EnableLimiting(const GridFunction &n0, Coefficient &w0, TMOP_LimiterFunction *lfunc) { lim_nodes0 = &n0; lim_coeff = &w0; lim_dist = NULL; delete lim_func; lim_func = (lfunc) ? lfunc : new TMOP_QuadraticLimiter; } void TMOP_Integrator::EnableAdaptiveLimiting(const GridFunction &z0, Coefficient &coeff, AdaptivityEvaluator &ae) { adapt_lim_gf0 = &z0; delete adapt_lim_gf; adapt_lim_gf = new GridFunction(z0); adapt_lim_coeff = &coeff; adapt_lim_eval = &ae; adapt_lim_eval->SetSerialMetaInfo(*z0.FESpace()->GetMesh(), *z0.FESpace()); adapt_lim_eval->SetInitialField (*adapt_lim_gf->FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), *adapt_lim_gf); } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI void TMOP_Integrator::EnableAdaptiveLimiting(const ParGridFunction &z0, Coefficient &coeff, AdaptivityEvaluator &ae) { adapt_lim_gf0 = &z0; adapt_lim_pgf0 = &z0; delete adapt_lim_gf; adapt_lim_gf = new GridFunction(z0); adapt_lim_coeff = &coeff; adapt_lim_eval = &ae; adapt_lim_eval->SetParMetaInfo(*z0.ParFESpace()->GetParMesh(), *z0.ParFESpace()); adapt_lim_eval->SetInitialField (*adapt_lim_gf->FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), *adapt_lim_gf); } #endif void TMOP_Integrator::EnableSurfaceFitting(const GridFunction &s0, const Array &smarker, Coefficient &coeff, AdaptivityEvaluator &ae) { // To have both we must duplicate the markers. MFEM_VERIFY(surf_fit_pos == NULL, "Using both fitting approaches is not supported."); delete surf_fit_gf; surf_fit_gf = new GridFunction(s0); surf_fit_gf->CountElementsPerVDof(surf_fit_dof_count); surf_fit_marker = &smarker; surf_fit_coeff = &coeff; surf_fit_eval = &ae; surf_fit_eval->SetSerialMetaInfo(*s0.FESpace()->GetMesh(), *s0.FESpace()); surf_fit_eval->SetInitialField (*surf_fit_gf->FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), *surf_fit_gf); } void TMOP_Integrator::EnableSurfaceFitting(const GridFunction &pos, const Array &smarker, Coefficient &coeff) { // To have both we must duplicate the markers. MFEM_VERIFY(surf_fit_gf == NULL, "Using both fitting approaches is not supported."); MFEM_VERIFY(pos.FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), "Positions on a mesh without Nodes is not supported."); MFEM_VERIFY(pos.FESpace()->GetOrdering() == pos.FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes()->FESpace()->GetOrdering(), "Incompatible ordering of spaces!"); surf_fit_pos = &pos; pos.CountElementsPerVDof(surf_fit_dof_count); surf_fit_marker = &smarker; surf_fit_coeff = &coeff; delete surf_fit_limiter; surf_fit_limiter = new TMOP_QuadraticLimiter; } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI void TMOP_Integrator::EnableSurfaceFitting(const ParGridFunction &s0, const Array &smarker, Coefficient &coeff, AdaptivityEvaluator &ae) { // To have both we must duplicate the markers. MFEM_VERIFY(surf_fit_pos == NULL, "Using both fitting approaches is not supported."); delete surf_fit_gf; surf_fit_gf = new GridFunction(s0); s0.CountElementsPerVDof(surf_fit_dof_count); surf_fit_marker = &smarker; surf_fit_coeff = &coeff; surf_fit_eval = &ae; surf_fit_eval->SetParMetaInfo(*s0.ParFESpace()->GetParMesh(), *s0.ParFESpace()); surf_fit_eval->SetInitialField (*surf_fit_gf->FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), *surf_fit_gf); surf_fit_gf_bg = false; } void TMOP_Integrator::EnableSurfaceFittingFromSource( const ParGridFunction &s_bg, ParGridFunction &s0, const Array &smarker, Coefficient &coeff, AdaptivityEvaluator &ae, const ParGridFunction &s_bg_grad, ParGridFunction &s0_grad, AdaptivityEvaluator &age, const ParGridFunction &s_bg_hess, ParGridFunction &s0_hess, AdaptivityEvaluator &ahe) { #ifndef MFEM_USE_GSLIB MFEM_ABORT("Surface fitting from source requires GSLIB!"); #endif // Setup for level set function delete surf_fit_gf; surf_fit_gf = new GridFunction(s0); *surf_fit_gf = 0.0; surf_fit_marker = &smarker; surf_fit_coeff = &coeff; surf_fit_eval = &ae; surf_fit_gf_bg = true; surf_fit_eval->SetParMetaInfo(*s_bg.ParFESpace()->GetParMesh(), *s_bg.ParFESpace()); surf_fit_eval->SetInitialField (*s_bg.FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), s_bg); // Setup for gradient on background mesh MFEM_VERIFY(s_bg_grad.ParFESpace()->GetOrdering() == s0_grad.ParFESpace()->GetOrdering(), "Nodal ordering for gridfunction on source mesh and current mesh" "should be the same."); delete surf_fit_grad; surf_fit_grad = new GridFunction(s0_grad); *surf_fit_grad = 0.0; surf_fit_eval_bg_grad = &age; surf_fit_eval_bg_hess = &ahe; surf_fit_eval_bg_grad->SetParMetaInfo(*s_bg_grad.ParFESpace()->GetParMesh(), *s_bg_grad.ParFESpace()); surf_fit_eval_bg_grad->SetInitialField (*s_bg_grad.FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), s_bg_grad); // Setup for Hessian on background mesh MFEM_VERIFY(s_bg_hess.ParFESpace()->GetOrdering() == s0_hess.ParFESpace()->GetOrdering(), "Nodal ordering for gridfunction on source mesh and current mesh" "should be the same."); delete surf_fit_hess; surf_fit_hess = new GridFunction(s0_hess); *surf_fit_hess = 0.0; surf_fit_eval_bg_hess->SetParMetaInfo(*s_bg_hess.ParFESpace()->GetParMesh(), *s_bg_hess.ParFESpace()); surf_fit_eval_bg_hess->SetInitialField (*s_bg_hess.FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), s_bg_hess); // Count number of zones that share each of the DOFs s0.CountElementsPerVDof(surf_fit_dof_count); // Store DOF indices that are marked for fitting. Used to reduce work for // transferring information between source/background and current mesh. surf_fit_marker_dof_index.SetSize(0); for (int i = 0; i < surf_fit_marker->Size(); i++) { if ((*surf_fit_marker)[i] == true) { surf_fit_marker_dof_index.Append(i); } } } #endif void TMOP_Integrator::GetSurfaceFittingErrors(const Vector &pos, double &err_avg, double &err_max) { MFEM_VERIFY(surf_fit_marker, "Surface fitting has not been enabled."); const FiniteElementSpace *fes = (surf_fit_gf) ? surf_fit_gf->FESpace() : surf_fit_pos->FESpace(); #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI auto pfes = dynamic_cast(fes); bool parallel = (pfes) ? true : false; #endif int dim = fes->GetMesh()->Dimension(); const int node_cnt = surf_fit_marker->Size(); err_max = 0.0; int dof_cnt = 0; double err_sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < node_cnt; i++) { if ((*surf_fit_marker)[i] == false) { continue; } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI // Don't count the overlapping DOFs in parallel. // The pfes might be ordered byVDIM, while the loop goes consecutively. const int dof_i = pfes->DofToVDof(i, 0); if (parallel && pfes->GetLocalTDofNumber(dof_i) < 0) { continue; } #endif dof_cnt++; double sigma_s = 0.0; if (surf_fit_gf) { sigma_s = fabs((*surf_fit_gf)(i)); } if (surf_fit_pos) { Vector pos_s(dim), pos_s_target(dim); for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { pos_s(d) = (fes->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES) ? pos(d*node_cnt + i) : pos(i*dim + d); pos_s_target(d) = (fes->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES) ? (*surf_fit_pos)(d*node_cnt + i) : (*surf_fit_pos)(i*dim + d); } sigma_s = pos_s.DistanceTo(pos_s_target); } err_max = fmax(err_max, sigma_s); err_sum += sigma_s; } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI if (parallel) { MPI_Comm comm = pfes->GetComm(); MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &err_max, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, comm); MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &dof_cnt, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM, comm); MPI_Allreduce(MPI_IN_PLACE, &err_sum, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, comm); } #endif err_avg = (dof_cnt > 0) ? err_sum / dof_cnt : 0.0; } void TMOP_Integrator::UpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange() { if (adapt_lim_gf) { adapt_lim_gf->Update(); adapt_lim_eval->SetSerialMetaInfo(*adapt_lim_gf->FESpace()->GetMesh(), *adapt_lim_gf->FESpace()); adapt_lim_eval->SetInitialField (*adapt_lim_gf->FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), *adapt_lim_gf); } } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI void TMOP_Integrator::ParUpdateAfterMeshTopologyChange() { if (adapt_lim_gf) { adapt_lim_gf->Update(); adapt_lim_eval->SetParMetaInfo(*adapt_lim_pgf0->ParFESpace()->GetParMesh(), *adapt_lim_pgf0->ParFESpace()); adapt_lim_eval->SetInitialField (*adapt_lim_gf->FESpace()->GetMesh()->GetNodes(), *adapt_lim_gf); } } #endif double TMOP_Integrator::GetElementEnergy(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun) { const int dof = el.GetDof(), dim = el.GetDim(); const int el_id = T.ElementNo; double energy; // No adaptive limiting / surface fitting terms if the function is called // as part of a FD derivative computation (because we include the exact // derivatives of these terms in FD computations). const bool adaptive_limiting = (adapt_lim_gf && fd_call_flag == false); const bool surface_fit = (surf_fit_marker && fd_call_flag == false); DSh.SetSize(dof, dim); Jrt.SetSize(dim); Jpr.SetSize(dim); Jpt.SetSize(dim); PMatI.UseExternalData(elfun.GetData(), dof, dim); const IntegrationRule &ir = EnergyIntegrationRule(el); energy = 0.0; DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, ir.GetNPoints()); targetC->ComputeElementTargets(el_id, el, ir, elfun, Jtr); // Limited case. Vector shape, p, p0, d_vals; DenseMatrix pos0; if (lim_coeff) { shape.SetSize(dof); p.SetSize(dim); p0.SetSize(dim); pos0.SetSize(dof, dim); Vector pos0V(pos0.Data(), dof * dim); Array pos_dofs; lim_nodes0->FESpace()->GetElementVDofs(el_id, pos_dofs); lim_nodes0->GetSubVector(pos_dofs, pos0V); if (lim_dist) { lim_dist->GetValues(el_id, ir, d_vals); } else { d_vals.SetSize(ir.GetNPoints()); d_vals = 1.0; } } // Define ref->physical transformation, when a Coefficient is specified. IsoparametricTransformation *Tpr = NULL; if (metric_coeff || lim_coeff || adaptive_limiting || surface_fit) { Tpr = new IsoparametricTransformation; Tpr->SetFE(&el); Tpr->ElementNo = el_id; Tpr->ElementType = ElementTransformation::ELEMENT; Tpr->Attribute = T.Attribute; Tpr->mesh = T.mesh; Tpr->GetPointMat().Transpose(PMatI); // PointMat = PMatI^T } // TODO: computing the coefficients 'metric_coeff' and 'lim_coeff' in physical // coordinates means that, generally, the gradient and Hessian of the // TMOP_Integrator will depend on the derivatives of the coefficients. // // In some cases the coefficients are independent of any movement of // the physical coordinates (i.e. changes in 'elfun'), e.g. when the // coefficient is a ConstantCoefficient or a GridFunctionCoefficient. Vector adapt_lim_gf_q, adapt_lim_gf0_q; if (adaptive_limiting) { adapt_lim_gf->GetValues(el_id, ir, adapt_lim_gf_q); adapt_lim_gf0->GetValues(el_id, ir, adapt_lim_gf0_q); } for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(i); metric->SetTargetJacobian(Jtr(i)); CalcInverse(Jtr(i), Jrt); const double weight = (integ_over_target) ? ip.weight * Jtr(i).Det() : ip.weight; el.CalcDShape(ip, DSh); MultAtB(PMatI, DSh, Jpr); Mult(Jpr, Jrt, Jpt); double val = metric_normal * metric->EvalW(Jpt); if (metric_coeff) { val *= metric_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip); } if (lim_coeff) { el.CalcShape(ip, shape); PMatI.MultTranspose(shape, p); pos0.MultTranspose(shape, p0); val += lim_normal * lim_func->Eval(p, p0, d_vals(i)) * lim_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip); } // Contribution from the adaptive limiting term. if (adaptive_limiting) { const double diff = adapt_lim_gf_q(i) - adapt_lim_gf0_q(i); val += adapt_lim_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip) * lim_normal * diff * diff; } energy += weight * val; } // Contribution from the surface fitting term. if (surface_fit) { // Scalar for surf_fit_gf, vector for surf_fit_pos, but that's ok. const FiniteElementSpace *fes_fit = (surf_fit_gf) ? surf_fit_gf->FESpace() : surf_fit_pos->FESpace(); const IntegrationRule *ir_s = &fes_fit->GetFE(el_id)->GetNodes(); Array vdofs; fes_fit->GetElementVDofs(el_id, vdofs); Vector sigma_e(dof); if (surf_fit_gf) { surf_fit_gf->GetSubVector(vdofs, sigma_e); } for (int s = 0; s < dof; s++) { // Because surf_fit_pos.fes might be ordered byVDIM. const int scalar_dof_id = fes_fit->VDofToDof(vdofs[s]); if ((*surf_fit_marker)[scalar_dof_id] == false) { continue; } const IntegrationPoint &ip_s = ir_s->IntPoint(s); Tpr->SetIntPoint(&ip_s); if (surf_fit_gf) { energy += surf_fit_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip_s) * surf_fit_normal * sigma_e(s) * sigma_e(s); } if (surf_fit_pos) { // Fitting to exact positions. Vector pos(dim), pos_target(dim); for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { pos(d) = PMatI(s, d); pos_target(d) = (*surf_fit_pos)(vdofs[d*dof + s]); } energy += surf_fit_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip_s) * surf_fit_normal * surf_fit_limiter->Eval(pos, pos_target, 1.0); } } } delete Tpr; return energy; } double TMOP_Integrator::GetRefinementElementEnergy(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, const IntegrationRule &irule) { int dof = el.GetDof(), dim = el.GetDim(), NEsplit = elfun.Size() / (dof*dim), el_id = T.ElementNo; double energy = 0.; TargetConstructor *tc = const_cast(targetC); DiscreteAdaptTC *dtc = dynamic_cast(tc); // For DiscreteAdaptTC the GridFunctions used to set the targets must be // mapped onto the fine elements. if (dtc) { dtc->SetTspecFromIntRule(el_id, irule); } for (int e = 0; e < NEsplit; e++) { DSh.SetSize(dof, dim); Jrt.SetSize(dim); Jpr.SetSize(dim); Jpt.SetSize(dim); Vector elfun_child(dof*dim); for (int i = 0; i < dof; i++) { for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { // elfun is (xe1,xe2,...xen,ye1,ye2...yen) and has nodal coordinates // for all the children element of the parent element being considered. // So we must index and get (xek, yek) i.e. nodal coordinates for // the fine element being considered. elfun_child(i + d*dof) = elfun(i + e*dof + d*dof*NEsplit); } } PMatI.UseExternalData(elfun_child.GetData(), dof, dim); const IntegrationRule &ir = EnergyIntegrationRule(el); double el_energy = 0; DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, ir.GetNPoints()); if (dtc) { // This is used to index into the tspec vector inside DiscreteAdaptTC. dtc->SetRefinementSubElement(e); } targetC->ComputeElementTargets(el_id, el, ir, elfun_child, Jtr); // Define ref->physical transformation, wn a Coefficient is specified. IsoparametricTransformation *Tpr = NULL; if (metric_coeff || lim_coeff) { Tpr = new IsoparametricTransformation; Tpr->SetFE(&el); Tpr->ElementNo = T.ElementNo; Tpr->ElementType = ElementTransformation::ELEMENT; Tpr->Attribute = T.Attribute; Tpr->mesh = T.mesh; Tpr->GetPointMat().Transpose(PMatI); // PointMat = PMatI^T } for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(i); h_metric->SetTargetJacobian(Jtr(i)); CalcInverse(Jtr(i), Jrt); const double weight = (integ_over_target) ? ip.weight * Jtr(i).Det() : ip.weight; el.CalcDShape(ip, DSh); MultAtB(PMatI, DSh, Jpr); Mult(Jpr, Jrt, Jpt); double val = metric_normal * h_metric->EvalW(Jpt); if (metric_coeff) { val *= metric_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip); } el_energy += weight * val; delete Tpr; } energy += el_energy; } energy /= NEsplit; if (dtc) { dtc->ResetRefinementTspecData(); } return energy; } double TMOP_Integrator::GetDerefinementElementEnergy(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun) { int dof = el.GetDof(), dim = el.GetDim(); double energy = 0.; DSh.SetSize(dof, dim); Jrt.SetSize(dim); Jpr.SetSize(dim); Jpt.SetSize(dim); PMatI.UseExternalData(elfun.GetData(), dof, dim); const IntegrationRule &ir = EnergyIntegrationRule(el); energy = 0.0; DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, ir.GetNPoints()); targetC->ComputeElementTargets(T.ElementNo, el, ir, elfun, Jtr); // Define ref->physical transformation, wn a Coefficient is specified. IsoparametricTransformation *Tpr = NULL; if (metric_coeff) { Tpr = new IsoparametricTransformation; Tpr->SetFE(&el); Tpr->ElementNo = T.ElementNo; Tpr->ElementType = ElementTransformation::ELEMENT; Tpr->Attribute = T.Attribute; Tpr->mesh = T.mesh; Tpr->GetPointMat().Transpose(PMatI); // PointMat = PMatI^T } for (int i = 0; i < ir.GetNPoints(); i++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(i); h_metric->SetTargetJacobian(Jtr(i)); CalcInverse(Jtr(i), Jrt); const double weight = (integ_over_target) ? ip.weight * Jtr(i).Det() : ip.weight; el.CalcDShape(ip, DSh); MultAtB(PMatI, DSh, Jpr); Mult(Jpr, Jrt, Jpt); double val = metric_normal * h_metric->EvalW(Jpt); if (metric_coeff) { val *= metric_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip); } energy += weight * val; } delete Tpr; return energy; } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElementVector(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, Vector &elvect) { if (!fdflag) { AssembleElementVectorExact(el, T, elfun, elvect); } else { AssembleElementVectorFD(el, T, elfun, elvect); } } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElementGrad(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, DenseMatrix &elmat) { if (!fdflag) { AssembleElementGradExact(el, T, elfun, elmat); } else { AssembleElementGradFD(el, T, elfun, elmat); } } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElementVectorExact(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, Vector &elvect) { const int dof = el.GetDof(), dim = el.GetDim(); DenseMatrix Amat(dim), work1(dim), work2(dim); DSh.SetSize(dof, dim); DS.SetSize(dof, dim); Jrt.SetSize(dim); Jpt.SetSize(dim); P.SetSize(dim); PMatI.UseExternalData(elfun.GetData(), dof, dim); elvect.SetSize(dof*dim); PMatO.UseExternalData(elvect.GetData(), dof, dim); const IntegrationRule &ir = ActionIntegrationRule(el); const int nqp = ir.GetNPoints(); elvect = 0.0; Vector weights(nqp); DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, nqp); DenseTensor dJtr(dim, dim, dim*nqp); targetC->ComputeElementTargets(T.ElementNo, el, ir, elfun, Jtr); // Limited case. DenseMatrix pos0; Vector shape, p, p0, d_vals, grad; shape.SetSize(dof); if (lim_coeff) { p.SetSize(dim); p0.SetSize(dim); pos0.SetSize(dof, dim); Vector pos0V(pos0.Data(), dof * dim); Array pos_dofs; lim_nodes0->FESpace()->GetElementVDofs(T.ElementNo, pos_dofs); lim_nodes0->GetSubVector(pos_dofs, pos0V); if (lim_dist) { lim_dist->GetValues(T.ElementNo, ir, d_vals); } else { d_vals.SetSize(nqp); d_vals = 1.0; } } // Define ref->physical transformation, when a Coefficient is specified. IsoparametricTransformation *Tpr = NULL; if (metric_coeff || lim_coeff || adapt_lim_gf || surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos || exact_action) { Tpr = new IsoparametricTransformation; Tpr->SetFE(&el); Tpr->ElementNo = T.ElementNo; Tpr->ElementType = ElementTransformation::ELEMENT; Tpr->Attribute = T.Attribute; Tpr->mesh = T.mesh; Tpr->GetPointMat().Transpose(PMatI); // PointMat = PMatI^T if (exact_action) { targetC->ComputeElementTargetsGradient(ir, elfun, *Tpr, dJtr); } } Vector d_detW_dx(dim); Vector d_Winv_dx(dim); for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(q); metric->SetTargetJacobian(Jtr(q)); CalcInverse(Jtr(q), Jrt); weights(q) = (integ_over_target) ? ip.weight * Jtr(q).Det() : ip.weight; double weight_m = weights(q) * metric_normal; el.CalcDShape(ip, DSh); Mult(DSh, Jrt, DS); MultAtB(PMatI, DS, Jpt); metric->EvalP(Jpt, P); if (metric_coeff) { weight_m *= metric_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip); } P *= weight_m; AddMultABt(DS, P, PMatO); // w_q det(W) dmu/dx : dA/dx Winv if (exact_action) { el.CalcShape(ip, shape); // Derivatives of adaptivity-based targets. // First term: w_q d*(Det W)/dx * mu(T) // d(Det W)/dx = det(W)*Tr[Winv*dW/dx] DenseMatrix dwdx(dim); for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { const DenseMatrix &dJtr_q = dJtr(q + d * nqp); Mult(Jrt, dJtr_q, dwdx ); d_detW_dx(d) = dwdx.Trace(); } d_detW_dx *= weight_m*metric->EvalW(Jpt); // *[w_q*det(W)]*mu(T) // Second term: w_q det(W) dmu/dx : AdWinv/dx // dWinv/dx = -Winv*dW/dx*Winv MultAtB(PMatI, DSh, Amat); for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { const DenseMatrix &dJtr_q = dJtr(q + d*nqp); Mult(Jrt, dJtr_q, work1); // Winv*dw/dx Mult(work1, Jrt, work2); // Winv*dw/dx*Winv Mult(Amat, work2, work1); // A*Winv*dw/dx*Winv MultAtB(P, work1, work2); // dmu/dT^T*A*Winv*dw/dx*Winv d_Winv_dx(d) = work2.Trace(); // Tr[dmu/dT : AWinv*dw/dx*Winv] } d_Winv_dx *= -weight_m; // Include (-) factor as well d_detW_dx += d_Winv_dx; AddMultVWt(shape, d_detW_dx, PMatO); } if (lim_coeff) { if (!exact_action) { el.CalcShape(ip, shape); } PMatI.MultTranspose(shape, p); pos0.MultTranspose(shape, p0); lim_func->Eval_d1(p, p0, d_vals(q), grad); grad *= weights(q) * lim_normal * lim_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip); AddMultVWt(shape, grad, PMatO); } } if (adapt_lim_gf) { AssembleElemVecAdaptLim(el, *Tpr, ir, weights, PMatO); } if (surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos) { AssembleElemVecSurfFit(el, *Tpr, PMatO); } delete Tpr; } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElementGradExact(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, DenseMatrix &elmat) { const int dof = el.GetDof(), dim = el.GetDim(); DSh.SetSize(dof, dim); DS.SetSize(dof, dim); Jrt.SetSize(dim); Jpt.SetSize(dim); PMatI.UseExternalData(elfun.GetData(), dof, dim); elmat.SetSize(dof*dim); const IntegrationRule &ir = GradientIntegrationRule(el); const int nqp = ir.GetNPoints(); elmat = 0.0; Vector weights(nqp); DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, nqp); targetC->ComputeElementTargets(T.ElementNo, el, ir, elfun, Jtr); // Limited case. DenseMatrix pos0, hess; Vector shape, p, p0, d_vals; if (lim_coeff) { shape.SetSize(dof); p.SetSize(dim); p0.SetSize(dim); pos0.SetSize(dof, dim); Vector pos0V(pos0.Data(), dof * dim); Array pos_dofs; lim_nodes0->FESpace()->GetElementVDofs(T.ElementNo, pos_dofs); lim_nodes0->GetSubVector(pos_dofs, pos0V); if (lim_dist) { lim_dist->GetValues(T.ElementNo, ir, d_vals); } else { d_vals.SetSize(nqp); d_vals = 1.0; } } // Define ref->physical transformation, when a Coefficient is specified. IsoparametricTransformation *Tpr = NULL; if (metric_coeff || lim_coeff || adapt_lim_gf || surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos) { Tpr = new IsoparametricTransformation; Tpr->SetFE(&el); Tpr->ElementNo = T.ElementNo; Tpr->ElementType = ElementTransformation::ELEMENT; Tpr->Attribute = T.Attribute; Tpr->mesh = T.mesh; Tpr->GetPointMat().Transpose(PMatI); } for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(q); const DenseMatrix &Jtr_q = Jtr(q); metric->SetTargetJacobian(Jtr_q); CalcInverse(Jtr_q, Jrt); weights(q) = (integ_over_target) ? ip.weight * Jtr_q.Det() : ip.weight; double weight_m = weights(q) * metric_normal; el.CalcDShape(ip, DSh); Mult(DSh, Jrt, DS); MultAtB(PMatI, DS, Jpt); if (metric_coeff) { weight_m *= metric_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip); } metric->AssembleH(Jpt, DS, weight_m, elmat); // TODO: derivatives of adaptivity-based targets. if (lim_coeff) { el.CalcShape(ip, shape); PMatI.MultTranspose(shape, p); pos0.MultTranspose(shape, p0); weight_m = weights(q) * lim_normal * lim_coeff->Eval(*Tpr, ip); lim_func->Eval_d2(p, p0, d_vals(q), hess); for (int i = 0; i < dof; i++) { const double w_shape_i = weight_m * shape(i); for (int j = 0; j < dof; j++) { const double w = w_shape_i * shape(j); for (int d1 = 0; d1 < dim; d1++) { for (int d2 = 0; d2 < dim; d2++) { elmat(d1*dof + i, d2*dof + j) += w * hess(d1, d2); } } } } } } if (adapt_lim_gf) { AssembleElemGradAdaptLim(el, *Tpr, ir, weights, elmat); } if (surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos) { AssembleElemGradSurfFit(el, *Tpr, elmat);} delete Tpr; } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElemVecAdaptLim(const FiniteElement &el, IsoparametricTransformation &Tpr, const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &weights, DenseMatrix &mat) { const int dof = el.GetDof(), dim = el.GetDim(), nqp = weights.Size(); Vector shape(dof), adapt_lim_gf_e, adapt_lim_gf_q, adapt_lim_gf0_q(nqp); Array dofs; adapt_lim_gf->FESpace()->GetElementDofs(Tpr.ElementNo, dofs); adapt_lim_gf->GetSubVector(dofs, adapt_lim_gf_e); adapt_lim_gf->GetValues(Tpr.ElementNo, ir, adapt_lim_gf_q); adapt_lim_gf0->GetValues(Tpr.ElementNo, ir, adapt_lim_gf0_q); // Project the gradient of adapt_lim_gf in the same space. // The FE coefficients of the gradient go in adapt_lim_gf_grad_e. DenseMatrix adapt_lim_gf_grad_e(dof, dim); DenseMatrix grad_phys; // This will be (dof x dim, dof). el.ProjectGrad(el, Tpr, grad_phys); Vector grad_ptr(adapt_lim_gf_grad_e.GetData(), dof*dim); grad_phys.Mult(adapt_lim_gf_e, grad_ptr); Vector adapt_lim_gf_grad_q(dim); for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(q); el.CalcShape(ip, shape); adapt_lim_gf_grad_e.MultTranspose(shape, adapt_lim_gf_grad_q); adapt_lim_gf_grad_q *= 2.0 * (adapt_lim_gf_q(q) - adapt_lim_gf0_q(q)); adapt_lim_gf_grad_q *= weights(q) * lim_normal * adapt_lim_coeff->Eval(Tpr, ip); AddMultVWt(shape, adapt_lim_gf_grad_q, mat); } } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElemGradAdaptLim(const FiniteElement &el, IsoparametricTransformation &Tpr, const IntegrationRule &ir, const Vector &weights, DenseMatrix &mat) { const int dof = el.GetDof(), dim = el.GetDim(), nqp = weights.Size(); Vector shape(dof), adapt_lim_gf_e, adapt_lim_gf_q, adapt_lim_gf0_q(nqp); Array dofs; adapt_lim_gf->FESpace()->GetElementDofs(Tpr.ElementNo, dofs); adapt_lim_gf->GetSubVector(dofs, adapt_lim_gf_e); adapt_lim_gf->GetValues(Tpr.ElementNo, ir, adapt_lim_gf_q); adapt_lim_gf0->GetValues(Tpr.ElementNo, ir, adapt_lim_gf0_q); // Project the gradient of adapt_lim_gf in the same space. // The FE coefficients of the gradient go in adapt_lim_gf_grad_e. DenseMatrix adapt_lim_gf_grad_e(dof, dim); DenseMatrix grad_phys; // This will be (dof x dim, dof). el.ProjectGrad(el, Tpr, grad_phys); Vector grad_ptr(adapt_lim_gf_grad_e.GetData(), dof*dim); grad_phys.Mult(adapt_lim_gf_e, grad_ptr); // Project the gradient of each gradient of adapt_lim_gf in the same space. // The FE coefficients of the second derivatives go in adapt_lim_gf_hess_e. DenseMatrix adapt_lim_gf_hess_e(dof*dim, dim); Mult(grad_phys, adapt_lim_gf_grad_e, adapt_lim_gf_hess_e); // Reshape to be more convenient later (no change in the data). adapt_lim_gf_hess_e.SetSize(dof, dim*dim); Vector adapt_lim_gf_grad_q(dim); DenseMatrix adapt_lim_gf_hess_q(dim, dim); for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(q); el.CalcShape(ip, shape); adapt_lim_gf_grad_e.MultTranspose(shape, adapt_lim_gf_grad_q); Vector gg_ptr(adapt_lim_gf_hess_q.GetData(), dim*dim); adapt_lim_gf_hess_e.MultTranspose(shape, gg_ptr); const double w = weights(q) * lim_normal * adapt_lim_coeff->Eval(Tpr, ip); for (int i = 0; i < dof * dim; i++) { const int idof = i % dof, idim = i / dof; for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { const int jdof = j % dof, jdim = j / dof; const double entry = w * ( 2.0 * adapt_lim_gf_grad_q(idim) * shape(idof) * /* */ adapt_lim_gf_grad_q(jdim) * shape(jdof) + 2.0 * (adapt_lim_gf_q(q) - adapt_lim_gf0_q(q)) * adapt_lim_gf_hess_q(idim, jdim) * shape(idof) * shape(jdof)); mat(i, j) += entry; if (i != j) { mat(j, i) += entry; } } } } } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElemVecSurfFit(const FiniteElement &el_x, IsoparametricTransformation &Tpr, DenseMatrix &mat) { const int el_id = Tpr.ElementNo; // Scalar for surf_fit_gf, vector for surf_fit_pos, but that's ok. const FiniteElementSpace *fes_fit = (surf_fit_gf) ? surf_fit_gf->FESpace() : surf_fit_pos->FESpace(); const FiniteElement &el_s = *fes_fit->GetFE(el_id); const int dof_s = el_s.GetDof(), dim = el_x.GetDim(); // Check if the element has any DOFs marked for surface fitting. Array dofs, vdofs; fes_fit->GetElementVDofs(el_id, vdofs); int count = 0; for (int s = 0; s < dof_s; s++) { // Because surf_fit_pos.fes might be ordered byVDIM. const int scalar_dof_id = fes_fit->VDofToDof(vdofs[s]); count += ((*surf_fit_marker)[scalar_dof_id]) ? 1 : 0; } if (count == 0) { return; } Vector sigma_e(dof_s); DenseMatrix surf_fit_grad_e(dof_s, dim); if (surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_gf_bg) { surf_fit_gf->GetSubVector(vdofs, sigma_e); // Project the gradient of sigma in the same space. // The FE coefficients of the gradient go in surf_fit_grad_e. Vector grad_ptr(surf_fit_grad_e.GetData(), dof_s * dim); DenseMatrix grad_phys; // This will be (dof x dim, dof). if (surf_fit_gf_bg) { surf_fit_grad->FESpace()->GetElementVDofs(el_id, dofs); surf_fit_grad->GetSubVector(dofs, grad_ptr); } else { el_s.ProjectGrad(el_s, Tpr, grad_phys); grad_phys.Mult(sigma_e, grad_ptr); } } else { Tpr.GetPointMat().Transpose(PMatI); } const IntegrationRule &ir = el_s.GetNodes(); for (int s = 0; s < dof_s; s++) { // Because surf_fit_pos.fes might be ordered byVDIM. const int scalar_dof_id = fes_fit->VDofToDof(vdofs[s]); if ((*surf_fit_marker)[scalar_dof_id] == false) { continue; } const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(s); Tpr.SetIntPoint(&ip); double w = surf_fit_normal * surf_fit_coeff->Eval(Tpr, ip) * 1.0 / surf_fit_dof_count[vdofs[s]]; if (surf_fit_gf) { w *= 2.0 * sigma_e(s); } if (surf_fit_pos) { Vector pos(dim), pos_target(dim); for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { pos(d) = PMatI(s, d); pos_target(d) = (*surf_fit_pos)(vdofs[d*dof_s + s]); } Vector grad_s(dim); surf_fit_limiter->Eval_d1(pos, pos_target, 1.0, grad_s); for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { surf_fit_grad_e(s, d) = grad_s(d); } } for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { mat(s, d) += w * surf_fit_grad_e(s, d); } } } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElemGradSurfFit(const FiniteElement &el_x, IsoparametricTransformation &Tpr, DenseMatrix &mat) { const int el_id = Tpr.ElementNo; // Scalar for surf_fit_gf, vector for surf_fit_pos, but that's ok. const FiniteElementSpace *fes_fit = (surf_fit_gf) ? surf_fit_gf->FESpace() : surf_fit_pos->FESpace(); const FiniteElement &el_s = *fes_fit->GetFE(el_id); const int dof_s = el_s.GetDof(), dim = el_x.GetDim(); // Check if the element has any DOFs marked for surface fitting. Array dofs, vdofs; fes_fit->GetElementVDofs(el_id, vdofs); int count = 0; for (int s = 0; s < dof_s; s++) { // Because surf_fit_pos.fes might be ordered byVDIM. const int scalar_dof_id = fes_fit->VDofToDof(vdofs[s]); count += ((*surf_fit_marker)[scalar_dof_id]) ? 1 : 0; } if (count == 0) { return; } Vector sigma_e(dof_s); DenseMatrix surf_fit_grad_e(dof_s, dim); DenseMatrix surf_fit_hess_e(dof_s, dim*dim); if (surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_gf_bg) { surf_fit_gf->GetSubVector(vdofs, sigma_e); // Project the gradient of sigma in the same space. // The FE coefficients of the gradient go in surf_fit_grad_e. Vector grad_ptr(surf_fit_grad_e.GetData(), dof_s * dim); DenseMatrix grad_phys; // This will be (dof x dim, dof). if (surf_fit_gf_bg) { surf_fit_grad->FESpace()->GetElementVDofs(el_id, dofs); surf_fit_grad->GetSubVector(dofs, grad_ptr); } else { el_s.ProjectGrad(el_s, Tpr, grad_phys); grad_phys.Mult(sigma_e, grad_ptr); } // Project the Hessian of sigma in the same space. // The FE coefficients of the Hessian go in surf_fit_hess_e. Vector hess_ptr(surf_fit_hess_e.GetData(), dof_s*dim*dim); if (surf_fit_gf_bg) { surf_fit_hess->FESpace()->GetElementVDofs(el_id, dofs); surf_fit_hess->GetSubVector(dofs, hess_ptr); } else { surf_fit_hess_e.SetSize(dof_s*dim, dim); Mult(grad_phys, surf_fit_grad_e, surf_fit_hess_e); surf_fit_hess_e.SetSize(dof_s, dim * dim); } } else { Tpr.GetPointMat().Transpose(PMatI); } const IntegrationRule &ir = el_s.GetNodes(); DenseMatrix surf_fit_hess_s(dim, dim); for (int s = 0; s < dof_s; s++) { // Because surf_fit_pos.fes might be ordered byVDIM. const int scalar_dof_id = fes_fit->VDofToDof(vdofs[s]); if ((*surf_fit_marker)[scalar_dof_id] == false) { continue; } const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(s); Tpr.SetIntPoint(&ip); double w = surf_fit_normal * surf_fit_coeff->Eval(Tpr, ip); if (surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_gf_bg) { Vector gg_ptr(surf_fit_hess_s.GetData(), dim * dim); surf_fit_hess_e.GetRow(s, gg_ptr); w *= 2.0; } if (surf_fit_pos) { Vector pos(dim), pos_target(dim); for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { pos(d) = PMatI(s, d); pos_target(d) = (*surf_fit_pos)(vdofs[d*dof_s + s]); } // Eval_d2 returns the full Hessian, but we still use the general // computation that's in the dim x dim loop below. sigma_e(s) = 1.0; for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { surf_fit_grad_e(s, d) = 0.0; } surf_fit_limiter->Eval_d2(pos, pos_target, 1.0, surf_fit_hess_s); } // Loops over the local matrix. for (int idim = 0; idim < dim; idim++) { for (int jdim = 0; jdim <= idim; jdim++) { double entry = w * ( surf_fit_grad_e(s, idim) * surf_fit_grad_e(s, jdim) + sigma_e(s) * surf_fit_hess_s(idim, jdim)); entry *= 1.0 / surf_fit_dof_count[vdofs[s]]; int idx = s + idim*dof_s; int jdx = s + jdim*dof_s; mat(idx, jdx) += entry; if (idx != jdx) { mat(jdx, idx) += entry; } } } } } double TMOP_Integrator::GetFDDerivative(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, Vector &elfun, const int dofidx, const int dir, const double e_fx, bool update_stored) { int dof = el.GetDof(); int idx = dir*dof+dofidx; elfun[idx] += dx; double e_fxph = GetElementEnergy(el, T, elfun); elfun[idx] -= dx; double dfdx = (e_fxph-e_fx)/dx; if (update_stored) { (*(ElemPertEnergy[T.ElementNo]))(idx) = e_fxph; (*(ElemDer[T.ElementNo]))(idx) = dfdx; } return dfdx; } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElementVectorFD(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, Vector &elvect) { const int dof = el.GetDof(), dim = el.GetDim(), elnum = T.ElementNo; if (elnum>=ElemDer.Size()) { ElemDer.Append(new Vector); ElemPertEnergy.Append(new Vector); ElemDer[elnum]->SetSize(dof*dim); ElemPertEnergy[elnum]->SetSize(dof*dim); } elvect.SetSize(dof*dim); Vector elfunmod(elfun); // In GetElementEnergy(), skip terms that have exact derivative calculations. fd_call_flag = true; // Energy for unperturbed configuration. const double e_fx = GetElementEnergy(el, T, elfun); for (int j = 0; j < dim; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < dof; i++) { if (discr_tc) { discr_tc->UpdateTargetSpecificationAtNode( el, T, i, j, discr_tc->GetTspecPert1H()); } elvect(j*dof+i) = GetFDDerivative(el, T, elfunmod, i, j, e_fx, true); if (discr_tc) { discr_tc->RestoreTargetSpecificationAtNode(T, i); } } } fd_call_flag = false; // Contributions from adaptive limiting, surface fitting (exact derivatives). if (adapt_lim_gf || surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos) { const IntegrationRule &ir = ActionIntegrationRule(el); const int nqp = ir.GetNPoints(); DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, nqp); targetC->ComputeElementTargets(T.ElementNo, el, ir, elfun, Jtr); IsoparametricTransformation Tpr; Tpr.SetFE(&el); Tpr.ElementNo = T.ElementNo; Tpr.Attribute = T.Attribute; Tpr.mesh = T.mesh; PMatI.UseExternalData(elfun.GetData(), dof, dim); Tpr.GetPointMat().Transpose(PMatI); // PointMat = PMatI^T Vector weights(nqp); for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++) { weights(q) = (integ_over_target) ? ir.IntPoint(q).weight * Jtr(q).Det() : ir.IntPoint(q).weight; } PMatO.UseExternalData(elvect.GetData(), dof, dim); if (adapt_lim_gf) { AssembleElemVecAdaptLim(el, Tpr, ir, weights, PMatO); } if (surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos) { AssembleElemVecSurfFit(el, Tpr, PMatO); } } } void TMOP_Integrator::AssembleElementGradFD(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, DenseMatrix &elmat) { const int dof = el.GetDof(), dim = el.GetDim(); elmat.SetSize(dof*dim); Vector elfunmod(elfun); const Vector &ElemDerLoc = *(ElemDer[T.ElementNo]); const Vector &ElemPertLoc = *(ElemPertEnergy[T.ElementNo]); // In GetElementEnergy(), skip terms that have exact derivative calculations. fd_call_flag = true; for (int i = 0; i < dof; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < i+1; j++) { for (int k1 = 0; k1 < dim; k1++) { for (int k2 = 0; k2 < dim; k2++) { elfunmod(k2*dof+j) += dx; if (discr_tc) { discr_tc->UpdateTargetSpecificationAtNode( el, T, j, k2, discr_tc->GetTspecPert1H()); if (j != i) { discr_tc->UpdateTargetSpecificationAtNode( el, T, i, k1, discr_tc->GetTspecPert1H()); } else // j==i { if (k1 != k2) { int idx = k1+k2-1; discr_tc->UpdateTargetSpecificationAtNode( el, T, i, idx, discr_tc->GetTspecPertMixH()); } else // j==i && k1==k2 { discr_tc->UpdateTargetSpecificationAtNode( el, T, i, k1, discr_tc->GetTspecPert2H()); } } } double e_fx = ElemPertLoc(k2*dof+j); double e_fpxph = GetFDDerivative(el, T, elfunmod, i, k1, e_fx, false); elfunmod(k2*dof+j) -= dx; double e_fpx = ElemDerLoc(k1*dof+i); elmat(k1*dof+i, k2*dof+j) = (e_fpxph - e_fpx) / dx; elmat(k2*dof+j, k1*dof+i) = (e_fpxph - e_fpx) / dx; if (discr_tc) { discr_tc->RestoreTargetSpecificationAtNode(T, i); discr_tc->RestoreTargetSpecificationAtNode(T, j); } } } } } fd_call_flag = false; // Contributions from adaptive limiting. if (adapt_lim_gf || surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos) { const IntegrationRule &ir = GradientIntegrationRule(el); const int nqp = ir.GetNPoints(); DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, nqp); targetC->ComputeElementTargets(T.ElementNo, el, ir, elfun, Jtr); IsoparametricTransformation Tpr; Tpr.SetFE(&el); Tpr.ElementNo = T.ElementNo; Tpr.Attribute = T.Attribute; Tpr.mesh = T.mesh; PMatI.UseExternalData(elfun.GetData(), dof, dim); Tpr.GetPointMat().Transpose(PMatI); // PointMat = PMatI^T Vector weights(nqp); for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++) { weights(q) = (integ_over_target) ? ir.IntPoint(q).weight * Jtr(q).Det() : ir.IntPoint(q).weight; } if (adapt_lim_gf) { AssembleElemGradAdaptLim(el, Tpr, ir, weights, elmat); } if (surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos) { AssembleElemGradSurfFit(el, Tpr, elmat); } } } void TMOP_Integrator::UpdateSurfaceFittingWeight(double factor) { if (!surf_fit_coeff) { return; } if (surf_fit_coeff) { auto cf = dynamic_cast(surf_fit_coeff); MFEM_VERIFY(cf, "Dynamic weight works only with a ConstantCoefficient."); cf->constant *= factor; } } double TMOP_Integrator::GetSurfaceFittingWeight() { if (surf_fit_coeff) { auto cf = dynamic_cast(surf_fit_coeff); MFEM_VERIFY(cf, "Dynamic weight works only with a ConstantCoefficient."); return cf->constant; } return 0.0; } void TMOP_Integrator::EnableNormalization(const GridFunction &x) { ComputeNormalizationEnergies(x, metric_normal, lim_normal, surf_fit_normal); metric_normal = 1.0 / metric_normal; lim_normal = 1.0 / lim_normal; //if (surf_fit_gf) { surf_fit_normal = 1.0 / surf_fit_normal; } if (surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos) { surf_fit_normal = lim_normal; } } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI void TMOP_Integrator::ParEnableNormalization(const ParGridFunction &x) { double loc[3]; ComputeNormalizationEnergies(x, loc[0], loc[1], loc[2]); double rdc[3]; MPI_Allreduce(loc, rdc, 3, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, x.ParFESpace()->GetComm()); metric_normal = 1.0 / rdc[0]; lim_normal = 1.0 / rdc[1]; // if (surf_fit_gf) { surf_fit_normal = 1.0 / rdc[2]; } if (surf_fit_gf || surf_fit_pos) { surf_fit_normal = lim_normal; } } #endif void TMOP_Integrator::ComputeNormalizationEnergies(const GridFunction &x, double &metric_energy, double &lim_energy, double &surf_fit_gf_energy) { Array vdofs; Vector x_vals; const FiniteElementSpace* const fes = x.FESpace(); const int dim = fes->GetMesh()->Dimension(); Jrt.SetSize(dim); Jpr.SetSize(dim); Jpt.SetSize(dim); metric_energy = 0.0; lim_energy = 0.0; surf_fit_gf_energy = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < fes->GetNE(); i++) { const FiniteElement *fe = fes->GetFE(i); const IntegrationRule &ir = EnergyIntegrationRule(*fe); const int nqp = ir.GetNPoints(); DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, nqp); const int dof = fe->GetDof(); DSh.SetSize(dof, dim); fes->GetElementVDofs(i, vdofs); x.GetSubVector(vdofs, x_vals); PMatI.UseExternalData(x_vals.GetData(), dof, dim); targetC->ComputeElementTargets(i, *fe, ir, x_vals, Jtr); for (int q = 0; q < nqp; q++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(q); metric->SetTargetJacobian(Jtr(q)); CalcInverse(Jtr(q), Jrt); const double weight = (integ_over_target) ? ip.weight * Jtr(q).Det() : ip.weight; fe->CalcDShape(ip, DSh); MultAtB(PMatI, DSh, Jpr); Mult(Jpr, Jrt, Jpt); metric_energy += weight * metric->EvalW(Jpt); lim_energy += weight; } // Normalization of the surface fitting term. if (surf_fit_gf) { Array dofs; Vector sigma_e; surf_fit_gf->FESpace()->GetElementDofs(i, dofs); surf_fit_gf->GetSubVector(dofs, sigma_e); for (int s = 0; s < dofs.Size(); s++) { if ((*surf_fit_marker)[dofs[s]] == true) { surf_fit_gf_energy += sigma_e(s) * sigma_e(s); } } } } // Cases when integration is not over the target element, or when the // targets don't contain volumetric information. if (integ_over_target == false || targetC->ContainsVolumeInfo() == false) { lim_energy = fes->GetNE(); } } void TMOP_Integrator::ComputeMinJac(const Vector &x, const FiniteElementSpace &fes) { const FiniteElement *fe = fes.GetFE(0); const IntegrationRule &ir = EnergyIntegrationRule(*fe); const int NE = fes.GetMesh()->GetNE(), dim = fe->GetDim(), dof = fe->GetDof(), nsp = ir.GetNPoints(); Array xdofs(dof * dim); DenseMatrix dshape(dof, dim), pos(dof, dim); Vector posV(pos.Data(), dof * dim); Jpr.SetSize(dim); dx = std::numeric_limits::max(); double detv_sum; double detv_avg_min = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (int i = 0; i < NE; i++) { fes.GetElementVDofs(i, xdofs); x.GetSubVector(xdofs, posV); detv_sum = 0.; for (int j = 0; j < nsp; j++) { fes.GetFE(i)->CalcDShape(ir.IntPoint(j), dshape); MultAtB(pos, dshape, Jpr); detv_sum += std::fabs(Jpr.Det()); } double detv_avg = pow(detv_sum/nsp, 1./dim); detv_avg_min = std::min(detv_avg, detv_avg_min); } dx = detv_avg_min / dxscale; } void TMOP_Integrator:: UpdateAfterMeshPositionChange(const Vector &x_new, const FiniteElementSpace &x_fes) { if (discr_tc) { PA.Jtr_needs_update = true; } Ordering::Type ordering = x_fes.GetOrdering(); // Update the finite difference delta if FD are used. if (fdflag) { ComputeFDh(x_new, x_fes); } // Update the target constructor if it's a discrete one. if (discr_tc) { discr_tc->UpdateTargetSpecification(x_new, true, ordering); if (fdflag) { discr_tc->UpdateGradientTargetSpecification(x_new, dx, true, ordering); discr_tc->UpdateHessianTargetSpecification(x_new, dx, true, ordering); } } // Update adapt_lim_gf if adaptive limiting is enabled. if (adapt_lim_gf) { adapt_lim_eval->ComputeAtNewPosition(x_new, *adapt_lim_gf, ordering); } // Update surf_fit_gf if surface fitting is enabled. if (surf_fit_gf) { if (surf_fit_gf_bg) { // Interpolate information for only DOFs marked for fitting. const int dim = surf_fit_gf->FESpace()->GetMesh()->Dimension(); const int cnt = surf_fit_marker_dof_index.Size(); const int total_cnt = x_new.Size()/dim; Vector new_x_sorted(cnt*dim); if (ordering == 0) { for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int dof_index = surf_fit_marker_dof_index[i]; new_x_sorted(i + d*cnt) = x_new(dof_index + d*total_cnt); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int dof_index = surf_fit_marker_dof_index[i]; for (int d = 0; d < dim; d++) { new_x_sorted(d + i*dim) = x_new(d + dof_index*dim); } } } Vector surf_fit_gf_int, surf_fit_grad_int, surf_fit_hess_int; surf_fit_eval->ComputeAtNewPosition( new_x_sorted, surf_fit_gf_int, ordering); for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int dof_index = surf_fit_marker_dof_index[i]; (*surf_fit_gf)[dof_index] = surf_fit_gf_int(i); } surf_fit_eval_bg_grad->ComputeAtNewPosition( new_x_sorted, surf_fit_grad_int, ordering); // Assumes surf_fit_grad and surf_fit_gf share the same space const int grad_dim = surf_fit_grad->VectorDim(); const int grad_cnt = surf_fit_grad->Size()/grad_dim; if (surf_fit_grad->FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES) { for (int d = 0; d < grad_dim; d++) { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int dof_index = surf_fit_marker_dof_index[i]; (*surf_fit_grad)[dof_index + d*grad_cnt] = surf_fit_grad_int(i + d*cnt); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int dof_index = surf_fit_marker_dof_index[i]; for (int d = 0; d < grad_dim; d++) { (*surf_fit_grad)[dof_index*dim + d] = surf_fit_grad_int(i*dim + d); } } } surf_fit_eval_bg_hess->ComputeAtNewPosition( new_x_sorted, surf_fit_hess_int, ordering); // Assumes surf_fit_hess and surf_fit_gf share the same space const int hess_dim = surf_fit_hess->VectorDim(); const int hess_cnt = surf_fit_hess->Size()/hess_dim; if (surf_fit_hess->FESpace()->GetOrdering() == Ordering::byNODES) { for (int d = 0; d < hess_dim; d++) { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int dof_index = surf_fit_marker_dof_index[i]; (*surf_fit_hess)[dof_index + d*hess_cnt] = surf_fit_hess_int(i + d*cnt); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int dof_index = surf_fit_marker_dof_index[i]; for (int d = 0; d < hess_dim; d++) { (*surf_fit_hess)[dof_index*dim + d] = surf_fit_hess_int(i*dim + d); } } } } else { surf_fit_eval->ComputeAtNewPosition(x_new, *surf_fit_gf, ordering); } } } void TMOP_Integrator::ComputeFDh(const Vector &x, const FiniteElementSpace &fes) { if (!fdflag) { return; } ComputeMinJac(x, fes); #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI const ParFiniteElementSpace *pfes = dynamic_cast(&fes); if (pfes) { double min_jac_all; MPI_Allreduce(&dx, &min_jac_all, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, pfes->GetComm()); dx = min_jac_all; } #endif } void TMOP_Integrator::EnableFiniteDifferences(const GridFunction &x) { fdflag = true; const FiniteElementSpace *fes = x.FESpace(); ComputeFDh(x,*fes); if (discr_tc) { #ifdef MFEM_USE_GSLIB const AdaptivityEvaluator *ae = discr_tc->GetAdaptivityEvaluator(); if (dynamic_cast(ae)) { MFEM_ABORT("Using GSLIB-based interpolation with finite differences" "requires careful consideration. Contact TMOP team."); } #endif discr_tc->UpdateTargetSpecification(x, false, fes->GetOrdering()); discr_tc->UpdateGradientTargetSpecification(x, dx, false, fes->GetOrdering()); discr_tc->UpdateHessianTargetSpecification(x, dx, false, fes->GetOrdering()); } } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI void TMOP_Integrator::EnableFiniteDifferences(const ParGridFunction &x) { fdflag = true; const ParFiniteElementSpace *pfes = x.ParFESpace(); ComputeFDh(x,*pfes); if (discr_tc) { #ifdef MFEM_USE_GSLIB const AdaptivityEvaluator *ae = discr_tc->GetAdaptivityEvaluator(); if (dynamic_cast(ae)) { MFEM_ABORT("Using GSLIB-based interpolation with finite differences" "requires careful consideration. Contact TMOP team."); } #endif discr_tc->UpdateTargetSpecification(x, false, pfes->GetOrdering()); discr_tc->UpdateGradientTargetSpecification(x, dx, false, pfes->GetOrdering()); discr_tc->UpdateHessianTargetSpecification(x, dx, false, pfes->GetOrdering()); } } #endif double TMOP_Integrator::ComputeMinDetT(const Vector &x, const FiniteElementSpace &fes) { double min_detT = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); const int NE = fes.GetMesh()->GetNE(); const int dim = fes.GetMesh()->Dimension(); Array xdofs; Jpr.SetSize(dim); Jpt.SetSize(dim); Jrt.SetSize(dim); for (int i = 0; i < NE; i++) { const FiniteElement *fe = fes.GetFE(i); const IntegrationRule &ir = EnergyIntegrationRule(*fe); const int dof = fe->GetDof(), nsp = ir.GetNPoints(); DSh.SetSize(dof, dim); Vector posV(dof * dim); PMatI.UseExternalData(posV.GetData(), dof, dim); fes.GetElementVDofs(i, xdofs); x.GetSubVector(xdofs, posV); DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, ir.GetNPoints()); targetC->ComputeElementTargets(i, *fe, ir, posV, Jtr); for (int q = 0; q < nsp; q++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(q); const DenseMatrix &Jtr_q = Jtr(q); CalcInverse(Jtr_q, Jrt); fe->CalcDShape(ip, DSh); MultAtB(PMatI, DSh, Jpr); Mult(Jpr, Jrt, Jpt); double detT = Jpt.Det(); min_detT = std::min(min_detT, detT); } } return min_detT; } double TMOP_Integrator::ComputeUntanglerMaxMuBarrier(const Vector &x, const FiniteElementSpace &fes) { double max_muT = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); const int NE = fes.GetMesh()->GetNE(); const int dim = fes.GetMesh()->Dimension(); Array xdofs; Jpr.SetSize(dim); Jpt.SetSize(dim); Jrt.SetSize(dim); TMOP_WorstCaseUntangleOptimizer_Metric *wcuo = dynamic_cast(metric); if (!wcuo || wcuo->GetWorstCaseType() != TMOP_WorstCaseUntangleOptimizer_Metric::WorstCaseType::Beta) { return 0.0; } for (int i = 0; i < NE; i++) { const FiniteElement *fe = fes.GetFE(i); const IntegrationRule &ir = EnergyIntegrationRule(*fe); const int dof = fe->GetDof(), nsp = ir.GetNPoints(); Jpr.SetSize(dim); Jrt.SetSize(dim); Jpt.SetSize(dim); DSh.SetSize(dof, dim); Vector posV(dof * dim); PMatI.UseExternalData(posV.GetData(), dof, dim); fes.GetElementVDofs(i, xdofs); x.GetSubVector(xdofs, posV); DenseTensor Jtr(dim, dim, ir.GetNPoints()); targetC->ComputeElementTargets(i, *fe, ir, posV, Jtr); for (int q = 0; q < nsp; q++) { const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(q); const DenseMatrix &Jtr_q = Jtr(q); CalcInverse(Jtr_q, Jrt); fe->CalcDShape(ip, DSh); MultAtB(PMatI, DSh, Jpr); Mult(Jpr, Jrt, Jpt); double metric_val = 0.0; if (wcuo) { wcuo->SetTargetJacobian(Jtr_q); metric_val = wcuo->EvalWBarrier(Jpt); } max_muT = std::max(max_muT, metric_val); } } return max_muT; } void TMOP_Integrator::ComputeUntangleMetricQuantiles(const Vector &x, const FiniteElementSpace &fes) { TMOP_WorstCaseUntangleOptimizer_Metric *wcuo = dynamic_cast(metric); if (!wcuo) { return; } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI const ParFiniteElementSpace *pfes = dynamic_cast(&fes); #endif if (wcuo && wcuo->GetBarrierType() == TMOP_WorstCaseUntangleOptimizer_Metric::BarrierType::Shifted) { double min_detT = ComputeMinDetT(x, fes); double min_detT_all = min_detT; #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI if (pfes) { MPI_Allreduce(&min_detT, &min_detT_all, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, pfes->GetComm()); } #endif if (wcuo) { wcuo->SetMinDetT(min_detT_all); } } double max_muT = ComputeUntanglerMaxMuBarrier(x, fes); double max_muT_all = max_muT; #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI if (pfes) { MPI_Allreduce(&max_muT, &max_muT_all, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, pfes->GetComm()); } #endif wcuo->SetMaxMuT(max_muT_all); } void TMOPComboIntegrator::EnableLimiting(const GridFunction &n0, const GridFunction &dist, Coefficient &w0, TMOP_LimiterFunction *lfunc) { MFEM_VERIFY(tmopi.Size() > 0, "No TMOP_Integrators were added."); tmopi[0]->EnableLimiting(n0, dist, w0, lfunc); for (int i = 1; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { tmopi[i]->DisableLimiting(); } } void TMOPComboIntegrator::EnableLimiting(const GridFunction &n0, Coefficient &w0, TMOP_LimiterFunction *lfunc) { MFEM_VERIFY(tmopi.Size() > 0, "No TMOP_Integrators were added."); tmopi[0]->EnableLimiting(n0, w0, lfunc); for (int i = 1; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { tmopi[i]->DisableLimiting(); } } void TMOPComboIntegrator::SetLimitingNodes(const GridFunction &n0) { MFEM_VERIFY(tmopi.Size() > 0, "No TMOP_Integrators were added."); tmopi[0]->SetLimitingNodes(n0); for (int i = 1; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { tmopi[i]->DisableLimiting(); } } double TMOPComboIntegrator::GetElementEnergy(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun) { double energy= 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { energy += tmopi[i]->GetElementEnergy(el, T, elfun); } return energy; } void TMOPComboIntegrator::AssembleElementVector(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, Vector &elvect) { MFEM_VERIFY(tmopi.Size() > 0, "No TMOP_Integrators were added."); tmopi[0]->AssembleElementVector(el, T, elfun, elvect); for (int i = 1; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { Vector elvect_i; tmopi[i]->AssembleElementVector(el, T, elfun, elvect_i); elvect += elvect_i; } } void TMOPComboIntegrator::AssembleElementGrad(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, DenseMatrix &elmat) { MFEM_VERIFY(tmopi.Size() > 0, "No TMOP_Integrators were added."); tmopi[0]->AssembleElementGrad(el, T, elfun, elmat); for (int i = 1; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { DenseMatrix elmat_i; tmopi[i]->AssembleElementGrad(el, T, elfun, elmat_i); elmat += elmat_i; } } double TMOPComboIntegrator::GetRefinementElementEnergy(const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun, const IntegrationRule &irule) { double energy= 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { energy += tmopi[i]->GetRefinementElementEnergy(el, T, elfun, irule); } return energy; } double TMOPComboIntegrator::GetDerefinementElementEnergy( const FiniteElement &el, ElementTransformation &T, const Vector &elfun) { double energy= 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { energy += tmopi[i]->GetDerefinementElementEnergy(el, T, elfun); } return energy; } void TMOPComboIntegrator::EnableNormalization(const GridFunction &x) { const int cnt = tmopi.Size(); double total_integral = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { tmopi[i]->EnableNormalization(x); total_integral += 1.0 / tmopi[i]->metric_normal; } for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { tmopi[i]->metric_normal = 1.0 / total_integral; } } #ifdef MFEM_USE_MPI void TMOPComboIntegrator::ParEnableNormalization(const ParGridFunction &x) { const int cnt = tmopi.Size(); double total_integral = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { tmopi[i]->ParEnableNormalization(x); total_integral += 1.0 / tmopi[i]->metric_normal; } for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { tmopi[i]->metric_normal = 1.0 / total_integral; } } #endif void TMOPComboIntegrator::AssemblePA(const FiniteElementSpace &fes) { for (int i = 0; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { tmopi[i]->AssemblePA(fes); } } void TMOPComboIntegrator::AssembleGradPA(const Vector &xe, const FiniteElementSpace &fes) { for (int i = 0; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { tmopi[i]->AssembleGradPA(xe,fes); } } void TMOPComboIntegrator::AssembleGradDiagonalPA(Vector &de) const { for (int i = 0; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { tmopi[i]->AssembleGradDiagonalPA(de); } } void TMOPComboIntegrator::AddMultPA(const Vector &xe, Vector &ye) const { for (int i = 0; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { tmopi[i]->AddMultPA(xe, ye); } } void TMOPComboIntegrator::AddMultGradPA(const Vector &re, Vector &ce) const { for (int i = 0; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { tmopi[i]->AddMultGradPA(re, ce); } } double TMOPComboIntegrator::GetLocalStateEnergyPA(const Vector &xe) const { double energy = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < tmopi.Size(); i++) { energy += tmopi[i]->GetLocalStateEnergyPA(xe); } return energy; } void InterpolateTMOP_QualityMetric(TMOP_QualityMetric &metric, const TargetConstructor &tc, const Mesh &mesh, GridFunction &metric_gf) { const int NE = mesh.GetNE(); const GridFunction &nodes = *mesh.GetNodes(); const int dim = mesh.Dimension(); DenseMatrix Winv(dim), T(dim), A(dim), dshape, pos; Array pos_dofs, gf_dofs; DenseTensor W; Vector posV; for (int i = 0; i < NE; i++) { const FiniteElement &fe_pos = *nodes.FESpace()->GetFE(i); const IntegrationRule &ir = metric_gf.FESpace()->GetFE(i)->GetNodes(); const int nsp = ir.GetNPoints(), dof = fe_pos.GetDof(); dshape.SetSize(dof, dim); pos.SetSize(dof, dim); posV.SetDataAndSize(pos.Data(), dof * dim); metric_gf.FESpace()->GetElementDofs(i, gf_dofs); nodes.FESpace()->GetElementVDofs(i, pos_dofs); nodes.GetSubVector(pos_dofs, posV); W.SetSize(dim, dim, nsp); tc.ComputeElementTargets(i, fe_pos, ir, posV, W); for (int j = 0; j < nsp; j++) { const DenseMatrix &Wj = W(j); metric.SetTargetJacobian(Wj); CalcInverse(Wj, Winv); const IntegrationPoint &ip = ir.IntPoint(j); fe_pos.CalcDShape(ip, dshape); MultAtB(pos, dshape, A); Mult(A, Winv, T); metric_gf(gf_dofs[j]) = metric.EvalW(T); } } } } // namespace mfem