use.std::crypto::hashes::blake3 begin # hash_2to1 pops top 16 elements (64 bytes) from the stack, compute their hash and puts the # resulting 8 elements (32 bytes) back to the stack. exec.blake3::hash_2to1 # Check the correctness of the hashing result by comparing it with precomputed correct values. # This hash is a result of applying a blake3 hashing function to the binary value consisting of # only ones. push.0xD9696D27.0xF209D66E.0xD0DFDEB9.0x7D5992E2.0x44DDA9CB.0xD6FFB5E5.0x8CD0CAA6.0xF0270FA9 # compare results movupw.2 assert_eqw assert_eqw end