![Mice roll](https://codeberg.org/jilinoleg/mice-roll/media/branch/master/logo-banner.svg) Mice roll is simple tool to roll DnD-like dices in your terminal. Vaguely inspired by https://github.com/Humblemonk/DiceMaiden, though it isn't meant to be compatible. # Usage example [![asciicast](https://asciinema.org/a/o7SPPmhbi92oAWZDH4kqEGjdx.svg)](https://asciinema.org/a/o7SPPmhbi92oAWZDH4kqEGjdx) # Install Main way of installing this tool: - install rust and cargo using rustup - run `cargo install mice-roll` ## Nix/NixOS If you have Nix with flakes enabled, you can also use `nix run git+https://codeberg.org/jilinoleg/mice-roll/ -- 1d20` to run this app once It's also possible to use `nix profile` with it or to add to your NixOS/Home Manager configuration for permanent install. ## Generic Linux without Cargo - Download executable from Releases - Unpack archive using graphic archive manager of choice (like Ark) or `tar xzf mice-roll-xxxx.tar.gz` - Mark file as executable using right click menu in your file manager, or `chmod +x mice-roll` command - Run as `mice-roll 1d20` to test if it's working Optionally you can run `cp -a mice-roll ~/.local/bin/` to add it into your PATH and allow running from any folder # How to use Currently, this tool takes a single argument with dices and numbers separated by plus or minus sign. ```bash mice-roll 1d20 # single 20-sided dice roll mice-roll 2d20 # roll twice mice-roll 1d20+1d6 # roll one d20 dice, and one d6 dice, and add results mice-roll 1d20+1 # single d20, 1 is added to result mice-roll 1d6-2 # single d6, 2 is substracted from result ``` We also have several optional arguments as command line flags. ```bash mice-roll --help # prints help and quits mice-roll 1d20 --quiet # silences output, only prints result mice-roll 3d20 --accesible # provides more screen reader friendly output, replaces brackets with commas ``` # License This software is licensed under [MIT License](/LICENSE). Logo is based on icon of Mouse by [Vectordoodle](https://vectordoodle.gumroad.com/l/FOCLd) (Licensed under CC Attribution License) Banner (logo-banner.svg) also uses White Rabbit font which is made by Matthew Welch and licensed under [MIT-styled license](https://squaregear.net/fonts/license.html)