## std::crypto::stark::constants
| Procedure | Description |
| ----------- | ------------- |
| lde_size_ptr | Address to store details about the lde size.
Memory is `[lde_size, log(lde_size), lde_g, 0]`
| z_ptr | Address for the point `z` and its exponentiation `z^N` where `N=trace_len`.
Memory is `[(z_1, z_0)^n, z_1, z_0]`
| c_ptr | Returns the pointer to the capacity word of the random coin.
Note: The random coin is implemented using a hash function, this returns the
capacity portion of the RPO.
| r1_ptr | Returns the pointer to the first rate word of the random coin.
Note: The random coin is implemented using a hash function, this returns the
first rate word of the RPO.
| r2_ptr | Returns the pointer to the second rate word of the random coin.
Note: The random coin is implemented using a hash function, this returns the
second rate word of the RPO.
| tmp1 | Address to store details to compute deep query denominators.
Memory is `[gz1, gz0, z_1, z_0]`