# The µHTTP server The µHTTP server is a very small HTTP server implementation for Rust without the needed for complicated stuff like Futures. ## Motivation For various small projects, I usually need a tiny HTTP server which just answers a few very small API-like requests. Since the web frameworks that are available for Rust all are heavily undocumented beside some small "getting started" examples, I turned to supposedly low-level frameworks like hyper, which also is severly lacking in documentation and examples; therefore I created µHTTP which does everything I need. ## Changelog * 0.0.5: Support for turning off nonblocking mode, thanks to [chili-b](https://github.com/chili-b). * 0.0.3: Added support for OS X, thanks to [SteamPoweredAnimal](https://github.com/SteamPoweredAnimal). ## Features * HTTP/1.0 GET requests * Custom headers & responses That's it. If you need more, feel free to open an Issue or a PR. ## Usage Creating a server is as simple as this: ``` let server = MicroHTTP::new("") .expect("Could not create server."); ``` Now you can check if a client has connected: ``` let client = server.next_client().unwrap(); if client.is_some() { // New connection } else { // No one talked to the server :( } ``` To retrieve the client's request, call ``request()``: ``` let request_str = client.request() .expect("Client didn't request anything!); ``` To respond, use ``respond_ok`` for _HTTP 200_ or ``respond`` for a more custom response: ``` client.respond_ok("I got your request".as_bytes()); ... client.respond("200 OK", "Here is my custom response".as_bytes(), vec!( "Some-Header: Some Value", "Some other Header: Some other Value" )); ``` ## Example + documentation * Inside the repository, in the folder _examples_ you can currently find one example for a simple echo server. * This crate is compiled with ``#![deny(missing_docs)]``, since everything should be documented - otherwise it is useless. * If you have any problems with the documentation, please open an issue.