import { expect } from "chai"; import { testingPage } from "./"; import { badHexId, consumeTransaction, mintTransaction, sendTransaction, setupWalletAndFaucet, } from "./webClientTestUtils"; const getInputNote = async (noteId: string) => { return await testingPage.evaluate(async (_noteId) => { const client = window.client; const note = await client.get_input_note(_noteId); return { noteId: note ? : undefined, }; }, noteId); }; // TODO: Figure out a way to easily pass NoteFilters into the tests const getInputNotes = async () => { return await testingPage.evaluate(async () => { const client = window.client; const filter = new window.NoteFilter(window.NoteFilterTypes.All); const notes = await client.get_input_notes(filter); return { noteIds: =>, }; }); }; const setupMintedNote = async () => { const { accountId, faucetId } = await setupWalletAndFaucet(); const { createdNoteId } = await mintTransaction(accountId, faucetId); return { createdNoteId, accountId, faucetId }; }; export const setupConsumedNote = async () => { const { createdNoteId, accountId, faucetId } = await setupMintedNote(); await consumeTransaction(accountId, faucetId, createdNoteId); return { consumedNoteId: createdNoteId, accountId: accountId, faucetId: faucetId, }; }; const getConsumableNotes = async (accountId?: string) => { return await testingPage.evaluate(async (_accountId) => { const client = window.client; let records; if (_accountId) { console.log({ _accountId }); const accountId = window.AccountId.from_hex(_accountId); records = await client.get_consumable_notes(accountId); } else { records = await client.get_consumable_notes(); } return => ({ noteId: record.input_note_record().id().to_string(), consumability: record.note_consumability().map((c) => ({ accountId: c.account_id().to_string(), consumableAfterBlock: c.consumable_after_block(), })), })); }, accountId); }; describe("get_input_note", () => { it("retrieve input note that does not exist", async () => { await setupWalletAndFaucet(); const { noteId } = await getInputNote(badHexId); await expect(noteId); }); it("retrieve an input note that does exist", async () => { const { consumedNoteId } = await setupConsumedNote(); const { noteId } = await getInputNote(consumedNoteId); expect(noteId).to.equal(consumedNoteId); }); }); describe("get_input_notes", () => { it("note exists, note filter all", async () => { const { consumedNoteId } = await setupConsumedNote(); const { noteIds } = await getInputNotes(); expect(noteIds); expect(noteIds).to.include(consumedNoteId); }); }); describe("get_consumable_notes", () => { it("filter by account", async () => { const { createdNoteId: noteId1, accountId: accountId1 } = await setupMintedNote(); await setupMintedNote(); const result = await getConsumableNotes(accountId1); expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(1); result.forEach((record) => { expect(record.consumability).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(record.consumability[0].accountId).to.equal(accountId1); expect(record.noteId).to.equal(noteId1); expect(record.consumability[0].consumableAfterBlock); }); }); it("no filter by account", async () => { const { createdNoteId: noteId1, accountId: accountId1 } = await setupMintedNote(); const { createdNoteId: noteId2, accountId: accountId2 } = await setupMintedNote(); const result = await getConsumableNotes(); expect( => r.noteId)).to.include.members([noteId1, noteId2]); expect( => r.consumability[0].accountId)).to.include.members([ accountId1, accountId2, ]); expect(result).to.have.lengthOf(2); const consumableRecord1 = result.find((r) => r.noteId === noteId1); const consumableRecord2 = result.find((r) => r.noteId === noteId2); consumableRecord1!!.consumability.forEach((c) => { expect(c.accountId).to.equal(accountId1); }); consumableRecord2!!.consumability.forEach((c) => { expect(c.accountId).to.equal(accountId2); }); }); it("p2idr consume after block", async () => { const { accountId: senderAccountId, faucetId } = await setupWalletAndFaucet(); const { accountId: targetAccountId } = await setupWalletAndFaucet(); const recallHeight = 100; await sendTransaction( senderAccountId, targetAccountId, faucetId, 100, recallHeight ); const consumableRecipient = await getConsumableNotes(targetAccountId); const consumableSender = await getConsumableNotes(senderAccountId); expect(consumableSender).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(consumableSender[0].consumability[0].consumableAfterBlock).to.equal( recallHeight ); expect(consumableRecipient).to.have.lengthOf(1); expect(consumableRecipient[0].consumability[0].consumableAfterBlock) .undefined; }); }); // TODO: describe("get_output_note", () => {}); describe("get_output_notes", () => {});