use std::{ collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet}, env, fmt::Write, fs::{self, File}, io::{self, BufRead, BufReader}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, }; use assembly::{ diagnostics::{IntoDiagnostic, Result}, utils::Serializable, Assembler, DefaultSourceManager, KernelLibrary, Library, LibraryNamespace, Report, }; use regex::Regex; use walkdir::WalkDir; // CONSTANTS // ================================================================================================ /// Defines whether the build script can write to /src. const CAN_WRITE_TO_SRC: bool = option_env!("DOCS_RS").is_none(); const ASSETS_DIR: &str = "assets"; const ASM_DIR: &str = "asm"; const ASM_MIDEN_DIR: &str = "miden"; const ASM_NOTE_SCRIPTS_DIR: &str = "note_scripts"; const ASM_ACCOUNT_COMPONENTS_DIR: &str = "account_components"; const ASM_TX_KERNEL_DIR: &str = "kernels/transaction"; const KERNEL_V0_RS_FILE: &str = "src/transaction/procedures/"; const KERNEL_ERRORS_FILE: &str = "src/errors/"; // PRE-PROCESSING // ================================================================================================ /// Read and parse the contents from `./asm`. /// - Compiles contents of asm/miden directory into a Miden library file (.masl) under miden /// namespace. /// - Compiles contents of asm/scripts directory into individual .masb files. fn main() -> Result<()> { // re-build when the MASM code changes println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={ASM_DIR}"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={KERNEL_V0_RS_FILE}"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={KERNEL_ERRORS_FILE}"); println!("cargo::rerun-if-env-changed=BUILD_KERNEL_ERRORS"); // Copies the MASM code to the build directory let crate_dir = env::var("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR").unwrap(); let build_dir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let src = Path::new(&crate_dir).join(ASM_DIR); let dst = Path::new(&build_dir).to_path_buf(); copy_directory(src, &dst); // set source directory to {OUT_DIR}/asm let source_dir = dst.join(ASM_DIR); // set target directory to {OUT_DIR}/assets let target_dir = Path::new(&build_dir).join(ASSETS_DIR); // compile transaction kernel let mut assembler = compile_tx_kernel(&source_dir.join(ASM_TX_KERNEL_DIR), &target_dir.join("kernels"))?; // compile miden library let miden_lib = compile_miden_lib(&source_dir, &target_dir, assembler.clone())?; assembler.add_library(miden_lib)?; // compile note scripts compile_note_scripts( &source_dir.join(ASM_NOTE_SCRIPTS_DIR), &target_dir.join(ASM_NOTE_SCRIPTS_DIR), assembler.clone(), )?; // compile account components compile_account_components(&target_dir.join(ASM_ACCOUNT_COMPONENTS_DIR), assembler)?; // Skip this build script in BUILD_KERNEL_ERRORS environment variable is not set to `1`. if env::var("BUILD_KERNEL_ERRORS").unwrap_or("0".to_string()) == "1" { // Generate kernel error constants. generate_kernel_error_constants(&source_dir)?; } Ok(()) } // COMPILE TRANSACTION KERNEL // ================================================================================================ /// Reads the transaction kernel MASM source from the `source_dir`, compiles it, saves the results /// to the `target_dir`, and returns an [Assembler] instantiated with the compiled kernel. /// /// `source_dir` is expected to have the following structure: /// /// - {source_dir}/api.masm -> defines exported procedures from the transaction kernel. /// - {source_dir}/main.masm -> defines the executable program of the transaction kernel. /// - {source_dir}/lib -> contains common modules used by both api.masm and main.masm. /// /// The compiled files are written as follows: /// /// - {target_dir}/tx_kernel.masl -> contains kernel library compiled from api.masm. /// - {target_dir}/tx_kernel.masb -> contains the executable compiled from main.masm. /// - src/transaction/procedures/ -> contains the kernel procedures table. /// /// When the `testing` feature is enabled, the POW requirements for account ID generation are /// adjusted by modifying the corresponding constants in {source_dir}/lib/constants.masm file. fn compile_tx_kernel(source_dir: &Path, target_dir: &Path) -> Result { let assembler = build_assembler(None)?; // if this build has the testing flag set, modify the code and reduce the cost of proof-of-work match env::var("CARGO_FEATURE_TESTING") { Ok(ref s) if s == "1" => { let constants = source_dir.join("lib/constants.masm"); let patched = source_dir.join("lib/constants.masm.patched"); // scope for file handlers { let read = File::open(&constants).unwrap(); let mut write = File::create(&patched).unwrap(); let modified = BufReader::new(read).lines().map(decrease_pow); for line in modified { io::Write::write_all(&mut write, line.unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap(); io::Write::write_all(&mut write, b"\n").unwrap(); } io::Write::flush(&mut write).unwrap(); } fs::remove_file(&constants).unwrap(); fs::rename(&patched, &constants).unwrap(); }, _ => (), } // assemble the kernel library and write it to the "tx_kernel.masl" file let kernel_lib = KernelLibrary::from_dir( source_dir.join("api.masm"), Some(source_dir.join("lib")), assembler, )?; // generate `` file generate_kernel_proc_hash_file(kernel_lib.clone())?; let output_file = target_dir.join("tx_kernel").with_extension(Library::LIBRARY_EXTENSION); kernel_lib.write_to_file(output_file).into_diagnostic()?; let assembler = build_assembler(Some(kernel_lib))?; // assemble the kernel program and write it the "tx_kernel.masb" file let mut main_assembler = assembler.clone(); let namespace = LibraryNamespace::new("kernel").expect("invalid namespace"); main_assembler.add_modules_from_dir(namespace, &source_dir.join("lib"))?; let main_file_path = source_dir.join("main.masm").clone(); let kernel_main = main_assembler.assemble_program(main_file_path)?; let masb_file_path = target_dir.join("tx_kernel.masb"); kernel_main.write_to_file(masb_file_path).into_diagnostic()?; #[cfg(any(feature = "testing", test))] { // Build kernel as a library and save it to file. // This is needed in test assemblers to access individual procedures which would otherwise // be hidden when using KernelLibrary (api.masm) let namespace = "kernel".parse::().expect("invalid base namespace"); let test_lib = Library::from_dir(source_dir.join("lib"), namespace, assembler.clone()).unwrap(); let masb_file_path = target_dir.join("kernel_library").with_extension(Library::LIBRARY_EXTENSION); test_lib.write_to_file(masb_file_path).into_diagnostic()?; } Ok(assembler) } fn decrease_pow(line: io::Result) -> io::Result { let mut line = line?; if line.starts_with("const.REGULAR_ACCOUNT_SEED_DIGEST_MODULUS") { line.clear(); // 2**5 line.push_str("const.REGULAR_ACCOUNT_SEED_DIGEST_MODULUS=32 # reduced via"); } else if line.starts_with("const.FAUCET_ACCOUNT_SEED_DIGEST_MODULUS") { line.clear(); // 2**6 line.push_str("const.FAUCET_ACCOUNT_SEED_DIGEST_MODULUS=64 # reduced via"); } Ok(line) } /// Generates `` file based on the kernel library fn generate_kernel_proc_hash_file(kernel: KernelLibrary) -> Result<()> { // Because the kernel Rust file will be stored under ./src, this should be a no-op if we can't // write there if !CAN_WRITE_TO_SRC { return Ok(()); } let (_, module_info, _) = kernel.into_parts(); let to_exclude = BTreeSet::from_iter(["exec_kernel_proc"]); let offsets_filename = Path::new(ASM_DIR).join(ASM_MIDEN_DIR).join("kernel_proc_offsets.masm"); let offsets = parse_proc_offsets(&offsets_filename)?; let generated_procs: BTreeMap = module_info .procedures() .filter(|(_, proc_info)| !to_exclude.contains::( .map(|(_, proc_info)| { let name =; let Some(&offset) = offsets.get(&name) else { panic!("Offset constant for function `{name}` not found in `{offsets_filename:?}`"); }; ( offset, format!( " // {name}\n digest!({}),", proc_info .digest .as_elements() .iter() .map(|v| format!("{:#016x}", v.as_int())) .collect::>() .join(", ") ), ) }) .collect(); let proc_count = generated_procs.len(); let generated_procs: String = generated_procs.into_iter().enumerate().map(|(index, (offset, txt))| { if index != offset { panic!("Offset constants in the file `{offsets_filename:?}` are not contiguous (missing offset: {index})"); } txt }).collect::>().join("\n"); fs::write( KERNEL_V0_RS_FILE, format!( r#"/// This file is generated by, do not modify use miden_objects::{{digest, Digest, Felt}}; // KERNEL V0 PROCEDURES // ================================================================================================ /// Hashes of all dynamically executed procedures from the kernel 0. pub const KERNEL0_PROCEDURES: [Digest; {proc_count}] = [ {generated_procs} ]; "#, ), ) .into_diagnostic() } fn parse_proc_offsets(filename: impl AsRef) -> Result> { let regex: Regex = Regex::new(r"^const\.(?P\w+)_OFFSET\s*=\s*(?P\d+)").unwrap(); let mut result = BTreeMap::new(); for line in fs::read_to_string(filename).into_diagnostic()?.lines() { if let Some(captures) = regex.captures(line) { result.insert( captures["name"].to_string().to_lowercase(), captures["offset"].parse().into_diagnostic()?, ); } } Ok(result) } // COMPILE MIDEN LIB // ================================================================================================ /// Reads the MASM files from "{source_dir}/miden" directory, compiles them into a Miden assembly /// library, saves the library into "{target_dir}/miden.masl", and returns the complied library. fn compile_miden_lib( source_dir: &Path, target_dir: &Path, assembler: Assembler, ) -> Result { let source_dir = source_dir.join(ASM_MIDEN_DIR); let namespace = "miden".parse::().expect("invalid base namespace"); let miden_lib = Library::from_dir(source_dir, namespace, assembler)?; let output_file = target_dir.join("miden").with_extension(Library::LIBRARY_EXTENSION); miden_lib.write_to_file(output_file).into_diagnostic()?; Ok(miden_lib) } // COMPILE EXECUTABLE MODULES // ================================================================================================ /// Reads all MASM files from the "{source_dir}", complies each file individually into a MASB /// file, and stores the complied files into the "{target_dir}". /// /// The source files are expected to contain executable programs. fn compile_note_scripts(source_dir: &Path, target_dir: &Path, assembler: Assembler) -> Result<()> { if let Err(e) = fs::create_dir_all(target_dir) { println!("Failed to create note_scripts directory: {}", e); } for masm_file_path in get_masm_files(source_dir).unwrap() { // read the MASM file, parse it, and serialize the parsed AST to bytes let code = assembler.clone().assemble_program(masm_file_path.clone())?; let bytes = code.to_bytes(); // TODO: get rid of unwraps let masb_file_name = masm_file_path.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap(); let mut masb_file_path = target_dir.join(masb_file_name); // write the binary MASB to the output dir masb_file_path.set_extension("masb"); fs::write(masb_file_path, bytes).unwrap(); } Ok(()) } // COMPILE DEFAULT ACCOUNT COMPONENTS // ================================================================================================ const BASIC_WALLET_CODE: &str = " export.::miden::contracts::wallets::basic::receive_asset export.::miden::contracts::wallets::basic::create_note export.::miden::contracts::wallets::basic::move_asset_to_note "; const RPO_FALCON_AUTH_CODE: &str = " export.::miden::contracts::auth::basic::auth_tx_rpo_falcon512 "; const BASIC_FUNGIBLE_FAUCET_CODE: &str = " export.::miden::contracts::faucets::basic_fungible::distribute export.::miden::contracts::faucets::basic_fungible::burn "; /// Compiles the default account components into a MASL library and stores the complied files in /// `target_dir`. fn compile_account_components(target_dir: &Path, assembler: Assembler) -> Result<()> { for (component_name, component_code) in [ ("basic_wallet", BASIC_WALLET_CODE), ("rpo_falcon_512", RPO_FALCON_AUTH_CODE), ("basic_fungible_faucet", BASIC_FUNGIBLE_FAUCET_CODE), ] { let component_library = assembler.clone().assemble_library([component_code])?; let component_file_path = target_dir.join(component_name).with_extension(Library::LIBRARY_EXTENSION); component_library.write_to_file(component_file_path).into_diagnostic()?; } Ok(()) } // HELPER FUNCTIONS // ================================================================================================ /// Returns a new [Assembler] loaded with miden-stdlib and the specified kernel, if provided. /// /// The returned assembler will be in the `debug` mode if the `with-debug-info` feature is enabled. fn build_assembler(kernel: Option) -> Result { kernel .map(|kernel| Assembler::with_kernel(Arc::new(DefaultSourceManager::default()), kernel)) .unwrap_or_default() .with_debug_mode(cfg!(feature = "with-debug-info")) .with_library(miden_stdlib::StdLibrary::default()) } /// Recursively copies `src` into `dst`. /// /// This function will overwrite the existing files if re-executed. fn copy_directory, R: AsRef>(src: T, dst: R) { let mut prefix = src.as_ref().canonicalize().unwrap(); // keep all the files inside the `asm` folder prefix.pop(); let target_dir = dst.as_ref().join(ASM_DIR); if !target_dir.exists() { fs::create_dir_all(target_dir).unwrap(); } let dst = dst.as_ref(); let mut todo = vec![src.as_ref().to_path_buf()]; while let Some(goal) = todo.pop() { for entry in fs::read_dir(goal).unwrap() { let path = entry.unwrap().path(); if path.is_dir() { let src_dir = path.canonicalize().unwrap(); let dst_dir = dst.join(src_dir.strip_prefix(&prefix).unwrap()); if !dst_dir.exists() { fs::create_dir_all(&dst_dir).unwrap(); } todo.push(src_dir); } else { let dst_file = dst.join(path.strip_prefix(&prefix).unwrap()); fs::copy(&path, dst_file).unwrap(); } } } } /// Returns a vector with paths to all MASM files in the specified directory. /// /// All non-MASM files are skipped. fn get_masm_files>(dir_path: P) -> io::Result> { let mut files = Vec::new(); let path = dir_path.as_ref(); if path.is_dir() { match fs::read_dir(path) { Ok(entries) => { for entry in entries { match entry { Ok(file) => { let file_path = file.path(); if is_masm_file(&file_path)? { files.push(file_path); } }, Err(e) => println!("Error reading directory entry: {}", e), } } }, Err(e) => println!("Error reading directory: {}", e), } } else { println!("cargo:rerun-The specified path is not a directory."); } Ok(files) } /// Returns true if the provided path resolves to a file with `.masm` extension. /// /// # Errors /// Returns an error if the path could not be converted to a UTF-8 string. fn is_masm_file(path: &Path) -> io::Result { if let Some(extension) = path.extension() { let extension = extension .to_str() .ok_or_else(|| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "invalid UTF-8 filename"))? .to_lowercase(); Ok(extension == "masm") } else { Ok(false) } } // KERNEL ERROR CONSTANTS // ================================================================================================ /// Reads all MASM files from the `kernel_source_dir` and extracts its error constants and their /// associated comment as the error message and generates a Rust file from them. For example: /// /// ```text /// # New account must have an empty vault /// const.ERR_PROLOGUE_NEW_ACCOUNT_VAULT_MUST_BE_EMPTY=0x0002000F /// ``` /// /// would generate a Rust file with the following content: /// /// ```rust /// pub const ERR_PROLOGUE_NEW_ACCOUNT_VAULT_MUST_BE_EMPTY: u32 = 0x0002000f; /// ``` /// /// and add an entry in the constant -> error mapping array: /// /// ```rust /// (ERR_PROLOGUE_NEW_ACCOUNT_VAULT_MUST_BE_EMPTY, "New account must have an empty vault"), /// ``` /// /// The caveats are that only the comment line directly above the constant is considered an error /// message. This could be extended if needed, but for now all errors can be described in one line. /// /// We also ensure that a constant is not defined twice, except if their error code is the same. /// This can happen across multiple files. fn generate_kernel_error_constants(kernel_source_dir: &Path) -> Result<()> { // Because the error files will be written to ./src/errors, this should be a no-op if ./src is // read-only if !CAN_WRITE_TO_SRC { return Ok(()); } // We use a BTree here to order the errors by their categories which is the first part after the // ERR_ prefix and to allow for the same error code to be defined multiple times in // different files (as long as the constant names match). let mut errors = BTreeMap::new(); // Walk all files of the kernel source directory. for entry in WalkDir::new(kernel_source_dir) { let entry = entry.into_diagnostic()?; if !is_masm_file(entry.path()).into_diagnostic()? { continue; } let file_contents = std::fs::read_to_string(entry.path()).into_diagnostic()?; extract_kernel_errors(&mut errors, &file_contents)?; } // Check if any error code is used twice with different error names. let mut error_codes = BTreeMap::new(); for (error_name, error) in errors.iter() { if let Some(existing_error_name) = error_codes.get(&error.code) { return Err(Report::msg(format!("Transaction kernel error code 0x{} is used multiple times; Non-exhaustive list: ERR_{existing_error_name}, ERR_{error_name}", error.code))); } error_codes.insert(error.code.clone(), error_name); } // Generate the errors file. let error_file_content = generate_kernel_errors(errors)?; std::fs::write(KERNEL_ERRORS_FILE, error_file_content).into_diagnostic()?; Ok(()) } fn extract_kernel_errors( errors: &mut BTreeMap, file_contents: &str, ) -> Result<()> { let regex = Regex::new(r"(# (?.*)\n)?const\.ERR_(?.*)=0x(?[\dABCDEFabcdef]*)") .unwrap(); for capture in regex.captures_iter(file_contents) { let error_name = capture .name("name") .expect("error name should be captured") .as_str() .trim() .to_owned(); let error_code = capture .name("code") .expect("error code should be captured") .as_str() .trim() .to_owned(); let error_message = match"message") { Some(message) => message.as_str().trim().to_owned(), None => { return Err(Report::msg(format!("error message for constant ERR_{error_name} not found; add a comment above the constant to add an error message"))); }, }; if let Some(ExtractedError { code: existing_error_code, .. }) = errors.get(&error_name) { if existing_error_code != &error_code { return Err(Report::msg(format!("Transaction kernel error constant ERR_{error_name} is already defined elsewhere but its error code is different"))); } } errors.insert(error_name, ExtractedError { code: error_code, message: error_message }); } Ok(()) } fn is_new_error_category<'a>(last_error: &mut Option<&'a str>, current_error: &'a str) -> bool { let is_new = match last_error { Some(last_err) => { let last_category = last_err.split("_").next().expect("there should be at least one entry"); let new_category = current_error.split("_").next().expect("there should be at least one entry"); last_category != new_category }, None => false, }; last_error.replace(current_error); is_new } fn generate_kernel_errors(errors: BTreeMap) -> Result { let mut output = String::new(); writeln!( output, "// This file is generated by, do not modify manually. // It is generated by extracting errors from the masm files in the `miden-lib/asm` directory. // // To add a new error, define a constant in masm of the pattern `const.ERR__...`. // Try to fit the error into a pre-existing category if possible (e.g. Account, Prologue, // Non-Fungible-Asset, ...). // // The comment directly above the constant will be interpreted as the error message for that error. // KERNEL ASSERTION ERROR // ================================================================================================ " ) .into_diagnostic()?; let mut last_error = None; for (error_name, ExtractedError { code, .. }) in errors.iter() { // Group errors into blocks separate by newlines. if is_new_error_category(&mut last_error, error_name) { writeln!(output).into_diagnostic()?; } writeln!(output, "pub const ERR_{error_name}: u32 = 0x{code};").into_diagnostic()?; } writeln!(output).into_diagnostic()?; writeln!(output, "pub const TX_KERNEL_ERRORS: [(u32, &str); {}] = [", errors.len()) .into_diagnostic()?; let mut last_error = None; for (error_name, ExtractedError { message, .. }) in errors.iter() { // Group errors into blocks separate by newlines. if is_new_error_category(&mut last_error, error_name) { writeln!(output).into_diagnostic()?; } writeln!(output, r#" (ERR_{error_name}, "{message}"),"#).into_diagnostic()?; } writeln!(output, "];").into_diagnostic()?; Ok(output) } type ErrorName = String; struct ExtractedError { code: String, message: String, }