# ![mhost](doc/images/logo.png) mhost A modern take on the classic `host` DNS lookup utility including an easy to use and very fast Rust lookup library. 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For details see sections [Use Cases](#Use-Cases) and [Documentation](#documentation) of this Readme. ## Quick Start 1. Install `mhost` – see below for [installation instructions](#installation). 2. Run `mhost -p l --all -w github.com` and you’ve just asked 16 name servers for all available DNS records of *github.com* in 34 ms. And in addition you get the WHOIS information for GitHub’s subnet. ![Multi lookup for all available records of github.com.](doc/images/multi-lookup-all-records-github.png) 3. Run `mhost -q -p --output json l --all -w github.com | jq '.lookups[] | .result.Response.records[]? | select(.type == "A") | .data.A'` and get all IPv4 addresses. 4. Set shell alias `alias host=mhost l` to replace your system’s `host` command. ## Table of Contents - [Use Cases](#use-cases) - [Just lookup an IP address](#just-lookup-an-ip-address) - [Just lookup an IP address, using more than just your local name servers](#just-lookup-an-ip-address-using-more-than-just-your-local-name-servers) - [Just lookup an IP address, using even more than just your local name servers](#just-lookup-an-ip-address-using-even-more-than-just-your-local-name-servers) - [Just lookup an IP address, using UDP, TCP, DoT, and DoH](#just-lookup-an-ip-address-using-udp-tcp-dot-and-doh) - [Discover a domain](#discover-a-domain) - [Check your name server configuration](#check-your-name-server-configuration) - [Installation](#installation) - [Docker](#docker) - [Homebrew](#homebrew) - [Debian and Ubuntu](#debian-and-ubuntu) - [Redhat and Fedora](#redhat-and-fedora) - [For Rust Developers](#for-rust-developers) - [From Source](#from-source) - [Documentation](#documentation) - [General Options](#general-options) - [Main Commands](#main-commands) - [Lookup](#lookup) - [Discover](#discover) - [Check](#check) - [Helper Commands](#helper-commands) - [Server Lists](#server-lists) - [Architecture Design Records](#architecture-design-records) - [Changelog](#changelog) - [Limitations](#limitations) - [Thanks](#thanks) - [Postcardware](#postcardware) ## Use Cases ### Just lookup an IP address ```sh $ mhost l github.com ``` ![Default lookup for github.com.](doc/images/default-lookup-github.png) In this run, all default settings are applied. Especially, `most` uses only the local system’s name servers and queries only the default record types. #### Just lookup an IP address, using more than just your local name servers ```sh $ mhost -p l github.com ``` ![Default lookup with predefined servers for github.com.](doc/images/default-lookup-predefined-servers-github.png) See, there’re more answers than before! `-p` add public name servers that `mhost` predefines for your convenience. By default, only the UDP is used to contact the predefined name servers. You can control this behaviour using `--predefined-filter` and filter for UDP, TCP, DoT, DoH. `--list-predefined` show all available predefined name servers. ### Just lookup an IP address, using even more than just your local name servers ```sh $ mhost server-lists public-dns -o servers.txt $ mhost --limit 6000 --max-concurrent-servers 1000 --timeout 1 -f servers.txt l www.github.com ``` ![Default lookup with servers list for github.com.](doc/images/default-lookup-servers-list-github.png) See, there’re even more answers than before! The first command downloads a list of public available name servers that are maintained by the [Public DNS](https://public-dns.info) community. Usually only a subset of these are reachable, but it still a large set of active name servers. The second command uses the name servers list from before and queries all of them concurrently. These settings are very aggressive and highly stresses your internet connection. `mhost` default settings are set much more cautiously. ### Just lookup an IP address, using UDP, TCP, DoT, and DoH ```sh $ mhost -s -s tcp: -s tls:,tls_auth_name=cloudflare-dns.com -s https:,tls_auth_name=cloudflare-dns.com,name=Cloudflare -p l github.com ``` As already mentioned before, `mhost` supports DNS queries over UDP, TCP, DNS over TLS (DoT), as well as DNS over HTTPS (DoH). In the above example, `mhost` uses all four protocols to query Cloudflare’s name servers. This command also shows the syntax for name server specification, which in general is `protocol::port,tls_auth_name=hostname,name=human-readable-name`. ![Default lookup with all protocols for github.com.](doc/images/default-lookup-all-protocols-github.png) ### Discover a domain Sometimes you want to know which host names and subdomains a domain has. `mhost` offers a simple command to help you find these. Please mind, that `mhost` only uses DNS specific discovery methods. If you want even deeper discoveries using Google, Shodan etc. there are other tools available. ```sh $ mhost -p d github.com -p ``` This command uses the predefined name servers to discover the GitHub domain. The `-s` reduces all discovered names to real subdomains of `github.com.`. ![Discover github.com.](doc/images/discover-github.png) You can go one more step and explore the autonomous systems GitHub uses. In order to discover those, you can use the following commands: ```sh $ mhost -p l --all -w github.com $ mhost -p l --all ``` ![Discover AS of github.com.](doc/images/discover-as-github.png) ### Check your name server configuration ```sh $ mhost -p c github.com -p ``` ![Check github.com.](doc/images/check-github.png) ## Installation ### Docker If you want to give `mhost` a quick spin and just try it out without too much hassle, you might want to try the Docker image: ```sh $ docker run lukaspustina/mhost:latest mhost l mhost.pustina.de ``` ### Homebrew You can add this repository as a custom tap and then install `mhost` like this: ```sh $ brew tap lukaspustina/mhost https://github.com/lukaspustina/mhost.git $ brew install lukaspustina/mhost/mhost ``` ### Debian and Ubuntu You can find Debian packages on the [GitHub Release](https://github.com/lukaspustina/mhost/releases) page. Download the package as `mhost.deb` and the run ```sh $ dpkg -i mhost.deb ``` ### Redhat and Fedora You can find RPM packages on the [GitHub Release](https://github.com/lukaspustina/mhost/releases) page. Download the package as `mhost.rpm` and the run ```sh $ rpm -i mhost.rpm ``` ### For Rust Developers ```sh $ cargo install --features app mhost ``` ### From Source Please install Rust via [rustup](https://www.rustup.rs) and then run ```sh $ git clone https://github.com/lukaspustina/mhost $ cd mhost $ make install ``` ## Documentation `mhost` has three main commands: *lookup*, *discover*, and *check*. *lookup* lookups up arbitrary DNS records of a domain name. *discover* tries various methods to discover host names and subdomains of a domain. *check* uses lints to check if all records of a domain name adhere to the DNS RFC. ### General Options ```plain --use-system-resolv-opt Uses options set in /etc/resolv.conf --no-system-nameservers Ignores nameservers from /etc/resolv.conf -S, --no-system-lookups Ignores system nameservers for lookups --resolv-conf Uses alternative resolv.conf file --ndots Sets number of dots to qualify domain name as FQDN [default: 1] --search-domain Sets the search domain to append if HOSTNAME has less than ndots dots --system-nameserver ... Adds system nameserver for system lookups; only IP addresses allowed -s, --nameserver ... Adds nameserver for lookups -p, --predefined Adds predefined nameservers for lookups --predefined-filter ... Filters predefined nameservers by protocol [default: udp] [possible values: udp, tcp, https, tls] --list-predefined Lists all predefined nameservers -f, --nameservers-from-file Adds nameservers from file --limit Sets max. number of nameservers to query [default: 100] --max-concurrent-servers Sets max. concurrent nameservers [default: 10] --max-concurrent-requests Sets max. concurrent requests per nameserver [default: 5] --retries Sets number of retries if first lookup to nameserver fails [default: 0] --timeout Sets timeout in seconds for responses [default: 5] -m, --resolvers-mode Sets resolvers lookup mode [default: multi] [possible values: multi, uni] --wait-multiple-responses Waits until timeout for additional responses from nameservers --no-abort-on-error Sets do-not-ignore errors from nameservers --no-abort-on-timeout Sets do-not-ignore timeouts from nameservers --no-aborts Sets do-not-ignore errors and timeouts from nameservers -o, --output Sets the output format for result presentation [default: summary] [possible values: json, summary] --output-options ... Sets output options --show-errors Shows error counts -q, --quiet Does not print anything but results --no-color Disables colorful output --ascii Uses only ASCII compatible characters for output -v Sets the level of verbosity --debug Uses debug formatting for logging -- much more verbose ``` ### Main Commands #### Lookup ```plain -t, --record-type ... Sets record type to lookup, will be ignored in case of IP address lookup [default: A,AAAA,CNAME,MX] [possible values: A, AAAA, ANAME, ANY, CNAME, MX, NULL, NS, PTR, SOA, SRV, TXT] --all Enables lookups for all record types -s, --service Parses ARG as service spec and set record type to SRV -w, --whois Retrieves Whois information about A, AAAA, and PTR records -h, --help Prints help information -V, --version Prints version information domain name, IP address, or CIDR block to lookup domain name, IP address, CIDR block, or, if -s, SERVICE SPEC, to lookup" * DOMAIN NAME may be any valid DNS name, e.g., lukas.pustina.de * IP ADDR may be any valid IPv4 or IPv4 address, e.g., * CIDR BLOCK may be any valid IPv4 or IPv6 subnet in CIDR notation, e.g., all valid IP addresses of a CIDR block will be queried for a reverse lookup * SERVICE SPEC may be specified by name, protocol, and domain name, delimited by colons. If protocol is omitted, tcp is assumed, e.g., * dns:udp:example.com is _dns._udp.example.com * smtp:tcp:example.com is _smtp._tcp.example.com * smtp::example.com is _smtp._tcp.example.com ``` #### Discover ```plain -p, --show-partial-results Shows results after each lookup step -w, --wordlist-from-file Uses wordlist from file --rnd-names-number Sets number of random domain names to generate for wildcard resolution check [default: 3] --rnd-names-len Sets length of random domain names to generate for wildcard resolution check [default: 32] -s, --subdomains-only Shows subdomains only omitting all other discovered names ``` #### Check ```plain -p, --show-partial-results Shows results after each check step -i, --show-intermediate-lookups Shows all lookups made during by all checks --no-cnames Does not run cname lints --no-soa Does not run SOA check --no-spf Does not run SPF check ``` ### Helper Commands #### Server Lists ```plain -o, --output-file Sets path to output file ... SERVER LIST SPEC as [:OPTIONS,...] * 'public-dns' with options - cf. https://public-dns.info '': options select servers from that country Example: public-dns:de * 'opennic' with options; uses GeoIP to select servers - cf. https://www.opennic.org 'anon' - only return servers with anonymized logs only; default is false 'number=<1..>' - return up to 'number' servers; default is 10 'reliability=<1..100> - only return server with reliability of 'reliability'% or more; default 95 'ipv=<4|6|all> - return IPv4, IPv6, or both servers; default all Example: opennic:anon,number=10,ipv=4 ``` ### Architecture Design Records The subdirectory [doc/adr](doc/adr/) contains Architecture Design Records (ADRs) for this project. Record keeping has started during the project so not all decisions have been recorded. I still hope they will help everybody interested including me to understand the rational of design decisions. ## Changelog Please see the [CHANGELOG](CHANGELOG.md) for a release history. ## Limitations - Currently `mhost` only supports class `IN`. - Only a limited set of DNS record types is supported. - The Docker test environment only works completely on Linux due to [limitations](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/networking/#known-limitations-use-cases-and-workarounds) in Docker for macOS. ## Thanks Thanks to [Benjamin Fry](https://github.com/bluejekyll) for his literally wonderful [Trust-DNS](http://trust-dns.org) server and the corresponding client library which does all the heavy DNS lifting of `mhost`. ## Postcardware You’re free to use `mhost`. If you find it useful, I would highly appreciate you sending me a postcard from your hometown mentioning how you use `mhost`. My work address is ```plain Lukas Pustina CenterDevice GmbH Rheinwerkallee 3 53227 Bonn Germany ```