import wasm from "../dist/wasm.js"; import { MethodName, WorkerAction } from "./constants.js"; const { Account, AccountHeader, AccountId, AccountStorageMode, AdviceMap, AuthSecretKey, ConsumableNoteRecord, Felt, FeltArray, FungibleAsset, InputNoteState, Note, NoteAssets, NoteConsumability, NoteExecutionHint, NoteExecutionMode, NoteFilter, NoteFilterTypes, NoteId, NoteIdAndArgs, NoteIdAndArgsArray, NoteInputs, NoteMetadata, NoteRecipient, NoteScript, NoteTag, NoteType, OutputNote, OutputNotesArray, Rpo256, TestUtils, TransactionFilter, TransactionProver, TransactionRequest, TransactionResult, TransactionRequestBuilder, TransactionScriptInputPair, TransactionScriptInputPairArray, Word, WebClient: WasmWebClient, // Alias the WASM-exported WebClient } = wasm; export { Account, AccountHeader, AccountId, AccountStorageMode, AdviceMap, AuthSecretKey, ConsumableNoteRecord, Felt, FeltArray, FungibleAsset, InputNoteState, Note, NoteAssets, NoteConsumability, NoteExecutionHint, NoteExecutionMode, NoteFilter, NoteFilterTypes, NoteId, NoteIdAndArgs, NoteIdAndArgsArray, NoteInputs, NoteMetadata, NoteRecipient, NoteScript, NoteTag, NoteType, OutputNote, OutputNotesArray, Rpo256, TestUtils, TransactionFilter, TransactionProver, TransactionRequest, TransactionResult, TransactionRequestBuilder, TransactionScriptInputPair, TransactionScriptInputPairArray, Word, }; /** * WebClient is a wrapper around the underlying WASM WebClient object. * * This wrapper serves several purposes: * * 1. It creates a dedicated web worker to offload computationally heavy tasks * (such as creating accounts, executing transactions, submitting transactions, etc.) * from the main thread, helping to prevent UI freezes in the browser. * * 2. It defines methods that mirror the API of the underlying WASM WebClient, * with the intention of executing these functions via the web worker. This allows us * to maintain the same API and parameters while benefiting from asynchronous, worker-based computation. * * 3. It employs a Proxy to forward any calls not designated for web worker computation * directly to the underlying WASM WebClient instance. * * Additionally, the wrapper provides a static create_client function. This static method * instantiates the WebClient object and ensures that the necessary create_client calls are * performed both in the main thread and within the worker thread. This dual initialization * correctly passes user parameters (RPC URL and seed) to both the main-thread * WASM WebClient and the worker-side instance. * * Because of this implementation, the only breaking change for end users is in the way the * web client is instantiated. Users should now use the WebClient.create_client static call. */ export class WebClient { constructor(rpcUrl, seed) { this.rpcUrl = rpcUrl; this.seed = seed; // Check if Web Workers are available. if (typeof Worker !== "undefined") { console.log("WebClient: Web Workers are available."); // Create the worker. this.worker = new Worker( new URL("./workers/web-client-methods-worker.js", import.meta.url), { type: "module" } ); // Map to track pending worker requests. this.pendingRequests = new Map(); // Promises to track when the worker script is loaded and ready. this.loaded = new Promise((resolve) => { this.loadedResolver = resolve; }); // Create a promise that resolves when the worker signals that it is fully initialized. this.ready = new Promise((resolve) => { this.readyResolver = resolve; }); // Listen for messages from the worker. this.worker.addEventListener("message", (event) => { const data =; // Worker script loaded. if (data.loaded) { this.loadedResolver(); return; } // Worker ready. if (data.ready) { this.readyResolver(); return; } // Handle responses for method calls. const { requestId, error, result, methodName } = data; if (requestId && this.pendingRequests.has(requestId)) { const { resolve, reject } = this.pendingRequests.get(requestId); this.pendingRequests.delete(requestId); if (error) { console.error( `WebClient: Error from worker in ${methodName}:`, error ); reject(new Error(error)); } else { resolve(result); } } }); // Once the worker script has loaded, initialize the worker. this.loaded.then(() => { this.worker.postMessage({ action: WorkerAction.INIT, args: [this.rpcUrl, this.seed], }); }); } else { console.log("WebClient: Web Workers are not available."); // Worker not available; set up fallback values. this.worker = null; this.pendingRequests = null; this.loaded = Promise.resolve(); this.ready = Promise.resolve(); } // Create the underlying WASM WebClient. this.wasmWebClient = new WasmWebClient(); } /** * Factory method to create and initialize a WebClient instance. * This method is async so you can await the asynchronous call to create_client(). * * @param {string} rpcUrl - The RPC URL. * @param {string} seed - The seed for the account. * @returns {Promise<WebClient>} The fully initialized WebClient. */ static async create_client(rpcUrl, seed) { // Construct the instance (synchronously). const instance = new WebClient(rpcUrl, seed); // Wait for the underlying wasmWebClient to be initialized. await instance.wasmWebClient.create_client(rpcUrl, seed); // Wait for the worker to be ready await instance.ready; // Return a proxy that forwards missing properties to wasmWebClient. return new Proxy(instance, { get(target, prop, receiver) { // If the property exists on the wrapper, return it. if (prop in target) { return Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver); } // Otherwise, if the wasmWebClient has it, return that. if (target.wasmWebClient && prop in target.wasmWebClient) { const value = target.wasmWebClient[prop]; if (typeof value === "function") { return value.bind(target.wasmWebClient); } return value; } return undefined; }, }); } /** * Call a method via the worker. * @param {string} methodName - Name of the method to call. * @param {...any} args - Arguments for the method. * @returns {Promise<any>} */ async callMethodWithWorker(methodName, ...args) { await this.ready; // Create a unique request ID. const requestId = `${methodName}-${}-${Math.random()}`; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Save the resolve and reject callbacks in the pendingRequests map. this.pendingRequests.set(requestId, { resolve, reject }); // Send the method call request to the worker. this.worker.postMessage({ action: WorkerAction.CALL_METHOD, methodName, args, requestId, }); }); } // ----- Explicitly Wrapped Methods (Worker-Forwarded) ----- async new_wallet(storageMode, mutable) { try { if (!this.worker) { return await this.wasmWebClient.new_wallet(storageMode, mutable); } const serializedStorageMode = storageMode.as_str(); const serializedAccountBytes = await this.callMethodWithWorker( MethodName.NEW_WALLET, serializedStorageMode, mutable ); return wasm.Account.deserialize(new Uint8Array(serializedAccountBytes)); } catch (error) { console.error("INDEX.JS: Error in new_wallet:", error); throw error; } } async new_faucet(storageMode, nonFungible, tokenSymbol, decimals, maxSupply) { try { if (!this.worker) { return await this.wasmWebClient.new_faucet( storageMode, nonFungible, tokenSymbol, decimals, maxSupply ); } const serializedStorageMode = storageMode.as_str(); const serializedMaxSupply = maxSupply.toString(); const serializedAccountBytes = await this.callMethodWithWorker( MethodName.NEW_FAUCET, serializedStorageMode, nonFungible, tokenSymbol, decimals, serializedMaxSupply ); return wasm.Account.deserialize(new Uint8Array(serializedAccountBytes)); } catch (error) { console.error("INDEX.JS: Error in new_faucet:", error); throw error; } } async new_transaction(accountId, transactionRequest) { try { if (!this.worker) { return await this.wasmWebClient.new_transaction( accountId, transactionRequest ); } const serializedAccountId = accountId.to_string(); const serializedTransactionRequest = transactionRequest.serialize(); const serializedTransactionResultBytes = await this.callMethodWithWorker( MethodName.NEW_TRANSACTION, serializedAccountId, serializedTransactionRequest ); return wasm.TransactionResult.deserialize( new Uint8Array(serializedTransactionResultBytes) ); } catch (error) { console.error("INDEX.JS: Error in new_transaction:", error); throw error; } } async new_mint_transaction(targetAccountId, faucetId, noteType, amount) { try { if (!this.worker) { return await this.wasmWebClient.new_mint_transaction( targetAccountId, faucetId, noteType, amount ); } const serializedTargetAccountId = targetAccountId.to_string(); const serializedFaucetId = faucetId.to_string(); const serializedNoteType = noteType.serialize(); const serializedAmount = amount.toString(); const serializedTransactionResultBytes = await this.callMethodWithWorker( MethodName.NEW_MINT_TRANSACTION, serializedTargetAccountId, serializedFaucetId, serializedNoteType, serializedAmount ); return wasm.TransactionResult.deserialize( new Uint8Array(serializedTransactionResultBytes) ); } catch (error) { console.error("INDEX.JS: Error in new_mint_transaction:", error); throw error; // Ensure the test catches and asserts } } async new_consume_transaction(targetAccountId, noteId) { try { if (!this.worker) { return await this.wasmWebClient.new_consume_transaction( targetAccountId, noteId ); } const serializedTargetAccountId = targetAccountId.to_string(); const serializedTransactionResultBytes = await this.callMethodWithWorker( MethodName.NEW_CONSUME_TRANSACTION, serializedTargetAccountId, noteId ); return wasm.TransactionResult.deserialize( new Uint8Array(serializedTransactionResultBytes) ); } catch (error) { console.error( "INDEX.JS: Error in consume_transaction:", JSON.stringify(error) ); throw error; } } async new_send_transaction( senderAccountId, receiverAccountId, faucetId, noteType, amount, recallHeight = null ) { try { if (!this.worker) { return await this.wasmWebClient.new_send_transaction( senderAccountId, receiverAccountId, faucetId, noteType, amount, recallHeight ); } const serializedSenderAccountId = senderAccountId.to_string(); const serializedReceiverAccountId = receiverAccountId.to_string(); const serializedFaucetId = faucetId.to_string(); const serializedNoteType = noteType.serialize(); const serializedAmount = amount.toString(); const serializedTransactionResultBytes = await this.callMethodWithWorker( MethodName.NEW_SEND_TRANSACTION, serializedSenderAccountId, serializedReceiverAccountId, serializedFaucetId, serializedNoteType, serializedAmount, recallHeight ); return wasm.TransactionResult.deserialize( new Uint8Array(serializedTransactionResultBytes) ); } catch (error) { console.error("INDEX.JS: Error in send_transaction:", error); throw error; } } async submit_transaction(transactionResult, prover = undefined) { try { if (!this.worker) { return await this.wasmWebClient.submit_transaction( transactionResult, prover ); } const serializedTransactionResult = transactionResult.serialize(); const args = [serializedTransactionResult]; // If a prover is provided, serialize it and add it to the args. if (prover) { args.push(prover.serialize()); } // Always call the same worker method. await this.callMethodWithWorker(MethodName.SUBMIT_TRANSACTION, ...args); } catch (error) { console.error("INDEX.JS: Error in submit_transaction:", error); throw error; } } async sync_state() { try { if (!this.worker) { return await this.wasmWebClient.sync_state(); } const serializedSyncSummaryBytes = await this.callMethodWithWorker( MethodName.SYNC_STATE ); return wasm.SyncSummary.deserialize( new Uint8Array(serializedSyncSummaryBytes) ); } catch (error) { console.error("INDEX.JS: Error in sync_state:", error); throw error; } } terminate() { this.worker.terminate(); } }