use.std::crypto::stark::constants use.std::crypto::hashes::rpo #! Loads OOD evaluation frame, with current and next rows interleaved, into memory. This ouputs #! the hash of the OOD for reseeding the random coin. #! #! Input: [...] #! Output: [OOD_FRAME_HASH, ...] #! Cycles: 106 export.load_evaluation_frame # We have 72 main trace columns and 9 aux trace columns for a total of 162 base field elements # per row. Since we have two rows, i.e. current and next, the total number of field elements # making up the OOD evaluation frame is: # 324 = 40 * 8 + 4 # The elements are stored from the stack as (a1_1, a1_0, a0_1, a0_0) where a0 is from the # current row and a1 from the next row. exec.constants::ood_trace_ptr push. padw padw repeat.40 adv_pipe hperm end # Load the last remaining word and pad with 1 followed by three 0 adv_loadw dup.12 mem_storew swapw exec.constants::zero_zero_zero_one_word mem_loadw hperm dropw swapw dropw movup.4 drop end #! Loads OOD constraint composition polynomial evaluation columns into memory and reseeds the random #! coin. #! #! Input: [...] #! Output: [EVAL_HASH, ...] #! Cycles: 112 export.load_constraint_evaluations # Read OOD constraint evaluations. These are 8 ExtFelt `value_i` such that the value of the # constraint evaluation polynomial at `z` `H(z)` equals `\sum_0^7 z^(N * i) value_i` where N # is the execution trace length. # In order to facilitate the computation of the DEEP composition polynomial queries, we lay out # the values in memory as [v0, v1, 0, 0] where v := (v0, v1) ranges over the 8 values `value_i`. # Load value_0 and value_1 padw padw adv_loadw dup.3 dup.3 push.0.0 exec.constants::ood_constraint_evals_ptr mem_storew dropw dup.1 dup.1 push.0.0 exec.constants::ood_constraint_evals_ptr add.1 mem_storew # Load value_2 and value_3 adv_loadw dup.3 dup.3 push.0.0 exec.constants::ood_constraint_evals_ptr add.2 mem_storew dropw dup.1 dup.1 push.0.0 exec.constants::ood_constraint_evals_ptr add.3 mem_storew dropw hperm # Load value_4 and value_5 adv_loadw dup.3 dup.3 push.0.0 exec.constants::ood_constraint_evals_ptr add.4 mem_storew dropw dup.1 dup.1 push.0.0 exec.constants::ood_constraint_evals_ptr add.5 mem_storew dropw swapw # Load value_6 and value_7 adv_loadw dup.3 dup.3 push.0.0 exec.constants::ood_constraint_evals_ptr add.6 mem_storew dropw dup.1 dup.1 push.0.0 exec.constants::ood_constraint_evals_ptr add.7 mem_storew dropw hperm exec.rpo::squeeze_digest end #! Computes the H(z) evaluation of the constraint composition polynomial at the OOD element z. #! #! Input: [...] #! Output: [res1, res0, ...] #! Cycles: 118 export.compute_Hz # TODO: remove this exec.constants::ood_constraint_evals_ptr add.4 repeat.3 padw end # Compute `H(z)` ## Load `value_i`'s dup.12 sub.4 mem_loadw swapw.2 dup.12 sub.3 mem_loadw swapw dup.12 sub.2 mem_loadw movup.12 sub.1 padw movup.4 mem_loadw ## Load z^N where N is the length of the execution trace padw exec.constants::z_ptr mem_loadw movup.2 drop movup.2 drop # => [z1, z0, value_7, ... ,value_0] # Horner evaluation # TODO: maybe can be done faster in another way repeat.6 dup movdn.6 dup.1 movdn.7 # => [z1, z0, value_7, value_6, z1, z0, value_5, ... ,value_0] ext2mul ext2add # => [acc1, acc0, z1, z0, value_5, ... ,value_0] movup.3 movup.3 # => [z1, z0, acc1, acc0, value_5, ... ,value_0] end ext2mul ext2add end