use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream as TokenStream2}; use quote::quote; use syn::{ braced, bracketed, parse::{Parse, ParseStream}, parse_macro_input, punctuated::Punctuated, spanned::Spanned, token, Error, FieldValue, Lit, LitByte, LitFloat, LitInt, Member, Path, Result, Token, Type, }; pub fn timeline_impl(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let input = parse_macro_input!(input as TimelineInput); expand_timeline(input) .unwrap_or_else(Error::into_compile_error) .into() } fn expand_timeline(input: TimelineInput) -> Result { let TimelineInput { target_type, config, } = input; let Type::Path(ref type_path) = target_type else { return Err(Error::new(target_type.span(), "Timeline macro only supports use-types and type paths.")); }; let name = &type_path.path; expand_timeline_or_merge(name, &config) } pub fn expand_timeline_or_merge( name: &Path, config: &TimelineOrMergeConfig, ) -> Result { if config.timelines.len() == 1 { builder_create_timeline(name, &config.timelines[0]) } else { let timeline_creators = config .timelines .iter() .map(|cfg| builder_create_timeline(name, cfg)) .collect::>>()?; Ok(quote! { ::mina::MergedTimeline::of([#(#timeline_creators),*]) }) } } fn builder_append_keyframe(name: &Path, config: &KeyframeConfig) -> Result { let normalized_time = match &config.position { KeyframePositionArgument::From(_) => 0.0, KeyframePositionArgument::To(_) => 1.0, KeyframePositionArgument::Percent(lit, _) => lit.as_f32()? * 0.01, }; match &config.values { KeyframeValues::Default(_) => Ok(quote! { .keyframe(#name::keyframe(#normalized_time) .values_from(#normalized_time, &default_values)) }), KeyframeValues::Explicit(field_values, _) => { let setters = field_values .iter() .map(|fv| { let Member::Named(field_name) = &fv.member else { return Err(Error::new(fv.span(), "Animator macro only supports named fields.")); }; let expr = &fv.expr; Ok(quote! { .#field_name(#expr) }) }) .collect::>>()?; Ok(quote! { .keyframe(#name::keyframe(#normalized_time)#(#setters)*) }) } } } fn builder_create_timeline(name: &Path, config: &TimelineConfig) -> Result { let duration = match &config.duration { Some(duration) => Some(duration.value.as_f32()? * seconds_multiplier(&duration.value)?), None => None, }; let duration_setter =|duration_seconds| { quote! { .duration_seconds(#duration_seconds) } }); let delay = match &config.delay { Some(delay) => Some(delay.value.as_f32()? * seconds_multiplier(&delay.value)?), None => None, }; let delay_setter =|delay_seconds| { quote! { .delay_seconds(#delay_seconds) } }); let easing_setter = config.easing.as_ref().map(|easing| { quote! { .default_easing(#easing) } }); let repeat_setter = match &config.repeat { Some(KeyframeRepeatArgument::Fixed(lit_int)) => { let times: u32 = lit_int.base10_parse()?; Some(quote! { .repeat(::mina::Repeat::Times(#times)) }) } Some(KeyframeRepeatArgument::Infinite(_)) => { Some(quote! { .repeat(::mina::Repeat::Infinite) }) } _ => None, }; let reverse_setter =|_| quote! { .reverse(true) }); let keyframe_appenders = config .keyframes .iter() .map(|kf| builder_append_keyframe(name, kf)) .collect::>>()?; Ok(quote! { #name::timeline() #duration_setter #delay_setter #easing_setter #repeat_setter #reverse_setter #(#keyframe_appenders)* .build() }) } fn seconds_multiplier(num_lit: &NumericLit) -> Result { match num_lit.suffix() { "s" => Ok(1.0), "ms" => Ok(0.001), _ => Err(Error::new(num_lit.span(), "blah")), } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] struct TimelineInput { target_type: Type, config: TimelineOrMergeConfig, } impl Parse for TimelineInput { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result { Ok(Self { target_type: input.parse()?, config: input.parse()?, }) } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] pub struct TimelineOrMergeConfig { pub timelines: Vec, } impl Parse for TimelineOrMergeConfig { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { if input.peek(token::Bracket) { let content; let _ = bracketed!(content in input); let timelines = Punctuated::::parse_separated_nonempty(&content)?; Ok(Self { timelines: timelines.into_iter().collect(), }) } else { Ok(Self { timelines: vec![input.parse()?], }) } } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] pub struct TimelineConfig { pub _span: Span, pub duration: Option, pub delay: Option, pub easing: Option, pub repeat: Option, pub reverse: Option, pub keyframes: Vec, } impl TimelineConfig { fn new(span: Span) -> Self { Self { _span: span, duration: None, delay: None, easing: None, repeat: None, reverse: None, keyframes: Vec::new(), } } } impl Parse for TimelineConfig { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { let mut config = TimelineConfig::new(input.span()); loop { if input.peek(Token![,]) || input.cursor().eof() { break; } else if input.peek(Token![for]) { config.duration = Some(input.parse()?); } else if input.peek(kw::after) { config.delay = Some(input.parse()?); } else if input.peek(kw::reverse) { config.reverse = Some(input.parse()?); } else if input.peek(kw::infinite) { config.repeat = Some(input.parse()?); } else if input.peek(kw::from) || input.peek(kw::to) { config.keyframes.push(input.parse()?); } else if input.peek(Lit) { let lookahead_input = input.fork(); let lit = lookahead_input.parse::()?; match lit.suffix() { "s" | "ms" => config.duration = Some(input.parse()?), "x" => config.repeat = Some(input.parse()?), "" if lookahead_input.peek(Token![%]) => config.keyframes.push(input.parse()?), _ => { return Err(Error::new( input.span(), concat!( "Timeline argument has no prefix and unrecognized suffix. ", "Supported suffixes are 's' or 'ms' for duration, 'x' for repeat ", "count or '%' for keyframes." ), )) } } } else if input.fork().parse::().is_ok() { // Can't peek on a Path (probably too complex/expensive?), so we have to attempt an // actual parse and fail gracefully if it's not a path. This branch goes last, i.e. // only runs if nothing else can match and we're about to fail anyway. config.easing = Some(input.parse::()?); } else { return Err(Error::new( input.span(), concat!( "Token type is not supported in timeline syntax. Expected one of: ", "[for] {duration}, after {delay}, {Easing}, reverse, {repeat}x, infinite, ", "from {keyframe}, to {keyframe}, or {pos}% {keyframe}." ), )); } } Ok(config) } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] pub enum NumericLit { Byte(LitByte), Int(LitInt), Float(LitFloat), } impl NumericLit { pub fn as_f32(&self) -> Result { let value = match self { NumericLit::Byte(lit_byte) => lit_byte.value() as f32, NumericLit::Int(lit_int) => lit_int.base10_parse()?, NumericLit::Float(lit_float) => lit_float.base10_parse()?, }; Ok(value) } pub fn span(&self) -> Span { match self { NumericLit::Byte(lit_byte) => lit_byte.span(), NumericLit::Int(lit_int) => lit_int.span(), NumericLit::Float(lit_float) => lit_float.span(), } } pub fn suffix(&self) -> &str { match self { NumericLit::Byte(lit_byte) => lit_byte.suffix(), NumericLit::Int(lit_int) => lit_int.suffix(), NumericLit::Float(lit_float) => lit_float.suffix(), } } } impl Parse for NumericLit { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { let lit = input.parse::()?; match lit { Lit::Byte(lit_byte) => Ok(NumericLit::Byte(lit_byte)), Lit::Int(lit_int) => Ok(NumericLit::Int(lit_int)), Lit::Float(lit_float) => Ok(NumericLit::Float(lit_float)), _ => Err(Error::new( lit.span(), "Literal in this position must be a numeric type.", )), } } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] pub struct TimelineDurationArgument { pub _prefix: Option, pub value: NumericLit, } impl Parse for TimelineDurationArgument { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { let prefix = if input.peek(Token![for]) { Some(input.parse()?) } else { None }; Ok(Self { _prefix: prefix, value: input.parse()?, }) } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] pub struct TimelineDelayArgument { pub _prefix: kw::after, pub value: NumericLit, } impl Parse for TimelineDelayArgument { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { Ok(Self { _prefix: input.parse()?, value: input.parse()?, }) } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] pub struct KeyframeConfig { pub position: KeyframePositionArgument, pub values: KeyframeValues, } impl Parse for KeyframeConfig { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { let position: KeyframePositionArgument; if input.peek(kw::from) { position = KeyframePositionArgument::From(input.parse()?); } else if input.peek(kw::to) { position = KeyframePositionArgument::To(input.parse()?); } else if input.peek(Lit) { let num_lit = input.parse::()?; let percent_token = input.parse::()?; position = KeyframePositionArgument::Percent(num_lit, percent_token); } else { return Err(Error::new( input.span(), concat!( "Invalid keyframe position; expected the keyword 'from', 'to' or a number ", "ending in %" ), )); } Ok(Self { position, values: input.parse()?, }) } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] pub enum KeyframePositionArgument { From(kw::from), To(kw::to), Percent(NumericLit, Token![%]), } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] pub enum KeyframeRepeatArgument { Fixed(LitInt), Infinite(kw::infinite), } impl Parse for KeyframeRepeatArgument { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> syn::Result { if input.peek(kw::infinite) { Ok(Self::Infinite(input.parse()?)) } else { let lit = input.parse::()?; if let Lit::Int(lit_int) = lit { Ok(Self::Fixed(lit_int)) } else { Err(Error::new( lit.span(), "Repeat argument must be an integer literal", )) } } } } #[cfg_attr(feature = "parse-debug", derive(Debug))] pub enum KeyframeValues { Default(Token![default]), Explicit(Punctuated, token::Brace), } impl Parse for KeyframeValues { fn parse(input: ParseStream) -> Result { if input.peek(Token![default]) { Ok(KeyframeValues::Default(input.parse()?)) } else { let content; let brace_token = braced!(content in input); let values = Punctuated::parse_terminated(&content)?; Ok(KeyframeValues::Explicit(values, brace_token)) } } } pub mod kw { use syn::custom_keyword; custom_keyword!(from); // Keyframe at 0% custom_keyword!(to); // Keyframe at 100% custom_keyword!(after); // Timeline delay custom_keyword!(reverse); // Timeline auto-reverses custom_keyword!(infinite); // Timeline repeats infinitely }