# minecrevy_net A [Minecraft: Java Edition](https://www.minecraft.net/en-us) compatible [networking](https://wiki.vg/Protocol) library, powered by [Bevy](https://bevyengine.org/) and [Tokio](https://tokio.rs/). ## Requirements These requirements are a must to be compatible with the Minecraft: Java Edition protocol. - Big-Endian over the network. - Client-Server architecture. ## Goals - **Embrace ECS**: Client connections are stored as Entities. Connections are dropped when the entity is despawned. - **Performant**: Scale up to many connections without breaking a sweat. - **Flexible**: Handling N clients should be similarly easy to handling 1 client. - **Comprehensive**: Support server-side networking, but also client-side networking. ## Prior Art Bevy ecosystem networking libraries: - [bevy_replicon](https://github.com/lifescapegame/bevy_replicon) - [matchbox](https://github.com/johanhelsing/matchbox) - [bevy_renet](https://github.com/lucaspoffo/renet/tree/master/bevy_renet) - [bevy_client_server_events](https://github.com/edouardpoitras/bevy_client_server_events) - [bevy_quinnet](https://github.com/Henauxg/bevy_quinnet)