use miden_vm::{Digest, Word}; use processor::ExecutionError; use rand_chacha::rand_core::SeedableRng; use test_utils::{ build_test, crypto::{rpo_falcon512::SecretKey, MerkleStore, RpoDigest}, expect_exec_error, rand::{rand_array, rand_value}, serde::Serializable, Felt, TRUNCATE_STACK_PROC, }; const ADVICE_PUSH_SIG: &str = " begin # => [PK, MSG, ...] # Calling adv.push_sig.rpo_falcon512 on its own gives an error: # internal error: entered unreachable code: decorators in and empty SPAN block # add stack calls to avoid this issue. push.0 drop adv.push_sig.rpo_falcon512 # => [PK, MSG, ...] end"; // ADVICE INJECTION // ================================================================================================ #[test] fn advice_push_u64div() { // push a/b onto the advice stack and then move these values onto the operand stack. let source = "begin adv.push_u64div adv_push.4 movupw.2 dropw end"; // get two random 64-bit integers and split them into 32-bit limbs let a = rand_value::(); let a_hi = a >> 32; let a_lo = a as u32 as u64; let b = rand_value::(); let b_hi = b >> 32; let b_lo = b as u32 as u64; // compute expected quotient let q = a / b; let q_hi = q >> 32; let q_lo = q as u32 as u64; // compute expected remainder let r = a % b; let r_hi = r >> 32; let r_lo = r as u32 as u64; let test = build_test!(source, &[a_lo, a_hi, b_lo, b_hi]); let expected = [r_hi, r_lo, q_hi, q_lo, b_hi, b_lo, a_hi, a_lo]; test.expect_stack(&expected); } #[test] fn advice_push_u64div_repeat() { // This procedure repeats the following steps 7 times: // - pushes quotient and remainder to advice stack // - drops divisor (top 2 elements of the stack representing 32 bit limbs of divisor) // - reads quotient from advice stack to the stack // - push 2_u64 to the stack divided into 2 32 bit limbs // Finally the first 2 elements of the stack are removed let source = format!( " {TRUNCATE_STACK_PROC} begin repeat.7 adv.push_u64div drop drop adv_push.2 push.2 push.0 end drop drop exec.truncate_stack end" ); let mut a = 256; let a_hi = 0; let a_lo = a; let b = 2; let b_hi = 0; let b_lo = b; let mut expected = vec![a_lo, a_hi]; for _ in 0..7 { let q = a / b; let q_hi = 0; let q_lo = q; expected.extend_from_slice(&[q_lo, q_hi]); a = q; } expected.reverse(); let test = build_test!(source, &[a_lo, a_hi, b_lo, b_hi]); test.expect_stack(&expected); } #[test] fn advice_push_u64div_local_procedure() { // push a/b onto the advice stack and then move these values onto the operand stack. let source = " adv.push_u64div adv_push.4 end begin movupw.2 dropw end"; // get two random 64-bit integers and split them into 32-bit limbs let a = rand_value::(); let a_hi = a >> 32; let a_lo = a as u32 as u64; let b = rand_value::(); let b_hi = b >> 32; let b_lo = b as u32 as u64; // compute expected quotient let q = a / b; let q_hi = q >> 32; let q_lo = q as u32 as u64; // compute expected remainder let r = a % b; let r_hi = r >> 32; let r_lo = r as u32 as u64; let test = build_test!(source, &[a_lo, a_hi, b_lo, b_hi]); let expected = [r_hi, r_lo, q_hi, q_lo, b_hi, b_lo, a_hi, a_lo]; test.expect_stack(&expected); } #[test] fn advice_push_u64div_conditional_execution() { let source = " begin eq if.true adv.push_u64div adv_push.4 else padw end movupw.2 dropw end"; // if branch let test = build_test!(source, &[8, 0, 4, 0, 1, 1]); test.expect_stack(&[0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 8]); // else branch let test = build_test!(source, &[8, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0]); test.expect_stack(&[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 8]); } #[test] fn advice_insert_mem() { let source = "begin # stack: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] # write to memory and drop first word from stack to use second word as the key for advice map. # mem_storew reverses the order of field elements in the word when it's stored in memory. mem_storew.2 dropw mem_storew.3 # State Transition: # stack: [5, 6, 7, 8] # mem[2]: [4, 3, 2, 1] # mem[3]: [8, 7, 6, 5] # copy from memory to advice map # the key used is in the reverse order of the field elements in the word at the top of the # stack. push.2.4 movdn.4 movdn.4 adv.insert_mem # State Transition: # advice_map: k: [8, 7, 6, 5], v: [4, 3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5] # copy from advice map to advice stack adv.push_mapval dropw # State Transition: # stack: [0, 0, 0, 0] # advice_stack: [4, 3, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, 5] # copy first word from advice stack to stack # adv_loadw copies the word to the stack with elements in the reverse order. adv_loadw # State Transition: # stack: [1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0] # advice_stack: [8, 7, 6, 5] # swap first 2 words on stack swapw # State Transition: # stack: [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # copy next word from advice stack to stack # adv_loadw copies the word to the stack with elements in the reverse order. adv_loadw # State Transition: # stack: [5, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4] # advice_stack: [] # swap first 2 words on stack swapw # State Transition: # stack: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] end"; let stack_inputs = [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]; let test = build_test!(source, &stack_inputs); test.expect_stack(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]); } #[test] fn advice_push_mapval() { // --- test simple adv.mapval --------------------------------------------- let source: &str = " begin # stack: [4, 3, 2, 1, ...] # load the advice stack with values from the advice map and drop the key adv.push_mapval dropw # move the values from the advice stack to the operand stack adv_push.4 swapw dropw end"; let stack_inputs = [1, 2, 3, 4]; let adv_map = [( RpoDigest::try_from(stack_inputs).unwrap(), vec![Felt::new(8), Felt::new(7), Felt::new(6), Felt::new(5)], )]; let test = build_test!(source, &stack_inputs, [], MerkleStore::default(), adv_map); test.expect_stack(&[5, 6, 7, 8]); // --- test adv.mapval with offset ---------------------------------------- let source: &str = " begin # stack: [4, 3, 2, 1, ...] # shift the key on the stack by 2 slots push.0 push.0 # load the advice stack with values from the advice map and drop the key adv.push_mapval.2 dropw drop drop # move the values from the advice stack to the operand stack adv_push.4 swapw dropw end"; let stack_inputs = [1, 2, 3, 4]; let adv_map = [( RpoDigest::try_from(stack_inputs).unwrap(), vec![Felt::new(8), Felt::new(7), Felt::new(6), Felt::new(5)], )]; let test = build_test!(source, &stack_inputs, [], MerkleStore::default(), adv_map); test.expect_stack(&[5, 6, 7, 8]); // --- test simple adv.mapvaln -------------------------------------------- let source: &str = " begin # stack: [4, 3, 2, 1, ...] # load the advice stack with values from the advice map (including the number # of elements) and drop the key adv.push_mapvaln dropw # move the values from the advice stack to the operand stack adv_push.6 swapdw dropw dropw end"; let stack_inputs = [1, 2, 3, 4]; let adv_map = [( RpoDigest::try_from(stack_inputs).unwrap(), vec![Felt::new(11), Felt::new(12), Felt::new(13), Felt::new(14), Felt::new(15)], )]; let test = build_test!(source, &stack_inputs, [], MerkleStore::default(), adv_map); test.expect_stack(&[15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 5]); // --- test adv.mapval with offset ---------------------------------------- let source: &str = " begin # stack: [4, 3, 2, 1, ...] # shift the key on the stack by 2 slots push.0 push.0 # load the advice stack with values from the advice map (including the number # of elements) and drop the key adv.push_mapvaln.2 dropw drop drop # move the values from the advice stack to the operand stack adv_push.6 swapdw dropw dropw end"; let stack_inputs = [1, 2, 3, 4]; let adv_map = [( RpoDigest::try_from(stack_inputs).unwrap(), vec![Felt::new(11), Felt::new(12), Felt::new(13), Felt::new(14), Felt::new(15)], )]; let test = build_test!(source, &stack_inputs, [], MerkleStore::default(), adv_map); test.expect_stack(&[15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 5]); } #[test] fn advice_insert_hdword() { // --- test hashing without domain ---------------------------------------- let source: &str = " begin # stack: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...] # hash and insert top two words into the advice map adv.insert_hdword # manually compute the hash of the two words hmerge # => [KEY, ...] # load the advice stack with values from the advice map and drop the key adv.push_mapval dropw # move the values from the advice stack to the operand stack adv_push.8 swapdw dropw dropw end"; let stack_inputs = [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]; let test = build_test!(source, &stack_inputs); test.expect_stack(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]); // --- test hashing with domain ------------------------------------------- let source: &str = " begin # stack: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ...] # hash and insert top two words into the advice map adv.insert_hdword.3 # manually compute the hash of the two words push. swapw.2 swapw hperm dropw swapw dropw # => [KEY, ...] # load the advice stack with values from the advice map and drop the key adv.push_mapval dropw # move the values from the advice stack to the operand stack adv_push.8 swapdw dropw dropw end"; let stack_inputs = [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]; let test = build_test!(source, &stack_inputs); test.expect_stack(&[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]); } #[test] fn advice_push_sig_rpo_falcon_512() { // Generate random keys and message. let seed: [u8; 32] = rand_array(); let mut rng = rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng::from_seed(seed); let secret_key = SecretKey::with_rng(&mut rng); // let secret_key = SecretKey::new(); let public_key = secret_key.public_key(); let message: Word = rand_array(); let public_key_word: Word = public_key.into(); let public_key_digest: Digest = public_key_word.into(); // Place digest of the public key and the secret key into advice map as a key value pair. let secret_key_bytes = secret_key.to_bytes(); let secret_key_adv_map = secret_key_bytes.iter().map(|a| Felt::new(*a as u64)).collect::>(); let advice_map: Vec<(Digest, Vec)> = vec![(public_key_digest, secret_key_adv_map)]; // Lay the public key digest and message into the operation stack. let mut op_stack = vec![]; let message = message.into_iter().map(|a| a.as_int()).collect::>(); op_stack.extend_from_slice(&message); op_stack.extend_from_slice( &public_key_digest.as_elements().iter().map(|a| a.as_int()).collect::>(), ); let advice_stack = vec![]; let store = MerkleStore::new(); let mut expected_stack = op_stack.clone(); expected_stack.reverse(); let test = build_test!(ADVICE_PUSH_SIG, &op_stack, &advice_stack, store, advice_map.into_iter()); test.expect_stack(&expected_stack); } #[test] fn advice_push_sig_rpo_falcon_512_bad_key_value() { // Generate random keys and message. let seed: [u8; 32] = rand_array(); let mut rng = rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng::from_seed(seed); let secret_key = SecretKey::with_rng(&mut rng); let public_key = secret_key.public_key(); let message: Word = rand_array(); let public_key_word: Word = public_key.into(); let public_key_digest: Digest = public_key_word.into(); // Place digest of the public key and the secret key into advice map as a key value pair. let secret_key_bytes = secret_key.to_bytes(); let mut secret_key_adv_map = secret_key_bytes.iter().map(|a| Felt::new(*a as u64)).collect::>(); // Secret key as bytes must have values in the range 0 - 255. secret_key_adv_map.pop(); secret_key_adv_map.push(Felt::new(257)); let advice_map: Vec<(Digest, Vec)> = vec![(public_key_digest, secret_key_adv_map)]; // Lay the public key digest and message into the operation stack. let mut op_stack = vec![]; let message = message.into_iter().map(|a| a.as_int()).collect::>(); op_stack.extend_from_slice(&message); op_stack.extend_from_slice( &public_key_digest.as_elements().iter().map(|a| a.as_int()).collect::>(), ); let advice_stack = vec![]; let store = MerkleStore::new(); let test = build_test!(ADVICE_PUSH_SIG, &op_stack, &advice_stack, store, advice_map.into_iter()); expect_exec_error!(test, ExecutionError::MalformedSignatureKey("RPO Falcon512")); } #[test] fn advice_push_sig_rpo_falcon_512_bad_key_length() { // Generate random keys and message. let seed: [u8; 32] = rand_array(); let mut rng = rand_chacha::ChaCha20Rng::from_seed(seed); let secret_key = SecretKey::with_rng(&mut rng); let public_key = secret_key.public_key(); let message: Word = rand_array(); let public_key_word: Word = public_key.into(); let public_key_digest: Digest = public_key_word.into(); // Place digest of the public key and the secret key into advice map as a key value pair. let secret_key_bytes = secret_key.to_bytes(); let mut secret_key_adv_map = secret_key_bytes.iter().map(|a| Felt::new(*a as u64)).collect::>(); // Secret key as bytes must be at least the correct length. secret_key_adv_map.pop(); let advice_map: Vec<(Digest, Vec)> = vec![(public_key_digest, secret_key_adv_map)]; // Lay the public key digest and message into the operation stack. let mut op_stack = vec![]; let message = message.into_iter().map(|a| a.as_int()).collect::>(); op_stack.extend_from_slice(&message); op_stack.extend_from_slice( &public_key_digest.as_elements().iter().map(|a| a.as_int()).collect::>(), ); let advice_stack = vec![]; let store = MerkleStore::new(); let test = build_test!(ADVICE_PUSH_SIG, &op_stack, &advice_stack, store, advice_map.into_iter()); expect_exec_error!(test, ExecutionError::MalformedSignatureKey("RPO Falcon512")); }