# Copyright (c) 2010-2023, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. Produced # at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. All Rights reserved. See files # LICENSE and NOTICE for details. LLNL-CODE-806117. # # This file is part of the MFEM library. For more information and source code # availability visit https://mfem.org. # # MFEM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the # terms of the BSD-3 license. We welcome feedback and contributions, see file # CONTRIBUTING.md for details. # Use the MFEM build directory MFEM_DIR ?= ../.. MFEM_BUILD_DIR ?= ../.. SRC = $(if $(MFEM_DIR:../..=),$(MFEM_DIR)/miniapps/performance/,) CONFIG_MK = $(MFEM_BUILD_DIR)/config/config.mk # Use the MFEM install directory # MFEM_INSTALL_DIR = ../../mfem # CONFIG_MK = $(MFEM_INSTALL_DIR)/share/mfem/config.mk MFEM_LIB_FILE = mfem_is_not_built -include $(CONFIG_MK) # Distinguish x86 from PowerPC systems MFEM_MACHINE ?= $(shell uname -m) # Choose the switch MFEM_PERF_SW: gcc_x86_64, gcc_ppc64, clang, etc. # The value of MFEM_PERF_SW is used to select MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS below. define cxx_detect cxx_v="$$($(MFEM_HOST_CXX) --version -c 2>&1)"; if [ 0 -ne $$? ]; then cxx_id="unknown"; elif [ -z "$${cxx_v##g++*}" ]; then cxx_id="gcc"; elif [ -z "$${cxx_v##*clang version*}" -o -z "$${cxx_v##*LLVM version*}" ]; then cxx_id="clang"; elif [ -z "$${cxx_v##*icpc*}" ]; then cxx_id="icc"; elif [ -z "$${cxx_v##*IBM XL*}" ]; then cxx_id="xlc"; elif [ -z "$${cxx_v##*pgc++*}" ]; then cxx_id="pgi"; else cxx_id="unknown"; fi; printf "%s" "$$cxx_id" endef define DETECT_PERF_CXXFLAGS ifneq (,$$(MFEM_HOST_CXX)) MFEM_PERF_SW := $$(shell $$(cxx_detect)) $$(info Detected host compiler: $$(MFEM_PERF_SW)) ifeq (unknown,$$(MFEM_PERF_SW)) $$(info -------------------------------------------) $$(info Output from '$$(MFEM_HOST_CXX) --version -c') $$(info -------------------------------------------) $$(shell $$(MFEM_HOST_CXX) --version -c 1>&2) $$(info -------------------------------------------) endif endif ifeq (gcc,$$(MFEM_PERF_SW)) ifeq ($$(MFEM_MACHINE),x86_64) MFEM_PERF_SW = gcc_x86_64 else ifneq (,$$(findstring ppc,$$(MFEM_MACHINE))) MFEM_PERF_SW = gcc_ppc endif endif # Choose MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS based on MFEM_PERF_SW: MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS = $$(MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_$$(MFEM_PERF_SW)) # Add MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS to MFEM_CXXFLAGS: ifeq (YES,$$(MFEM_USE_CUDA)) ifneq (,$$(MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS)) MFEM_CXXFLAGS += -Xcompiler="$$(MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS)" endif else MFEM_CXXFLAGS += $$(MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS) endif DETECT_PERF_CXXFLAGS_DONE = YES endef # Compiler specific optimizations. # For best performance, GCC 5 (or newer) is recommended. ifneq (YES,$(MFEM_USE_CUDA)) PEDANTIC_FLAG = -pedantic endif # - GCC extra options: MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_gcc_common += $(PEDANTIC_FLAG) -Wall ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_SIMD),NO) MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_gcc_common += --param max-completely-peel-times=3 endif #MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_gcc_common += -fdump-tree-optimized-blocks MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_gcc_x86_64 = -march=native $(MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_gcc_common) MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_gcc_ppc = -mcpu=native -mtune=native\ $(MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_gcc_common) # - XLC extra options: MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_xlc = -mcpu=native # - Clang extra options: ifneq ($(MFEM_MACHINE),arm64) # -march=native is unavailable on clang/ARM64 as of 05/2021: support could be added later. MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_clang += -march=native endif MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_clang += $(PEDANTIC_FLAG) -Wall MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_clang += -fcolor-diagnostics MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_clang += -fvectorize MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_clang += -fslp-vectorize MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_clang += -ffp-contract=fast # - Intel C++ compiler extra options: MFEM_PERF_CXXFLAGS_icc += -xHost SEQ_MINIAPPS = ex1 PAR_MINIAPPS = ex1p ifeq ($(MFEM_USE_MPI),NO) MINIAPPS = $(SEQ_MINIAPPS) else MINIAPPS = $(PAR_MINIAPPS) $(SEQ_MINIAPPS) endif .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .o .cpp .mk .PHONY: all clean clean-build clean-exec # Remove built-in rule %: %.cpp # Replace the default implicit rule for *.cpp files %: $(SRC)%.cpp $(MFEM_LIB_FILE) $(CONFIG_MK) $(if $(DETECT_PERF_CXXFLAGS_DONE),,$(eval $(DETECT_PERF_CXXFLAGS))) $(MFEM_CXX) $(MFEM_FLAGS) $< -o $@ $(MFEM_LIBS) all: $(MINIAPPS) MFEM_TESTS = MINIAPPS include $(MFEM_TEST_MK) # Testing: Parallel vs. serial runs RUN_MPI = $(MFEM_MPIEXEC) $(MFEM_MPIEXEC_NP) $(MFEM_MPI_NP) ex1p-test-par: ex1p @$(call mfem-test,$<, $(RUN_MPI), Performance miniapp,-rs 2) ex1-test-seq: ex1 @$(call mfem-test,$<,, Performance miniapp,-r 2) # Testing: "test" target and mfem-test* variables are defined in config/test.mk # Generate an error message if the MFEM library is not built and exit $(MFEM_LIB_FILE): $(error The MFEM library is not built) clean: clean-build clean-exec clean-build: rm -f *.o *~ ex1 ex1p rm -rf *.dSYM *.TVD.*breakpoints clean-exec: @rm -f refined.mesh mesh.* sol.*