Finite Element Discretization Library __ _ __ ___ / _| ___ _ __ ___ | '_ ` _ \ | |_ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ | | | | | || _|| __/| | | | | | |_| |_| |_||_| \___||_| |_| |_| This directory contains several shell scripts that perform simple checks on the MFEM sources and Git commits including: code styling, documentation formatting, proper use of .gitignore, and preventing the accidental commit of large files. Use by developers ================= It is recommended that developers run these tests scripts and verify that they complete successfully before pushing to GitHub. For example: cd tests/scripts ./runtest ../.. code-style documentation gitignore branch-history See the sections below for details on runtest and the available test scripts. The runtest script ================== The tests in the tests/scripts directory can be run directly, e.g. cd tests/scripts ./documentation However, it is easier to detect issues when they are run through the runtest script: ./runtest ../.. documentation The above command will create separate files, "documentation.out" and "documentation.err" with the standard output and error generated by the script. A test is considered to pass if its corresponding *.err file is empty. Several tests can be run together: ./runtest code-style documentation Each test provides a short help message, e.g. ./documentation [-h|-help] {mfem_dir} where: {mfem_dir} is the MFEM source directory [default value: ../..] -h|-help prints this usage information and exits This script runs documentation-related tests in mfem_dir. It checks in particular the Doxygen formatting used in code comments. Example usage: ./documentation ../.. including the runtest script itself ./runtest [-h|-help] {mfem_dir} {test1} {test2} ... where: {mfem_dir} is the MFEM source directory [default value: ../..] {test1}... are the sequence of tests to run -h|-help prints this usage information and exits This script runs a sequence of tests using the code in mfem_dir (note that specifying the directory is optional). For each test, the standard output and standard error are saved in files test.out and test.err respectively in the current directory [1]. The output file interleaves stdout and stderr, while the error file is filtered by removing test-specific patterns specified in an optional test.filters file in the test directory [2]. After filtering, empty error files are erased, signifying that the corresponding test has passed. [1] run directory = ~/mfem/tests/scripts [2] test directory = ~/mfem/tests/scripts Example usage: ./runtest ../.. Available test scripts ====================== A test script is just a simple shell (bash) scripts that produces output on the standard error to indicate a problem. The currently available test scripts are: - code-style: Checks if the code conforms to the MFEM C++ style. The script also verifies that std::cout and std::cerr are not used in the library. - documentation: Checks the Doxygen documentation formatting. - gitignore: Checks for compliance with MFEM's .gitignore rules - branch-history: Checks if the current branch history (the commits that will be merged in master) contains unusually large files, unusually large number of changes in a commit, unusually large number of commits, etc. Adding new test scripts is easy and we welcome contributions from users and developers.