// Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced // at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files // LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117. // // This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code // availability visit https://mfem.org. // // MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the // terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file // CONTRIBUTING.md for details. #ifndef MFEM_TETRAHEDRON #define MFEM_TETRAHEDRON #include "../config/config.hpp" #include "element.hpp" namespace mfem { /// Data type tetrahedron element class Tetrahedron : public Element { protected: int indices[4]; /** The refinement flag keeps (in order) : 1. Two marked edges given with local index (0..5) for the two faces that don't have the refinement edge as edge. The refinement edge is determined by the first two nodes of the tetrahedron. Each marked edge is stored in 3 bits (or as implemented in the functions CreateRefinementFlag and ParseRefinementFlag. 2. Type of the element, stored in the next 3 bits. 3. The rest is free for now. **/ int refinement_flag; unsigned transform; public: typedef Geometry::Constants geom_t; /// Constants for different types of tetrahedrons. enum { TYPE_PU=0, TYPE_A=1, TYPE_PF=2, TYPE_O=3, TYPE_M=4 }; Tetrahedron() : Element(Geometry::TETRAHEDRON) { refinement_flag = 0; transform = 0; } /// Constructs tetrahedron by specifying the indices and the attribute. Tetrahedron(const int *ind, int attr = 1); /// Constructs tetrahedron by specifying the indices and the attribute. Tetrahedron(int ind1, int ind2, int ind3, int ind4, int attr = 1); /// Initialize the vertex indices and the attribute of a Tetrahedron. void Init(int ind1, int ind2, int ind3, int ind4, int attr = 1, int ref_flag = 0); /// Return element's type. virtual Type GetType() const { return Element::TETRAHEDRON; } void ParseRefinementFlag(int refinement_edges[2], int &type, int &flag); void CreateRefinementFlag(int refinement_edges[2], int type, int flag = 0); void GetMarkedFace(const int face, int *fv); int GetRefinementFlag() { return refinement_flag; } void SetRefinementFlag(int rf) { refinement_flag = rf; } /// Return 1 if the element needs refinement in order to get conforming mesh. virtual int NeedRefinement(HashTable &v_to_v) const; /// Set the vertices according to the given input. virtual void SetVertices(const int *ind); /** Reorder the vertices so that the longest edge is from vertex 0 to vertex 1. If called it should be once from the mesh constructor, because the order may be used later for setting the edges. **/ virtual void MarkEdge(const DSTable &v_to_v, const int *length); virtual void ResetTransform(int tr) { transform = tr; } virtual unsigned GetTransform() const { return transform; } /// Add 'tr' to the current chain of coarse-fine transformations. virtual void PushTransform(int tr) { transform = (transform << 3) | (tr + 1); } /// Calculate point matrix corresponding to a chain of transformations. static void GetPointMatrix(unsigned transform, DenseMatrix &pm); /// Returns the indices of the element's vertices. virtual void GetVertices(Array &v) const; virtual int *GetVertices() { return indices; } virtual int GetNVertices() const { return 4; } virtual int GetNEdges() const { return (6); } virtual const int *GetEdgeVertices(int ei) const { return geom_t::Edges[ei]; } /// @deprecated Use GetNFaces(void) and GetNFaceVertices(int) instead. MFEM_DEPRECATED virtual int GetNFaces(int &nFaceVertices) const { nFaceVertices = 3; return 4; } virtual int GetNFaces() const { return 4; } virtual int GetNFaceVertices(int) const { return 3; } virtual const int *GetFaceVertices(int fi) const { return geom_t::FaceVert[fi]; } virtual Element *Duplicate(Mesh *m) const; virtual ~Tetrahedron() { } }; // Defined in fe.cpp to ensure construction before 'mfem::Geometries'. extern MFEM_EXPORT class Linear3DFiniteElement TetrahedronFE; } #endif