Parallel Element Agglomeration Algebraic Multigrid Upscaling and Solvers (ParELAG) Mini-applications in MFEM ParELAG is a library mostly developed at the Center for Applied Scientific Computing of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, California, USA. It can be obtained as a source code from: This directory contains a miniapp that employs MFEM and ParELAG to solve H(curl)- and H(div)-elliptic forms by an element based algebraic multigrid (AMGe). It uses: a multilevel hierarchy of de Rham complexes of finite element spaces, built by ParELAG; Hiptmair-type smoothers, implemented in ParELAG; and AMS (Auxiliary-space Maxwell Solver) or ADS (Auxiliary-space Divergence Solver), from HYPRE, for preconditioning or solving on the coarsest levels. Alternatively, it is possible to precondition or solve the H(div) form on the coarsest level via a hybridization approach. However, this is not yet implemented in ParELAG. Only the hybridization solver that is directly applicable to an H(div)-L^2 mixed (saddle-point) system is currently available. We recommend viewing MFEM's examples 3 and 4 before viewing this miniapp. Installation ============ Here, mfem/ denotes the directory, where the MFEM's source code is located and parelag/ is respectively the location of the ParELAG's source code. For example, it may be convenient to have MFEM and ParELAG on the same level in the tree of directories. That is, if the current directory is MFEM's (i.e., mfem/), then ../parelag/ would be the ParELAG's directory. ParELAG uses CMake, while MFEM can use GNU Make or CMake. A short instruction is provided for both. Notice that the building procedure is not much complicated by the fact that the miniapp is part of MFEM and depend on ParELAG, while ParELAG itself depends on and uses MFEM. Note that ParELAG needs MFEM with enabled MPI parallelism (MFEM_USE_MPI) and LAPACK (MFEM_USE_LAPACK). Also, the build system is meant to work with the source and build directory of MFEM and is not tuned to the case of invoking `make install` either for MFEM or for ParELAG. Currently, ParELAG is tested, integrated, and working with HYPRE <= 2.15.1. It does not currently benefit from the "big int" capabilities in HYPRE, and does not handle the "big_j" in the HYPRE >= 2.16.0 matrix structure. Using GNU Make -------------- MFEM needs to be configured to use ParELAG and build its miniapp. Refer to the MFEM installation instructions in mfem/INSTALL on how to modify the configuration in mfem/config/. Particularly, MFEM_USE_PARELAG needs to be set to YES and PARELAG_DIR needs to point to the location of ParELAG (e.g., ../parelag/). Also, MFEM_USE_LAPACK needs to be set to YES. Moreover, parelag/ needs to be slightly modified to set WORKSPACE, which is the directory that contains parelag/, and the paths to compiled (or to be compiled) SuiteSparse, METIS, HYPRE, and MFEM. Refer to parelag/INSTALL. If everything is set correctly, the following commands, in the respective shown directories (mfem/ and parelag/), should build ParELAG, MFEM, and the miniapps: mfem/$ make parallel parelag/$ ./ parelag/$ cd build parelag/build/$ make mfem/$ make miniapps Using CMake ----------- MFEM needs to be configured to use ParELAG and build its miniapp. Refer to the MFEM installation instructions in mfem/INSTALL on how to modify the configuration in mfem/config/. Particularly, MFEM_USE_PARELAG needs to be set to ON and PARELAG_DIR needs to point to the location of ParELAG (e.g., ../parelag/). Also, MFEM_USE_MPI and MFEM_USE_LAPACK need to be set to ON. Moreover, parelag/ needs to be slightly modified to set WORKSPACE, which is the directory that contains parelag/, and the paths to compiled (or to be compiled) SuiteSparse, METIS, HYPRE, and MFEM. Refer to parelag/INSTALL. If everything is set correctly, the following commands, in the respective shown directories (mfem/ and parelag/), should build ParELAG, MFEM, and the miniapps: mfem/$ mkdir build mfem/$ cd build mfem/build/$ cmake .. mfem/build/$ make parelag/$ ./ parelag/$ cd build parelag/build/$ make mfem/build/$ make miniapps Usage ===== The miniapp utilizes .xml files with detailed sets of parameters in them. They allow access to basic parameters (like the path to a mesh file) as well as the capacity to tune and set a variety of solver and preconditioner parameters. Example .xml files for the miniapp are provided. When executing the miniapp, the .xml file needs to be explicitly supplied. For example, as follows: mfem/miniapps/parelag/$ ./MultilevelHcurlHdivSolver -curl -f \ MultilevelHcurlSolver_pipe_example_parameters.xml mfem/miniapps/parelag/$ ./MultilevelHcurlHdivSolver -div -f \ MultilevelHdivSolver_pipe_example_parameters.xml Note that the miniapp defaults to the H(curl) case (i.e., -curl is set by default) and the H(div) case needs to be explicitly set by including -div. The miniapp can be executed in parallel, e.g., using mpirun. Particularly, MultilevelH*Solver_pipe_example_parameters.xml are set to use the "crooked pipe" problem and that would most likely require being executed on a larger machine in parallel (e.g., using 72 processes). However, MultilevelH*Solver_cube_example_parameters.xml are set to solve a smaller unit cube problem and can be executed faster and in serial. The mesh files CrookedPipeMesh_2.mesh and cube456.mesh can be found in parelag/meshes/ and copied to mfem/miniapps/parelag/ or mfem/build/miniapps/parelag/ to execute the miniapp. Note that the examples in their current form are limited to 3D meshes and problems. The examples assume zero boundary conditions, where the boundary attributes for essential boundary conditions are provided in the parameters .xml files. For more sophisticated boundary conditions, the source file of the miniapp needs to be modified. The examples allow piecewise constant coefficients in areas of the domain associated with mesh attributes. The particular attributes and values can be set in the parameters .xml files. If GLVIS is running, the agglomerated elements and final obtained solution can be visualized. References ========== ParELAG: Parallel Element Agglomeration Algebraic Multigrid Upscaling and Solvers, D. Z. Kalchev, P. S. Vassilevski, and U. Villa, "On ParELAG's Parallel Element- based Algebraic Multigrid and its MFEM Miniapps for H(curl) and H(div) Problems: a report including lowest and next to the lowest order numerical results," Technical report LLNL-TR-824455, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, USA, 2021, D. Z. Kalchev, P. S. Vassilevski, and U. Villa, "Parallel Element-based Algebraic Multigrid for H(curl) and H(div) Problems Using the ParELAG Library," 2021, T. V. Kolev and P. S. Vassilevski, "Parallel Auxiliary Space AMG for H(curl) Problems," Journal of Computational Mathematics, vol. 27, no. 5, pp. 604-623, 2009, T. V. Kolev and P. S. Vassilevski, "Parallel Auxiliary Space AMG Solver for H(div) Problems," SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. A3079-A3098, 2012, V. Dobrev, T. Kolev, C. S. Lee, V. Tomov, and P. S. Vassilevski, "Algebraic Hybridization and Static Condensation with Application to Scalable H(div) Preconditioning," SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. B425-B447, 2019, R. Hiptmair, "Multigrid Method for Maxwell's Equations," SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 204-225, 1998, P. S. Vassilevski, Multilevel Block Factorization Preconditioners: Matrix-based Analysis and Algorithms for Solving Finite Element Equations. New York: Springer, 2008, HYPRE: Scalable Linear Solvers and Multigrid Methods,