# mini-c-ares-resolver A fork of [c-ares-resolver](https://github.com/dimbleby/c-ares-resolver), which use [mini-c-ares](https://github.com/zh-jq/mini-c-ares) instead of [c-ares](https://github.com/dimbleby/rust-c-ares/). , for asynchronous DNS requests. This crate provides three resolver types - the `Resolver`, the `FutureResolver`, and the `BlockingResolver`: - The `Resolver` is the thinnest wrapper around the underlying `c-ares` library. It returns answers via callbacks. The other resolvers are built on top of this. - The `FutureResolver` returns answers as `std::future::Future`s. - The `BlockingResolver` isn't asynchronous at all - as the name suggests, it blocks until the lookup completes. ## Documentation API documentation is [here](https://docs.rs/mini-c-ares-resolver). ## Contributing Contributions should be sent to [c-ares-resolver](https://github.com/dimbleby/c-ares-resolver).