use std::{ env, fs::{self, File}, io::{self, Read, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, }; // CONSTANTS // ================================================================================================ const REPO_PROTO_DIR: &str = "../../proto"; const CRATE_PROTO_DIR: &str = "proto"; const DOC_COMMENT: &str = "A list of tuples containing the names and contents of various protobuf files."; // BUILD SCRIPT // ================================================================================================ /// Copies .proto files to the local directory and re-builds src/ file. /// /// This is done only if BUILD_PROTO environment variable is set to `1` to avoid running the script /// on where repo-level .proto files are not available. fn main() -> io::Result<()> { println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=proto"); println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed=../../proto"); // skip this build script in BUILD_PROTO environment variable is not set to `1` if env::var("BUILD_PROTO").unwrap_or("0".to_string()) == "0" { return Ok(()) } // copy all .proto files into this crate. all these files need to be local to the crate to // publish the crate to copy_proto_files()?; let out_dir = env::current_dir().expect("Error getting cwd"); let dest_path = Path::new(&out_dir).join("./src/"); let mut file = File::create(dest_path)?; writeln!(file, "/// {DOC_COMMENT}")?; writeln!(file, "pub const PROTO_FILES: &[(&str, &str)] = &[")?; for entry in std::fs::read_dir(CRATE_PROTO_DIR)? { let entry = entry?; let path = entry.path(); if path.is_file() { let mut file_content = String::new(); let file_name = path.file_name().and_then(|f| f.to_str()).expect("Could not get file name"); File::open(&path)?.read_to_string(&mut file_content)?; writeln!( file, " (\"{}\", include_str!(\"../{CRATE_PROTO_DIR}/{}\")),", file_name, file_name )?; } } writeln!(file, "];")?; Ok(()) } // HELPER FUNCTIONS // ================================================================================================ /// Copies all .proto files from the root proto directory to the proto directory of this crate. fn copy_proto_files() -> io::Result<()> { let dest_dir: PathBuf = CRATE_PROTO_DIR.into(); fs::create_dir_all(dest_dir.clone())?; for entry in fs::read_dir(REPO_PROTO_DIR)? { let entry = entry?; println!("{entry:?}"); let ty = entry.file_type()?; if !ty.is_dir() { fs::copy(entry.path(), dest_dir.join(entry.file_name()))?; } } Ok(()) }